Suggest correction - #6488 - 2012-11-28

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    DD: $3,500 30
From the spring of 1508 until October 1512, he painted on a scaffold with his "beard turned up to heaven"

Show #6488 - Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jason Shore game 1.


Todd Federman, a professor and education consultant from Livingston, New Jersey

Jason Shore, a medical student from Plano, Texas

Lucas Peterson, an actor originally from Oak Park, Illinois (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $33,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not the Oakland A's.)
    $200 1
In November 1936 it began carrying traffic between San Francisco & Oakland across the water it's named for
    $200 3
Starring Jane Fonda:
"____ Ballou"
    $200 8
Minted in 1767, he did enough to get his mug on our $20 bill
    $200 14
Placed on top of a pillar, a herm is a bust of this god for whom it's named
    $200 17
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Tuesdays are dedicated to this man who foreshadowed the arrival of Jesus
    $200 22
Waka taua are these boats that can be more than 100 feet long & hold 80 paddlers
    $400 2
In between stints as California's governor, he served 2 terms as Oakland's mayor
    $400 5
A movie with "true grit":
"____ Cogburn"
    $400 9
Met life in 1879, wrote 6 books & never met a man he didn't like
    $400 15
An ocean sponge known for its lattice-like skeleton
is called this love goddess'
flower basket
    $400 24
On "Black Tuesday", Oct. 29 of this year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed & lost 23% of its value
    $400 23
Maori ceremonial cloaks called korowai are made with the feathers of a rare albino variety of this flightless bird
    $600 4
What's now East Oakland was once a city called this, like a borough southeast of Manhattan
    $600 13
Technology tracks & controls Shia LaBeouf:
"____ Eye"
    $600 10
Born in Simbirsk in 1870, founded the Comintern with comrades
    $600 16
A Phrygian king is the source for this 2-word phrase for the talent for making wealth out of any business endeavor
    $600 25
In rhyme "Tuesday's child is full of" this
    DD: $1,000 28
Seen before rugby games, a haka is one of these & is performed "so that the whole body should speak"
    $800 6
Huey Newton & Bobby Seale founded this radical party in Oakland in 1966
    $800 20
A fantasy film by Tim Burton:
"Big ____"
    $800 11
Born in England but moved left to the U.S. (& right politically), told us about it in "Hitch-22"
    $800 18
A source of unforeseen troubles, it's derived from a container that held all the world's evils
    $800 26
Every 4 years a politically important day is dubbed this; in 2012 it was March 6
    $1000 7
Francis Smith, the 19th c. "king" of this mineral soap additive, helped build Oakland's streetcar system
    $1000 21
Based on a true Australian story:
"____-Proof Fence"
    $1000 12
Born in 1892, military man, into Spain management, still dead since 1975
    $1000 19
A project that is, by design, never finished is called the web of this woman, Ulysses' wife
    $1000 27
For Greeks, Tuesday is considered unlucky; it was the day of the week this city fell in 1453

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lucas Jason Todd
$1,800 $2,000 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lucas Jason Todd
$5,000 $5,000 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
One version of Botticelli's "Adoration of the Magi" was painted with portraits of this Florentine family, his patrons
    $400 14
Look! Down on the ground! It's not a bird! It's not a plane! It's this Daily Planet reporter
    $400 8
This word for "burial" is sometimes confused with a similar word for forced confinement
    $400 3
Langston Hughes called this Harriet Beecher Stowe novel "the most cussed & discussed book of its time"
    $400 12
The first 2 decades of the 20th century are called the "heroic era" of exploration of this continent
    $400 2
Kiss-inducing Christmastime shrub
    $800 26
Tintoretto's "Miracle of St. Mark" was done for the Scuola di San Marco in this city protected by that saint
    $800 15
Croydon Avenue & Dovedale Road intersect Penny Lane in this city
    $800 1
A musical composition written for a mass for the dead; Mozart's is heard here
    $800 13
This Mark Twain book contains such chapters as "The Ogre's Castle" & "Merlin's Tower"
    $800 20
This period in Europe that came right after the Middle Ages was marked by a rebirth of interest in classical learning
    $800 4
Adjective for a non-electric musical instrument
    $1200 29
Lino Tagliapietra "blew" his future when he dropped out at 11 to work in this medium; he's one of the modern masters in it
    $1200 16
He got a Golden Globe nomination for his role of Albert in "The Birdcage"
    $1200 9
6 is the traditional number of these, though more can be used if the casket is heavy
    $1200 18
Mess officer Milo Minderbinder profits by working both sides during World War II in this 1961 novel
    $1200 21
The Boston Columbian Centinel coined this term for the mood of the U.S., widely used to describe Monroe's 2 terms
    $1200 5
To step lightly
    DD: $3,500 30
From the spring of 1508 until October 1512, he painted on a scaffold with his "beard turned up to heaven"
    $1600 17
In 2008 Diane Lane spent some "Nights in Rodanthe" with Paul, played by this leading man
    $1600 10
To stay awake watching over the deceased is to keep one of these, from the Latin for "awake"
    $1600 19
His 1949 collection of stories "Knight's Gambit" features Gavin Stevens, a county attorney from Yoknapatawpha
    DD: $2,000 23
In the 1890s this era of economic, political & social reform in the U.S. began moving forward, as it name says
    $1600 6
Spectacles substitutes
    $2000 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) Caravaggio's "Deposition from the Cross" illustrates this technique that uses light & shadow to create 3-D effects; its name is from the Italian for "clear and dark"
    $2000 27
"Oh, do you know the muffin man?" Well, in the kids' song, this street is where the man lives
    $2000 11
French term for a long queue of people & cars taking part in a funeral procession
    $2000 22
In this Ray Bradbury tale, the title character has tattoos that move & change, each telling a story
    $2000 24
Trilobites lived throughout this era, from the Cambrian to Permian periods
    $2000 7
To assault

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lucas Jason Todd
$11,400 $22,900 $3,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was created in the early 1700s from 2 counties purchased by an Austrian prince; he named the nation for his family

Final scores:

Lucas Jason Todd
$0 $22,878 $2,200
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $22,878 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lucas Jason Todd
$11,400 $20,200 $3,600
19 R,
7 W
23 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $35,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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