Suggest correction - #4661 - 2004-12-06

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    $800 3
The planned Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan one will run 1100 miles from the Caspian to the Mediterranean

Show #4661 - Monday, December 6, 2004


Andy Zimdars, a graduate student from Menlo Park, California

Dennis Grace, an engineer from West Bloomfield, Michigan

Pete DeBalli, an anesthesiologist from Titusville, Florida (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,200)

Jeopardy! Round

"C" ME
    $200 1
John Surratt's plan to end the war was to kidnap this man; a co-conspirator came up with another plan...
    $200 19
Oakland's Rickey Henderson, "Slammin'" Sammy Sosa
    $200 16
At U. Penn in the '30s, long before PETA, Maurice Friedman devised the "rabbit test" to check for this
    $200 6
What word to follow? This ship from a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta, minus the H.M.S., of course, quoth the raven...
    $200 5
On April 19, 2004 NBC announced that this anchor would be away after December 1
    $200 4
In 1875 opera star Celestine Galli-Marie became the first to play this seductress from Seville
    $400 2
The regulation color for Confederate coats was cadet this
    $400 20
Orioles third baseman Brooks Robinson, L.A. Dodger Sandy Koufax
    $400 17
"Joy of Cooking" says rabbit can be substituted for this "in almost any dish" by using "the saddle as the breast meat"
    $400 7
I've got it! Hamlet's dad's castle wherein he was rottenly killed by Claudius; quoth the raven...
    $400 13
This Torontonian was just 26 when he first anchored ABC's nightly news in 1965, & some thought he looked too young
    $400 10
The only state whose nickname includes the name of an important historic document
    $600 3
This "Ben-Hur" author was removed from command and reinstated twice
    $600 21
N.Y. Giants pitcher Carl Hubbell, "Iron Horse" Lou Gehrig
    $600 8
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch wipes out a killer bunny in this classic 1974 comedy
    $600 9
This island city-state at the tip of the Malay Peninsula sounds almost right; quoth the raven...
    $600 15
(Hi. I'm Tim Russert of NBC's Meet the Press.) An interview I did in 2000 with this senator & former P.O.W. won an excellence in TV journalism award
    $600 11
Among his many TV credits is original host of "The Price is Right"
    $800 23
This capital of the confederacy was just 100 miles from Washington, D.C.
    $800 22
Stan "The Man" Musial, "Splendid Splinter" Ted Williams
    $800 18
Kids "won't be... fond of seeing... rabbits with blood gushing from their furry bodies" was said of this 1978 film
    $800 25
Why not this defunct title for a commissioned naval officer above Captain & Rear Admiral; quoth the raven...
    $800 27
CNN says she was the last reporter to interview King Hussein & the first to interview his successor, King Abdullah
    $800 12
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates with three green balls lined up on a table before him.) The three-ball routine is a classic example of this type of magic that shares its name with a camera shot
    $1000 24
The 1862 battle called "Fair" these trees, was a fair fight, 42,000 soldiers a side were engaged
    $1000 30
Cincinnati Reds catcher Johnny Bench, 4,000-hit club member Pete Rose
    $1000 29
In 1990 this author put Rabbit Angstrom to rest
    $1000 26
The birds in a song "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" sing in one of these trees, but would our bird? Quoth the raven...
    DD: $3,000 28
(Hi. I'm Anderson Cooper of CNN.) I covered this former priest's return to power in 1994, & interviewed him again just before he fell from grace again
    $1000 14
This Christian church is headed by The Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Pete Dennis Andy
$2,200 $3,000 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pete Dennis Andy
$5,800 $4,600 $9,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Perseus is one of these configurations: it lies between Cassiopeia & Taurus
    $400 2
During the 1920s this South American nation's production went from 1 million to 137 million barrels a year
    $400 22
Great Scott! Lady Stair's house in this Scottish capital boasts exhibits on great Scottish authors
    $400 15
No, it's true! A crwth is a Welsh version of this ancient stringed instrument
    $400 10
It's a key linking word in many similes
    $400 17
The shoreline of this sea is about 1,300 feet below sea level
    $800 7
Lovelace wrote that they don't make a cage; in the 1820s, William Sturgeon made electromagnets out of them
    $800 3
The planned Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan one will run 1100 miles from the Caspian to the Mediterranean
    $800 23
A museum devoted to this author is inside a charming replica of his birthplace in Alcala de Henares, Spain
    $800 16
The name of these paired concussion instruments is from the Spanish for "chestnut"
    $800 11
According to lyrics in "West Side Story", it's whom "There's a place for"
    $800 18
It's bounded on the east by Alaska & on the west by Siberia & the Kamchatka Peninsula
    $1200 8
Light that bounces off a flat surface is reflected; light bent in a transparent medium is this
    $1200 4
The sudden release of oil from a well under pressure; it can also mean a lively party or lopsided victory
    $1200 24
If you're truly a "Blithe Spirit", rent this author's Blue Harbour Estate in Jamaica for a mere $3500 a week
    DD: $3,000 26
An old word for this wind instrument is spelled
    $1200 12
When it's a noun, it can mean a party, or the new haircut you get for it
    $1200 19
The Thames River flows eastward past London before emptying into this sea
    $1600 9
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads from inside the Cirque du Soleil with performers on the stage.) From the type of simple machine a teeter board is, it's the 8-letter term for what's throwing them up in the air
    $1600 5
In 1954 the Anglo-Iranian (formerly Anglo-Persian) Oil Company renamed itself this
    $1600 25
A plaque on 5 Bank Street in New York City notes that she wrote "My Antonia" there
    $1600 27
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew holds a musical instrument.) Here at Mammoth Mountain, the staff of the yodeler lodge sounds this instrument each day to bring folks in from the slopes
    $1600 13
It's used to attract attention to something sighted on a ship, like land or a sail
    $1600 20
The Korea Strait connects this "colorful" sea with the Sea of Japan
    $2000 30
This new field of science whose name in part means "billionth" constructs superminiature devices
    $2000 6
A World War II gasoline shortage made this product the basis of jet fuel, which it remains
    $2000 29
Attention, owls & pussycats: the Seymour St. home of this nonsense poet is now a no-nonsense hotel in London
    $2000 28
A lively jig once popular with sailors got its name from this folk instrument that accompanied the dance
    $2000 14
A special connection; you may have one with a powerful person
    DD: $2,800 21
No big surprise, the Great Barrier Reef lies in this sea

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pete Dennis Andy
$9,000 $13,400 $24,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In German, this classic story is called "Die Kleine Seejungfrau"

Final scores:

Pete Dennis Andy
$100 $25,000 $21,199
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pete Dennis Andy
$9,000 $12,600 $20,200
14 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $41,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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