Suggest correction - #6495 - 2012-12-07

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    $2000 22
Paintings seen along the sloping path for wheelchairs
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Show #6495 - Friday, December 7, 2012


Josh Frumkin, a non-profit assistant director of donor relations from Germantown, Maryland

Rebecca Neese, a school office clerk from Rosemead, California

Noah Rachels, a university fundraiser from Astoria, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,099)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
If I say my car's engine needs a jump, I mean this part
    $200 9
A great fish swallows a reluctant prophet
    $200 14
Known for its "bleeding" / Means "people of the south wind" / Auntei Em! Twister!
    $200 18
This old buddy & roommate of Bert has one of TV's most distinctive laughs
    $200 6
"Taste Buds And Molecules" is an in-depth analysis of the pairing of food & this
    $200 1
Catch a criminal
    $400 25
This track & field event has a fully equipped bar-- it's set at around 7'6" for the top men
    $400 10
Moas & boas are loaded onto Noah's ark
    $400 15
Can't miss Missoula / It's Helena hand basket / Custer stopped standing
    $400 19
This bully on "The Simpsons" responds to others' misfortunes with "haaaww-haw"
    $400 7
Among her books are "Classic 30-Minute Meals" & "Yum-O! The Family Cookbook"
    $400 2
Agile, like "Jack be"
    $600 28
Yes, Caine of "Kung Fu", this insect can leap 20 times its body length; a human would have to leap about 120' to do that
    DD: $1,000 11
3 friends are thrown into a fiery furnace
    $600 20
Jake, it's Morgantown / Now, country roads, take me home / Mountaineers to ya!
    $600 21
Then in his 70s, he unleashed his horror-fying laugh on the song "Thriller"
    $600 8
This bestselling expose by Eric Schlosser is subtitled "The Dark Side Of The All-American Meal"
    $600 3
Bedtime cocktail or head covering
    $800 29
Jumping, parrying & blocking techniques are part of this Korean martial art that translates to "kick fist way"
    $800 12
Shamgar, one of the title arbiters, kills 600 Philistines with an ox goad
    $800 22
Borders just one state / That's wicked good lobstah, right? / Hey, it's Stephen King!
    $800 26
In 1984 Tom Hulce played a genius with a weird cackle in this title role
    $800 16
"The New Sugar Busters!" explains this "index", which ranks foods by how they affect the blood glucose levels
    $800 4
Unicorn of the sea
    $1000 30
In the U.S. Army jump masters transform regular soldiers into these
    $1000 13
Thomas doubts the other apostles have really met the risen Jesus
    $1000 23
We touch Canada / Bogus basin, not bougs / Who wants some French fries?
    $1000 27
The 1930 film "Anna Christie" was promoted with she "talks!"; the 1939 "Ninotchka", with she "laughs"
    $1000 17
David Zinczenko tells readers how to swap foods to save calories in a popular series with this 4-word title
    $1000 5
Not affiliated with a particular religious group

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Noah Rebecca Josh
$2,200 -$600 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Noah Rebecca Josh
$5,000 $400 $8,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and I have to give you an example for something that might appear in [*]. "A residence extending wide", the correct response would be, "What is the home stretch?")
    $400 1
In the early 1900s the wall of the penitentiary in this Georgia capital was the USA's largest concrete mass
    $400 16
In 1886, before moving to Paris, this scientists wrote her cousin Henrika, "My plans for the future? I have none"
    $400 26
Since 1955 every Supreme Court nominee has testified before this Senate committee
    $400 6
He was inducted in 2000 along with partner Glenn Frey
    $400 11
Cyanosis, a bluish cast to the skin, is caused by a lack of this gas in the blood
    $400 18
A young goat's daytime snooze
    $800 2
Criminals sent "up the river" went up the Hudson river to this joint
    $800 17
Historic last name of brothers Lucien & Joseph; their children Charles & Zenaide married each other in 1822
    $800 27
Congressfolks, don't cross this committee that's empowered to enforce the House's Code of Official Conduct
    $800 7
He was inducted for "It's So Easy" & "That'll Be The Day", among others
    $800 12
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of a constellation on a monitor.) A figurative sword marked by faint stars extends from Alnilam, the middle of a grouping of 3 stars representing the belt of this constellation
    $800 19
A Bundt taking a stroll
    $1200 3
In September 1971 tough-on-crime Governor Nelson Rockefeller authorized the retaking by force of this prison
    $1200 23
This small-town English authoress had a glamorous cousin, Eliza de Feuillide, whose husband was guillotined
    $1200 28
Chairman Jeff Miller of the House Committee on their "Affairs" has called for an audit of the cemeteries it oversees
    $1200 8
He opened the 2012 ceremony with "Turn The Page", then stood like a rock as he was inducted
    $1200 13
Also called reduction division, it's the process by which cells divide in sexually reproducing organisms
    $1200 20
Hey, yellow fruit, leave, just get on out of here, dig?
    DD: $3,000 4
It was closed in 1963 because it was too costly to operate; 1 million gallons of water were shipped to the island each week
    $1600 24
Here this artist depicts Edouard Manet niece Julie with her cousin
    $1600 29
This Senate committee has subcommittees on seapower & strategic forces
    $1600 9
In 2007 the Hall welcomed this "Okie from Muskogee"
    DD: $2,000 14
Teflon is an example of this type of compound that contains only the elements F & C
    $1600 21
A perch rolls strikes & spares
    $2000 5
Prisoners in Angola in this southern state can study for degrees at a Baptist seminary
    $2000 25
The 1572 Paris wedding of King Henri to his cousin was the "Scarlet Nuptials"--this massacre was just days later
    $2000 10
He was inducted along with partner Richie Sambora
    $2000 15
This male reproductive organ of a flowering plant produces pollen in the anther
    $2000 22
Paintings seen along the sloping path for wheelchairs

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Noah Rebecca Josh
$5,000 $800 $18,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1962 play takes place beginning at 2 A.M. in the living room of a house on a New England college campus

Final scores:

Noah Rebecca Josh
$7 $400 $17,200
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $17,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Noah Rebecca Josh
$7,000 $1,800 $17,200
14 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $26,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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