Suggest correction - #6530 - 2013-01-25

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    $2000 25
Charlie Chaplin inspired this man born in Strasbourg in 1923 to create his own brand of silent clowning

Show #6530 - Friday, January 25, 2013

Joshua Brakhage game 3.


Sean Link, a non-profit communications coordinator originally from Terryville, Connecticut

Lauren Thomas, a server originally from Owensboro, Kentucky

Joshua Brakhage, a TV news producer originally from South Coffeyville, Oklahoma (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,006)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Pairs of these bones protect the heart & lungs by forming a cage around the chest cavity
    $200 11
They gave listeners a "Taste of Honey":
Herb Alpert and the ____ Brass
    $200 1
On July 11, 2012 2 of the 3 "Top Issues" at this department's site were simply "Iraq" & "Afghanistan"
    $200 6
In 2012 the mass killer of 77 people in this Scandinavian country got the maximum sentence--21 years
    $200 16
It means to tattle on somebody, you little...
    $200 21
Scratching while playing pool generally means sinking this ball--oops
    $400 27
Resting on the upper jaw bone are the 2 zygomatic bones, also known as these facial bones
    $400 12
"Stop, hey what's that sound":
Buffalo ____
    $400 2
"No Child Left Behind" & "Nation's Report Card" are links at this department's website
    $400 7
In 1966 Italy's Arno River flooded, damaging many of this city's art treasures, among them Donatello's "Magdalen"
    $400 17
To cut class
    $400 22
Ted Nugent knows this "fever" is characterized by a swelling of the lymph glands
    DD: $1,400 28
Because it supports the head, the topmost vertebra is called this, also the name of a mythical giant
    $600 13
Top 40 advice from them was "Relax":
Frankie Goes to ____
    $600 3
"Top Requests" of this department include "File a complaint against a trucking company"
    $600 8
In 1653 he dismissed the "Long Parliament" saying "Be gone, you rogues. You have sat long enough"
    $600 18
Look into my eyes--it means to captivate someone as if by magic
    $600 23
The name of this surgical knife comes from the Latin for "to scratch", though it does more than that
    $800 29
It might amuse you to know that it's the longest & largest bone of the arm
    $800 14
Had the apt hit "Boy From New York City":
____ Transfer
    $800 4
"Secretary's Key Initiative Sites" for this dept. featured &
    $800 9
His courageous union leadership during the 1980s helped bring freedom to millions
    $800 19
This comical sci-fi book was inspired by a 1970s handbook for travelling Europe on a budget
    $800 24
Someone who exchanges favors or services for mutual advantage--a little lower, please
    $1000 30
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) When you rest your hand on your hip, you can feel this broad, flat bone that's also the Latin name for ancient Troy
    $1000 15
A-listers who sang "We Are The World":
USA for ____
    $1000 5
The Bureau of Reclamation & the National Park Service are on the organizational chart for this department
    $1000 10
In 1669, after a 21-year siege, the Ottomans won this Mediterranean island; it's now Greece's largest island
    $1000 20
On a submarine the rudder controls yaw & the diving planes control the up-&-down angle, called this
    $1000 25
There's often a scratchy sound when you play records made for this many RPM, the standard speed until the 1940s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joshua Lauren Sean
$2,200 $1,800 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joshua Lauren Sean
$7,800 $3,400 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

small state capitals
A, B, C, D, E & THAT'S ALL
(Alex: Only those letters have possibilities as coming up in the final correct response.)
    $400 2
The dome of the state capitol in this Pennsylvania city is a copy of St. Peter's in Rome
    $400 1
Christina's got "The Voice"; Kelly Clarkson is on this singing competition where it takes 2
    $400 18
"'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber door--only this, and nothing more'"
    $400 16
Turns out Luke Perry is a "worthless half-brother" of this clown on "The Simpsons"
    $400 26
Fitzroy House, a fine 1791 mansion in this style named for the kings of the time, is now devoted to L. Ron Hubbard
    $400 11
A Murphy one comes out of the wall
    $800 3
Though small in population, it has an area of 3,248 square miles, part covered by an ice cap
    $800 7
With a rare ability to remember, Marilu Henner consults on this show about a cop with the same knack
    $800 19
"My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near"
    $800 17
This mascot of a restaurant made his official debut in 1963 & is still around today
    $800 27
In the Freud Museum, formerly Sigmund's house, you can see this comfy piece of furniture that's covered with a rug
    $800 12
A taxi, or to travel in one
    $1200 4
This South Dakota city was named for Monsieur Chouteau, a fur trader
    $1200 8
The first season of this show was the behind-the-scenes drama of making a Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe
    DD: $2,000 20
"A tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair"
    $1200 23
The 1904-06 Rose Period of this painter included the use of masked clown characters popular in commedia dell'arte
    $1200 28
Apsley House, home of this duke & general, is known as "Number One London"
    $1200 13
To recede, like the tide; it's often paired with "flow"
    $1600 5
In an 1894 election to decide the state capital, the city of Anaconda near Butte lost out to this city
    $1600 9
You gotta love Archie Panjabi as Kalinda, Lockhart/Gardner's tenacious investigator, on this legal drama
    $1600 21
"I can read his righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps: his day is marching on"
    $1600 24
"Send In The Clowns" is from 1973's "A Little Night Music" by this legendary Broadway songwriter
    $1600 29
A Jimi Hendrix house & museum is next to the house & museum where this German-born composer lived 1723-1759
    $1600 14
To yield territory
    DD: $4,400 6
The completion of the DuPont Highway in 1924 was a catalyst in this capital's growth
    $2000 10
Jennifer Love Hewitt plays a mom who works at that kind of massage parlor on this steamy Lifetime series
    $2000 22
"So much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens"
    $2000 25
Charlie Chaplin inspired this man born in Strasbourg in 1923 to create his own brand of silent clowning
    $2000 30
A palace built from 1756 to 1766 is known as this house, after the Earl & ancestor of Princess Diana who built it
    $2000 15
A work of classical Icelandic poetry

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joshua Lauren Sean
$14,600 $9,800 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Before this show hit Broadway in 1964, one of its working titles was "The Luckiest People"

Final scores:

Joshua Lauren Sean
$9,599 $1 $5,600
3-day champion: $49,605 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joshua Lauren Sean
$18,200 $9,800 $9,600
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
3 W
15 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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