Suggest correction - #6445 - 2012-09-28

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    $800 22
Can you tell me how to get to this children's show that AFTRA honored for its positive portrayal of diversity

Show #6445 - Friday, September 28, 2012


Brendan DuBois, a mystery and suspense writer from Exeter, New Hampshire

Stephanie Kelleher, a controller from North Hollywood, California

Erica Mines, a high school English teacher originally from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's a good state.)
(Alex: Each correct response will consist of four letters, and the word will begin with the letter B.)
    $200 14
This is the official state beverage; got it?
    $200 1
According to Monopoly's rules, nothing special happens on this corner space; it's a resting spot, as its name implies
    $200 26
Pavlov, Turgenev & "the Terrible"
    $200 12
To relieve puffy eyes, many people use black, green or herbal these as a cold compress
    $200 6
It's the cry of a donkey
    $200 11
Bruno Tonioli & Carrie Ann Inaba are judges on this reality competition covered by AFTRA from its 2005 debut
    $400 15
Jamestown, North Dakota boasts a 46-foot-long, 26-foot-high statue of this roaming animal
    $400 2
These little guys make the cookies & crackers at the Hollow Tree Bakery
    $400 27
Andropov & Gagarin
    $400 13
Pink sugar and raspberry are colors in Revlon's Colorburst line of this
    $400 7
In 1 Kings, Yahweh beats this god of the Canaanites in a contest to burn an offering
    $400 20
In 2012 AFTRA voted to merge with this other performers' union also formed in the 1930s
    $600 16
(Sarah delivers the clue from North Dakota.) I'm in this state capital, that was named for a Prussian statesman in hopes of attracting German investors to the city
    $600 3
This 2-word term originally referred to the branch of the East India Co. run by staff not belonging to the military
    $600 28
Sikorsky & Stravinsky
    $600 17
Add some color & pizzazz to your life with OPI's Shatter or China Glaze's Crackle brands of this
    $600 8
A stain caused by a discoloring substance, or a stain on one's character
    $600 21
AFTRA's first national strike was settled April 10, 1967, just in time for this star-studded show to go on
    $800 24
One of the state's nicknames honors this regiment led by favorite adopted son Theodore Roosevelt
    $800 4
This euphemism for genocide or forced emigration is associated with the 1990s wars of Yugoslav secession
    $800 29
Eisenstein & Diaghilev
    $800 18
12-letter word for a procedure that removes tattoos, fine wrinkles & acne scars by scraping away the top layers of skin
    $800 9
Myrrh is this type of aromatic resin used as a healing salve
    $800 22
Can you tell me how to get to this children's show that AFTRA honored for its positive portrayal of diversity
    DD: $1,500 25
This largest city of North Dakota was named for a pioneer in the shipment of goods by express
    $1000 5
Jane Austen dedicated "Emma" to the future George IV, not by name but under this title
    $1000 30
Gogol & Bulganin
    $1000 19
The name of this cosmetics store chain comes partly from the name of Moses' wife
    $1000 10
Tarry or wait
    $1000 23
In 1938 stars like Edgar Bergen supported a big deal with CBS & NBC; back then "AFTRA" was missing this letter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erica Stephanie Brendan
$3,200 $400 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erica Stephanie Brendan
$5,800 $3,800 $4,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will end with "dance".)
    $400 12
An iconic 1930 image:
"_____ Gothic"
    $400 6
This band that was "Hungry Like The Wolf" adapted its name from that of a villain in the film "Barbarella"
    $400 17
You'll find the USA's oldest public Japanese garden in this city's Golden Gate Park
    $400 7
Stephen Ambrose's "D-Day" was published in 1994 to mark the 50th anniversary of this invasion
    $400 22
In 1340 British King Edward III took this additional title; Philip VI must have said, "I thought that was moi"
    $400 1
If you never miss a day of school, you have perfect this
    $800 13
A group portrait by Rembrandt:
"The ____ ____ (The Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq)"
    $800 8
This Dave Grohl band is named for a WWII term for UFOs
    $800 18
Kirstenbosch, the first of this African country's 9 national botanical gardens, was founded in 1913
    $800 27
I'm Chris Matthews. In my new book "Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero" I relate that Jack Kennedy devoured this Prime Minister's writings, & sought to model himself after him
    $800 23
King Edward I was known as this carpentry tool "Of The Scots"
    $800 2
I bid that jar of mayonnaise from 2005 good this act of disposal
    $1200 14
Picasso cubed it:
"Les Demoiselles d'____"
    $1200 9
This band featuring is so named because its music is "food for the soul"
    $1200 19
Horticulture at Penn.'s Longwood Gardens began when Pierre Du Pont wanted this citrus fruit all winter long
    $1200 28
In 1940, a year after his death, his "Outline Of Psychoanalysis" was published
    $1200 24
This king's only surviving son, King Edward VI, died at age 15 in 1553
    $1200 3
The act of keeping away from someone or something
    $1600 15
From 1912, more mechanical than nude:
"Nude Descending A _____, No. 2"
    $1600 10
The name of this alt-metal band heard here is a misspelling of a public space in Santa Monica, California
    $1600 20
As well as offering gambling & a gallery of fine art, this Las Vegas hotel also boasts a conservatory & botanical gardens
    DD: $600 29
It's John Krakauer's epic personal account of disaster on Mount Everest in 1996
    DD: $1,200 25
King Edward IV, a participant in the Wars of the Roses, was the son of Richard, Duke of this side in the wars
    $1600 4
A listing of the principal words of a book such as the Bible
    $2000 16
Jacques-Louis David went stoic:
"The Oath Of The _____"
    $2000 11
This "Like A G6" pop-rap outfit wanted its name to reflect the members' Asian backgrounds
    $2000 21
A national historic site of Canada, these gardens on Vancouver Island included the beautiful Sunken Garden seen here
    $2000 26
In 1936 King Edward VIII gave it all up for the woman he loved, this twice-divorced American
    $2000 5
A rocket's 4 main systems are structural, payload, propulsion & this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erica Stephanie Brendan
$10,000 $11,400 $14,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

When Milton Bradley released this home game in 1966, competitors accused it of selling "sex in a box"

Final scores:

Erica Stephanie Brendan
$20,000 $16,599 $23,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $23,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Erica Stephanie Brendan
$10,600 $11,400 $14,400
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
0 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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