Suggest correction - #6467 - 2012-10-30

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    DD: $3,000 20
Pamlico Sound, the largest lagoon on the East Coast, is located on the eastern shore of this state
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Show #6467 - Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Keith Whitener game 5.


Robert Herzfeld, a circuit judge from Benton, Arkansas

Dana Sellke, a customer service representative from Westerville, Ohio

Keith Whitener, a research chemist originally from Charlotte, North Carolina (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $87,998)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the clue, and the number of letters, each response beginning with a "V".)
    $200 29
For a tasty appetizer, try crab-stuffed portobello ones of these
    $200 15
Shakespeare wrote about these 2, "Never was a story of more woe"
    $200 6
Part of a man's 3-piece suit
    $200 10
No motor needed when soaring in a sailplane, one type of this
    $200 1
As well as rain or snow, it can mean the process of separating a solid from a solution
    $400 28
Hot out of the oven is one of these stuffed pizza turnovers of Naples
    $400 16
He's the "him" in Scarlett O'Hara's line at the end of "Gone with the Wind", "I'll think of some way to get him back"
    $400 7
Poisonous "pit" snake
    $400 11
Numerical name for the early 20th century craft seen here
    $400 27
A refugee from the Fugees
    $400 2
A mouthbreeder is one of these, especially a cichlid, that carries eggs or young in its mouth
    $600 26
The Russian dish golubtsy is traditionally made with these leaves, stuffed & rolled
    $600 17
This Jane Austen protagonist eventually falls in love with George Knightley, brother of her sister's husband
    $600 8
"Elle" competitor
    DD: $1,600 12
Webster's dictionary from 1806 defined an aeronaut as "an aerial sailor in" one of these
    $600 23
A Down Under band
    $600 3
A Pelean one of these events is a violent one
    $800 25
This Mexican dish whose name means "stuffed pepper" is typically a green chile stuffed with cheese, covered in batter & fried
    $800 18
In this Ayn Rand novel, the chilly Dominique Francon finally throws herself at heroic architect Howard Roark
    $800 9
A wine maker
    $800 13
Used in Vietnam, the F-105 was this kind of craft, combining the 2 basic types of combat aircraft
    $800 22
A "beastly" Darius Rucker quartet
    $800 4
A big name in air conditioning, or one immune to a disease but able to transmit it
    $1000 24
Miss Leone's "Fire in the Pit" are queen ones of these stuffed with hot peppers
    $1000 20
In this O. Henry story, Della sells her hair to buy a Christmas present for Jim, only to discover that he bought her combs
    $1000 19
"Tender" eats for felines
    $1000 14
This Douglas plane with an alphanumeric all-rhyming name dominated airline travel in the '30s
    $1000 21
A Scottish lass
    $1000 5
"Oid" vey! My grandson is into all kinds of these nitrogenous compounds, like nicotine & ephedrine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Keith Dana Robert
$3,600 $200 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Dana Robert
$5,600 $1,600 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the Mr.)
    $400 1
Her reign from 1558 until her death in 1603 is often called the golden age of English history
    $400 7
Michael Douglas
    $400 5
"La Esmeralda", a 3-act ballet created in 1844, was based on this classic novel
    $400 14
Widely considered the most beautiful bridge in D.C., the Arlington Memorial Bridge spans this river
    $400 17
This term for a piece of sporting equipment protecting your teeth also refers to a criminal lawyer
    $800 2
The first section of this 1215 document states that "the English church shall be free"
    $800 8
Nick Cannon
    $800 27
A plush tail that curves over its back is a trademark of this Japanese dog
    $800 12
Cecil B. De Mille's dancin' niece, she choreographed her last ballet, "The Other", in 1992 at age 86
    $800 15
This winding tributary of the Columbia River rises in a corner of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
    $800 18
A "Futurama" robot, or slang for a drinking spree
    $1200 3
Some call the 1487 Battle of Stoke won by Henry VII the last battle in this war between 2 royal houses
    $1200 9
Kevin Bacon
    $1200 26
Breeds of this dog group include the Airedale & Bedlington
    $1200 13
Among the few filmed sequences of this Russian ballerina are clips of her "dying swan" from 1907
    $1200 16
On August 5, 1864 it was "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" into this bay with Admiral Farragut's flagship in the lead
    $1200 19
This 3-word term for a restrictive device is used facetiously (we hope) when referring to one's wife
    DD: $1,000 4
This title was re-created in 1301 when Edward I gave it to his son who was born in Caernarfon
    $1600 10
Blake Shelton
    $1600 25
Originally from the Mediterranean, its' the aristocratic lapdog seen here
    DD: $3,000 20
Pamlico Sound, the largest lagoon on the East Coast, is located on the eastern shore of this state
    $1600 23
All aboard this transport toting a topping for turkey--it means an easy, lucrative job
    $2000 6
A London hospital founded for the Order of the Star of Bethlehem became known as this, also meaning a madhouse
    $2000 11
Sacha Baron Cohen
    $2000 24
Believed to be the oldest purebred dog, this greyhoundlike canine was sacred to the Egyptians
    $2000 21
The old Mormon town of St. Thomas, Nev. lies beneath this lake, & when the water is low, remnants can still be seen
    $2000 22
"Deadly" 2-word alliterative term for a strategy used to prevent a corporate takeover

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Dana Robert
$11,200 $2,000 $5,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"A Cry of Children" & "Nightmare Island" were proposed titles for this novel

Final scores:

Keith Dana Robert
$12,399 $4,000 $5,555
5-day champion: $100,397 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Keith Dana Robert
$10,800 $2,000 $4,000
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
5 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $16,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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