Suggest correction - #6512 - 2013-01-01

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    $800 7
Security Council Resolution 1540 enforces non-proliferation of "nuclear, chemical &" this type of weapon

Show #6512 - Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Laura Suzuki, a graphic designer from Toronto, Canada

Andrew Schwerin, a law student from Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Paula Menasche, a high school social studies teacher from Coral Gables, Florida (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $34,700)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each clue will have one word with the British spelling of that word; you have to correct the spelling for us.)
    $200 11
I'll adopt a rescue dog instead of last year's error, taking in this University of Michigan mascot
    $200 7
Medford, Oregon
    $200 6
When asked to describe herself, she says first & foremost, she is Malia & Sasha's mom
    $200 15
A 2-part episode of "JAG" introduced this Mark Harmon drama
    $200 1
We are positive David Mark's book "Going Dirty" is subtitled "The Art of" this type of "Campaigning"
    $200 18
I'm not positive that Harriet is receiving enough fibre in her diet
    $400 12
I will journey to this continent to climb some of the Queen Maud Mountains, named for the Queen of Norway
    $400 8
Casper, Wyoming
    $400 23
Bessie Coleman, the first black woman licensed as a pilot, landed a street named in her honor at this Chicago airport
    $400 2
The Pulitzer-winning "The Making of the President 1960" covered this man's successful presidential campaign
    $400 19
That adolescent's behaviour is utterly reprehensible
    $600 13
I want to be more scholarly: I will critique "The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time" by this physicist
    $600 9
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    $600 24
Rita Dove titled a collection of poems "On the Bus with" this woman
    $600 3
In "The Deadlocked Election of 1800", James R. Sharp outlines the fall of this dueling vice president
    $600 20
I can't conceive why you believed you had licence to dissemble in such a fashion
    $800 14
I resolve to lose 50 pounds, like Marie Osmond did using this diet program; Dan Marino lost 22
    $800 10
Akron, Ohio
    $800 4
"Final Victory" by Stanley Weintraub traces FDR's tough reelection fight during this year
    $800 21
Your manoeuvre showed expertise & precision far in excess of what I'd expected
    $1000 17
I'm gonna read 100 books, including "Dearie", a biography of this woman who mastered the art of French cooking
    $1000 16
Lewiston, Idaho
    DD: $1,500 25
In an essay defending this 2011 film, Myrlie Evers-Williams said, "My mother was" this film "& so was her mother"
    $1000 5
This bestseller about problems on the McCain-Palin ticket became an HBO movie with Julianne Moore
    $1000 22
You will aggravate our quarrel if you persist in failing to recognise my authority

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paula Andrew Laura
$200 $400 -$1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paula Andrew Laura
$2,000 $3,700 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
Feb. 1, National Freedom Day, is the date in 1865 when a resolution sent the states an amendment ending this
    $400 11
One of his "Tales of a Wayside Inn" begins, "Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere"
    $400 26
"Patriot Games"; he's had other iconic roles, in space & underground
    $400 17
The Arabic amir, "commander", evolved into this U.S. naval rank
    $400 16
In 1980 China founded a center for these cute creatures in its bamboo-rich Wolong Nature Preserve
    $400 1
    $800 7
Security Council Resolution 1540 enforces non-proliferation of "nuclear, chemical &" this type of weapon
    $800 12
In 1787 he signed his first published poem "Axiologus"; axio- is from the Greek for "worth"
    $800 27
"The Hunt for Red October"; he went more comedic as Jack Donaghy on "30 Rock"
    $800 18
A czarina is the wife of a czar; a czarevna is this person
    $800 19
Early projects of the WWF, this organization, included work with the bald eagle & the red wolf
    $800 2
A breakfast item,
or to equivocate
    $1200 8
The practice of pre-authorizing presidential use of force dates to a 1955 resolution re: this island near mainland China
    $1200 13
Poet Laureate John Betjeman's hymn on this 1977 royal milestone made newspapers invite readers to submit better ones
    $1200 28
"The Sum of All Fears"; he also won a screenwriting Oscar for "Good Will Hunting"
    DD: $1,500 23
Italian for "leader", it was especially applied to Benito Mussolini
    $1200 20
A 1989 ivory ban followed a decade in which Africa's population of these creatures went from 1.3 million to 600,000
    $1200 3
Wiggle out of doing something, like a ferret relative
    $1600 9
U.N. Res. 242 supports "secure and recognized boundaries" for Israel & neighbors following this June 1967 war
    $1600 14
John Greenleaf Whittier wrote, "Blessings on thee, little man, barefoot boy, with cheek of" this
    $1600 24
This person is the queen's representative in Canada; currently the office is held by David Johnston
    DD: $2,000 21
Indonesia's largest lizard, it's protected from poachers, though we wish it could breathe fire to do the job itself
    $1600 4
    $2000 10
The Kentucky & Virginia resolutions were passed to protest these controversial 1798 acts of Congress
    $2000 15
She wrote, "My candle burns at both ends... but, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--it gives a lovely light"
    $2000 25
The civil service of the Chinese empire had 9 grades of these officials
    $2000 22
In 2001, scientists wore suits to look like this bird & flew an aircraft to show captive-borns how to migrate
    $2000 5
German for a child prodigy

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paula Andrew Laura
$11,900 $10,100 $9,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Held in 1857, America's first national landscape design contest was for the creation of this place

Final scores:

Paula Andrew Laura
$20,400 $18,600 $6,000
3-day champion: $55,100 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paula Andrew Laura
$11,600 $9,200 $9,000
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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