Suggest correction - #6381 - 2012-05-21

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    $1000 25
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Soon after most of the Iberian Peninsula was conquered by the Moors in the 8th century, the Spanish began regaining lost territory until around 1300 only this Moorish kingdom remained

Show #6381 - Monday, May 21, 2012

Joel Pool game 1.


Cindy Hager, a mixed animal veterinarian from Banner, Wyoming

Joel Pool, a real estate developer from Oakland, California

Jacob Silverman, an arts and culture journalist from Brooklyn, New York (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $35,998)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
He followed up "Kidnapped" with a sequel called "Catriona" that didn't fare quite as well
    $200 6
The White House is this number Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    $200 1
It's no conspiracy: this "JFK" director dropped out of Yale to go fight in Vietnam
    $200 11
Type of nest after the kids move out
    $200 26
The first recorded Girl Scout cookie sale occurred in December 1917 by the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee in this state
    $200 21
In the 9th century the Emir of Cordoba built the military fortress Magerit, which later became this capital
    $400 17
In 1917, 3 years after "Tarzan of the Apes", he wrote "A Princess of Mars", the first of 11 John Carter novels
    $400 7
It follows "MI" in the name of Britain's domestic security service
    $400 2
A very young Oscar winner, this actress could mix her "True Blood" with the blue bloods at Columbia
    $400 12
Wall-climber seen here
    $400 27
Due to flour, sugar & butter shortages, the Girl Scouts sold calendars instead of cookies during this period
    $400 22
The Moors changed this brutal sport practiced by the Visigoths in Andalusia into more of an art form
    $600 18
In 1985 he published the South America-set "Love in the Time of Cholera"
    $600 8
Rome was built (not in a day) on this many hills
    $600 3
Name this college football coach who got his law degree from Penn in 1892 & we'll give you $600, but no trophy
    $600 13
Title number of days needed by Phileas Fogg to traverse the globe
    $600 28
Once known as chocolate mints, they are the most popular Girl Scout cookies, accounting for 25% of sales
    $600 23
This Portuguese town where visions were seen in 1917 was named for a count's wife, a Moor who became a Christian
    $800 19
Sadly, in 2008, this author of "Infinite Jest" took his own life
    $800 9
This interstate runs from Santa Monica to Jacksonville
    $800 4
He graduated from Brown as an honors playwright before getting into acting playing Jim Halpert
    $800 14
The first one ever awarded, in 1949, went to ventriloquist Shirley Dinsdale, star of the show "Judy Splinters"
    $800 29
Also called Do-si-dos, this sandwich cookie is one of 3 varieties sold every year by all Girl Scouts
    $800 24
In 732 the Moors had penetrated into France but were turned back at Tours by this grandfather of Charlemagne
    DD: $2,500 20
Her final resting place is a Missouri cemetery where she shares a headstone with husband Almanzo
    $1000 10
An eye chart is usually read from a distance of this many feet
    $1000 5
She graduated magna cum laude from Penn and got some medical training playing Dr. Kim Briggs on "Scrubs"
    $1000 15
Shaq knows it precedes "Hot" in the name of a pain-relieving cream
    $1000 30
New for 2012, Savannah Smiles are this fruit flavor, reviving the "Coolers" of a few years back
    $1000 25
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Soon after most of the Iberian Peninsula was conquered by the Moors in the 8th century, the Spanish began regaining lost territory until around 1300 only this Moorish kingdom remained

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jacob Joel Cindy
$3,200 $800 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jacob Joel Cindy
$3,700 $600 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 9
In Moscow:
This area that's had its colorful name since long before Communist rule
    $400 4
It comes before "flown" or "falutin"
    $400 14
It was the nickname of frontiersman William Cody
    $400 22
In April of 2011, people set their browsers to watch these baby birds hatch in Decorah, Iowa
    $400 19
In 1869 Cleveland Abbe began predicting storms & became the first to offer daily these
    $400 1
"The Dude abides"
    $800 10
In Wiltshire, England:
Avebury & this more famous group of megaliths
    $800 5
This adjective for overblown verbiage comes from a shorter word paired with "circumstance"
    $800 15
This battleship where World War II ended was nicknamed "Mighty Mo"
    $800 23
If you can't get to St. Barts, just stare at the screen and imagine yourself by this sea
    $800 20
In the late 18th century, Antoine Lavoisier determined that air is mostly this element
    $800 2
"Be sure and tell 'em Large Marge sent ya"
    $1200 11
In Nepal:
Chitwan National Park, one of the last refuges of the Bengal tiger & this huge 1-horned beast
    $1200 6
Adjective for a railway, or language raised high above the ordinary level
    $1200 16
Adjective in common to Ronald Reagan, the ____ President, & John Gotti, the ____ Don
    $1200 24
This 5:30 PM footage that might want to make you work late is from Caltrans, short for this state government department
    $1200 21
With these instruments, Blaise Pascal proved that air pressure is reduced with altitude
    $1200 3
1983: "I feel terrible, the last time I spoke with Alex, we had a fight..." "That's probably why he killed himself"
    $1600 12
In Italy:
The Piazza del Duomo with the much-photographed campanile called this
    $1600 7
7-letter adjective for ornate prose or for a Hawaiian shirt
    DD: $1,600 17
The Department of State & an area of Washington, D.C. are nicknamed this
    $1600 25
You might want to keep an eye on the webcam of this volcano next to Mauna Loa; it's the world's most active
    DD: $3,000 29
In 1944 bombers at high altitude were speedily propelled forward--what's now called this 2-word phenomenon
    $1600 27
1986, Kurt Russell:
"You know what ol' Jack Burton always says in a time like this?" "Who?" "Jack Burton, me"
    $2000 13
In Mexico:
The old city of Teotihuacan, which includes the temple of this feathered serpent god
    $2000 8
This word meaning "lofty" is also the highest reputation level in World of Warcraft
    $2000 18
Before it proved itself successful, this steamboat was referred to as "Fulton's folly"
    $2000 26
This lady has a great view of a great American city; you can share it via webcam
    $2000 30
It was proposed in 1902 that radio waves bounce back to Earth from an electrified layer of the atmosphere later termed this
    $2000 28
1996, Stanley Tucci:
"That is a risotto; is a special recipe that my brother and I bring from Italy"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jacob Joel Cindy
$11,700 $8,400 $7,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This play that came to Broadway in 2005 is set in the autumn of 1964 at St. Nicholas Church School in the Bronx

Final scores:

Jacob Joel Cindy
$6,500 $16,700 $3,899
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,700 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jacob Joel Cindy
$14,200 $7,000 $9,400
17 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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