Suggest correction - #6376 - 2012-05-14

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    $1000 18
A guiding principle in yoga is ahimsa, this pacifistic practice advanced by Mahatma Gandhi

Show #6376 - Monday, May 14, 2012

2012 Power Players Week game 1.
From DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.


Robert Gibbs, a former press secretary from the Obama White House

Lizzie O'Leary, an aviation and regulation correspondent from CNN

Chris Matthews, a TV host from Hardball and The Chris Matthews Show

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the Cabinet post.)
    $200 5
In August 2011 this shortstop surpassed Mickey Mantle for most career games played as a Yankee
    $200 16
"At ____, soldier!"
    $200 1
Tom Ridge
    $200 17
On Monday I visited the Maryland Science Center in this city's Inner Harbor
    $200 13
Using your focus & calm in all situations is called taking yoga "off" this rolled item
    $200 11
The Press-Ewing was an early seismograph, recording waves from these events
    $400 7
In the first Hall of Fame vote in 1936, this Tiger was named on 222 of the 226 ballots
    $400 2
Lawrence Summers
    $400 14
Of "squatting water buffalo", "one-legged king pigeon" or "happy dancing goat", the one that's a real yoga position
    $400 12
If you're readying your Bodum Kenya press pot, you're about to enjoy this beverage
    $600 8
This Washington Nationals pitcher entered 2012 with 92 career innings pitched & 116 strikeouts
    $600 3
In 2001, Norman Mineta, seen here, motored over from Commerce to this post
    $600 15
This 4-letter Hindi word is used to mean a specialized expert; it can also be your yogi or teacher
    $800 9
This Oriole shortstop never missed an inning in the first 908 games of his 2,632-game appearance streak
    DD: $500 4
Dean Acheson
    $800 22
Thursday's plan was a lock: the historical park named for the Chesapeake & Ohio one of these man-made waterways
    $800 21
Johannes Gutenberg invented a moveable-type one of these in 15th century Germany
    $1000 10
In 1968 this St. Louis Cardinal had an E.R.A. of 1.12, the lowest since 1914
    $1000 20
Hard, glossy finish
    $1000 6
Hazel O'Leary
    $1000 18
A guiding principle in yoga is ahimsa, this pacifistic practice advanced by Mahatma Gandhi
    $1000 19
Dressing men "to an Ivy League standard" has been this company's goal since 1902

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Chris Lizzie Robert
$1,500 $400 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Lizzie Robert
$3,900 $3,600 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
It's what you exercise when you decide against having chocolate cake
    $400 11
The person accused by the state
    $400 16
Twiggy remembers that in the '60s this city was "swinging"
    $400 19
Operation Frequent Wind, the largest helicopter evacuation, removed Americans from this country in 1975
    $400 24
Works like the one you're hearing made Scott Joplin the king of this style
    $400 1
This funny guy played the title newsman in "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy"
    $800 7
A device such as an electric drill & no, you can't borrow one of mine
    $800 12
A U.S.D.C. is one of these, charged with the jurisdiction of a specific region
    $800 17
St. Basil's Cathedral is there
    $800 20
An operation to chop down a tree in the Korean DMZ was nicknamed for this mythical lumberjack
    $800 25
Because of his reddish hair, this Italian "Four Seasons" composer was called "The Red Priest"
    $800 3
He was Carl Bernstein in "All the President's Men"
    $1200 8
A John Lennon hit, or an anti-establishment slogan
    $1200 13
This "rule" is a court order banning all parties involved in a case from discussing it publicly
    $1200 18
Keanu Reeves was born in this Lebanese capital
    $1200 21
Operation Eagle Claw was a failed 1980 attempt to rescue American hostages in this country
    $1200 26
We'll give you a Strauss test--not related to Johann, he composed a 1915 "Alpine Symphony"
    $1200 4
Al Pacino plays a "60 Minutes" producer working with tobacco company employee Russell Crowe in this movie
    $1600 9
This 1973 act requires the president to consult with Congress about deploying troops abroad
    $1600 14
Florida & other states have enacted these laws that say citizens have no duty to retreat from a threat
    $1600 22
Neptune Spear was the code name for the operation that killed this terrorist in 2011
    DD: $2,300 27
Put on your cap & gown & name this Edward Elgar composition
    $1600 5
He was Mikael Blomkvist in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
    $2000 10
Full name of the U2 pilot shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960
    $2000 15
In 1986 the Supreme Court ruled that the "hostile environment" type of this can be sex discrimination
    $2000 23
One objective of 1989's Operation Just Cause in Panama was to capture this dictator
    $2000 6
As Kimberly Wells, she exposed wrongdoing at a nuclear power plant in "The China Syndrome"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Lizzie Robert
$4,600 $14,000 $12,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This performer is the only person to win an Emmy, the Mark Twain Prize & the Spingarn Medal

Final scores:

Chris Lizzie Robert
$2,300 $4,200 $5,600
3rd place: $10,000 to La Salle College High School 2nd place: $10,000 to 826DC Winner: $50,000 to the Pine Hills Literacy Project

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Lizzie Robert
$4,200 $14,000 $12,800
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
17 R,
2 W
16 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $31,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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