Suggest correction - #6555 - 2013-03-01

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    $400 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reads the clue from the American Red Cross in New Orleans Louisiana.) The Southeast Louisiana chapter of the Red Cross was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The height of the tile trim on the Memorial Wall denotes this
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Show #6555 - Friday, March 1, 2013


Melissa Leanza, a bookkeeper from Laguna Hills, California

Craig Sallinger, a government librarian from Washington, D.C.

Sara Garnett, a graduate student of zoology originally from Okemos, Michigan (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $53,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
The moment for an herb sometimes grouped with parsley, sage & rosemary
    $200 1
In the early 1860's, his dog Fido became the first presidential dog to be photographed
    $200 15
The title of this 2005 film refers to Aslan, Jadis & a piece of furniture
    $200 13
It's the seat of Ector County & in a novel the name of an organization for ex-Nazis with a "file" on it
    $200 10
It's where your line of fate & line of health are found
    $200 2
A 7th century French saint gave his name to this nut
    $400 20
An accomplishment of one's tootsies
    $400 4
Garfield named his dog this to warn Congress not to send him any bills that he didn't want to sign into law
    $400 16
In "Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban", Sirius Black tells her, "You really are the brightest witch of your age"
    $400 27
It's north of Abilene & can also be either a dinner jacket or a complete formal outfit
    $400 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reads the clue from the American Red Cross in New Orleans Louisiana.) The Southeast Louisiana chapter of the Red Cross was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The height of the tile trim on the Memorial Wall denotes this
    $400 3
Dogbert & Catbert are characters in this comic strip
    $600 21
To lightly damage beers
    $600 5
A pup of liberty, this "golden" breed owned by Gerald Ford, became a guide dog for the blind
    $600 17
3 college kids go missing while investigating strange doings in the Black Hills Forest in this 1999 film
    $600 28
It's southeast of Amarillo; a person in this job passes the bull with a muleta; Olé!
    $600 24
This conduit carries oil about 800 miles from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez Harbor
    $600 8
He's the royal dad of Princess Astrid of Belgium
    $800 22
The falsehood regarding the sodium hydroxide solution
    DD: $1,000 6
Thomas Jefferson owned 2 briards that were a gift from this Frenchman
    $800 18
Angela Lansbury played an apprentice witch with a flying bed in this Disney film that mixed live action & animation
    $800 29
I-35 goes through it; it's a university in Pennsylvania or a synagogue
    $800 25
The line of latitude called this is the northern boundary of the Tropical Zone
    $800 9
Sadly this "Unfinished Symphony" composer finished living at the age of 31
    $1000 23
100% a tool for making small holes in leather
    $1000 7
This chocolate lab was First Dog from 1997 to 2001
    $1000 19
Connie Booth, John Cleese's then-wife, played the accused witch ("She turned me into a newt!") in this movie
    $1000 30
It's an Air Force base & a nickname of England's property-poor King John
    $1000 26
In Monteverde & Puntarenas in this country you can zip line through cloud & rainforest canopies
    $1000 12
This monarch's greatest victory over the English came at Bannockburn in 1314

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Sara Craig Melissa
$3,200 $1,400 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sara Craig Melissa
$7,000 $3,600 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All kinds of ....)
    $400 1
Is described by World Book as "a small country where western civilization started about 2,500 years ago"
    $400 6
9-letter word for the 2 in the fraction 2/3
    $400 7
Cosimo de' Medici began ruling Florence in 1434, just 5 years after she helped at the siege of Orleans
    $400 12
Missouri businessmen financed Charles LIndbergh, allowing him to buy this plane in which he made history
    $400 17
In 1959 he was the drummer for a Liverpool band called Rory Storm & the Hurricanes
    $800 2
Is bordered on the north by the Baltic Sea & separated from Germany by the Oder River
    $800 22
Fats are one of the 3 main classes of these that provide energy to the body
    $800 8
In 1675, Leibniz was inventing calculus while this architect had his design of St. Paul's accepted by the King
    $800 13
He flew faster than the speed of sound in a Bell X-1 that he named Glamorous Glennis for his wife
    $800 18
Jason, the son of this man, wielded the drumsticks for a Led Zeppelin reunion at a 1988 concert
    $1200 3
Is an island country due south of Turkey
    $1200 23
An annoying thing, or in law, something offensive to the community
    $1200 9
While Baron Munchhausen was lying about his exploits, this Italian was exploiting his lying around
    $1200 14
Despite being made almost entirely of birch, Howard Hughe's flying boat was dubbed this by the press
    $1200 19
Despite losing an arm in a car accident, Rick Allen is still the drummer for this hard rockin' "Hysteria" band
    $1200 26
In the title of a novel about "The Assassination Of Jesse James", author Ron Hansen called this man a coward
    DD: $2,500 4
Has a territory just off Canada, even though it's 1,300 miles away
    $1600 24
It precedes weapon, winter & waste
    $1600 10
In 1858 Bernadette of Lourdes had visions of the Virgin Mary while John Speke sighted this lake, the source of the Nile
    $1600 15
He was flying the Fokker DRI triplane no. 425/17 when he was killed in action in April 1918
    $1600 20
Neil Peart of this band gets his sound with Pro Mark NP Signature 747 drumsticks
    $1600 27
Initially, Henry Fleming is overwhelmed by fear & flees the battlefield in this Stephen Crane novel
    $2000 5
You'd visit to ski Kitzbuhel
    $2000 25
Pertaining to coins
    $2000 11
In July, 1865 Edward Whymper scaled the Matterhorn; a month later, he found an effective antiseptic with carbolic acid
    $2000 16
This B-29 that dropped the "Fat Man" bomb over Nagasaki was named for flyer Frederick C. Bock
    $2000 21
Seen here, he made history in 1927 by being the first drummer to use a full kit on a recording
    DD: $2,500 28
The character "judgement of" this second son of Priam was that he was a coward during the Trojan War

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sara Craig Melissa
$11,800 $11,000 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1938 his company began installing instruments in U.S. homes to record the frequencies to which a radio was tuned

Final scores:

Sara Craig Melissa
$22,001 $21,998 $600
3-day champion: $75,403 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sara Craig Melissa
$11,600 $16,000 $6,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
23 R,
8 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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