Suggest correction - #6335 - 2012-03-16

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    $400 26
To flee predators, horses evolved the ability to do this standing up, using a leg-locking system called the stay apparatus

Show #6335 - Friday, March 16, 2012


Hannah Spector, a stay-at-home mom from Van Nuys, California

Sharla Zwirek, an editorial manager from Medway, Massachusetts

John Erler, a movie mocker from Austin, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
The horse panel is a set of 30,000-year-old drawings in the Chauvet cave, dating to this age
    $200 11
In 2008 ex-NBA point guard Kevin Johnson was elected mayor of this capital of California
    $200 1
A temperature scale scorned by foreigners but good enough for us here in the U.S. of A.
    $200 6
The math section of the S.A.T. a) is 70 minutes long; b) covers algebra; c) is mainly multiple choice; d) all of the above
    $200 17
A fitness saying goes, these 8 midriff muscles "are made in the kitchen"
    $200 13
On February 15, 1898 the USS Maine mysteriously sank in this city's harbor
    $400 26
To flee predators, horses evolved the ability to do this standing up, using a leg-locking system called the stay apparatus
    $400 12
He's seen here in his first career & then in his years quarterbacking HUD as its secretary
    $400 2
You "take" it to become a nun
    $400 7
In poker, this guy's "choice" includes the game to be played & any special rules; you could say he holds all the cards
    $400 18
As well as a program to clear drugs from the body, this word now refers to an extreme but short-term diet
    $400 14
On April 10, 1963 the Thresher, an atomic-powered one of these, sank in the North Atlantic with all hands lost
    $600 27
Having never seen horses until the Conquistadors arrived in 1519, these people described them as big sweaty deer
    $600 22
His resume-- Rhodes scholar, N.Y. Knick for 10 years, U.S. senator for 18
    $600 3
Arab tribal leader rank (often paired with rattle & roll?)
    $600 8
In 2011, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" won this award for "Favorite Guilty Pleasure"
    $600 19
Well, he said he'd be 1999 he wrote "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding", updated from 1985
    $600 15
It was sunk by the Germans off the Irish coast on May 7, 1915
    DD: $800 28
All breeds of domestic horse are a single species, scientifically this genus caballus
    $800 23
Future congressman Steve Largent was for the birds as a member of this NFL team from 1976 to 1989
    $800 4
Not this, nor that
    $800 9
This Nescafe coffee brand is "made with a fine blend of robusta and arabica beans picked at the peak of freshness"
    $800 20
Time to take your talents to this Arthur Agatston "diet"; one book is "Quick and Easy"' another, "Supercharged"
    $800 16
The classy ocean liner called "Ile de" this was partially sunk for the filming of the 1960 movie "The Last Voyage"
    $1000 29
The horse has long been used in war; the Bible says it "saith among" the sound of these instruments, "ha, ha"
    $1000 24
Ken Dryden won 6 championships in his 8 seasons with this team & then won election to Canada's Parliament
    $1000 5
A complicated bank or museum robbery
    $1000 10
First name of Polish refugee Zawistowska, who made a gut-wrenching title "choice" in a 1979 novel
    $1000 21
Regular exercise boosts HDL, high-density this ("good" cholesterol), while decreasing triglycerides
    $1000 30
On July 25, 1956 this Italian liner collided with a Swedish ship & sank off Massachusetts

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Sharla Hannah
$4,600 $600 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Sharla Hannah
$6,600 $2,000 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It's both, maybe.)
    $400 8
It was time to hide your pic-a-nic baskets in March 1872 when this first U.S. national park was established
    $400 16
(I'm Wolf Blitzer of CNN.) My favorite book is "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn" a tale of escape & much more that's set on this river
    $400 3
It can be the back part of something, or can mean to bring up a child
    $400 1
The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center
    $400 26
In ancient Rome it was for incising a wax tablet; today, it's for poking at the screen on a handheld device
    $400 21
In October 2010 this group's Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Joe Walsh & Timothy B. Schmit hit the road for a fall tour
    $800 9
On March 12, 1912 Juliette Gordon Low founded this group in Savannah, Georgia
    $800 17
(Hi, I'm Charles Shaughnessy.) I love Yossarian in this Joseph Heller novel, especially when he shows up naked at his own medal ceremony
    $800 4
A doe's darling, or to seek favor by obsequious flattery
    $800 2
The Ethan Allen Statue at the State House
    $800 27
This system helps recover your stolen car & now, with absolute software, can help recover a stolen laptop
    $800 22
In 1978 they put an R&B spin on "Got To Get You Into My Life"
    $1200 10
March 1, 1815 saw this man return to France from exile
    $1200 18
(Hi, I'm Neil Patrick Harris.) One of my favorite books is this kids' classic in which 5th graders Jess & Leslie create a secret kingdom in the woods
    DD: $2,200 5
A medieval rank just below knight, or a verb meaning "to escort"
    $1200 13
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
    $1200 28
The Magic Bullet featured in many infomercials, is this device
    $1200 23
In the '90s this girl group had a string of hits including "Hold On" & "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)"
    $1600 11
It was March 23, 2010 that President Obama signed the far-reaching & controversial law reforming this
    $1600 19
(Hi, I'm Isaac Mizrahi.) I loved Colm Toibin's "The Master", a fictionalized study of the interior life of this "Daisy Miller" author
    $1600 6
To make something invalid, or the vast abysmal vacant empty waste of nothing
    $1600 14
The monument to the Battle of Midway
    $1600 29
Instant tents from this "Outdoor Company" can be set up or taken down in one minute
    $1600 24
"I Can't Get It Out Of My Head" that this Jeff Lynne group joined Olivia Newton-John on the "Xanadu" soundtrack
    DD: $2,200 12
On March 2, 1836 it declared its independence from Mexico
    $2000 20
(Hi, I'm Cheech Marin.) Hackers & Coolhunters are 2 of the amazing types in "Pattern Recognition" by this author of "Neuromancer"
    $2000 7
Dry plant material that encloses grain; as a verb, it means to tease
    $2000 15
This is the place Heritage Park
    $2000 30
This company that makes the original Swiss Army Knife now makes them with flash drives, laser pointers & LED flashlights
    $2000 25
In 1991 this 3-letter group got techno-funky with "Unbelievable"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Sharla Hannah
$14,600 $1,200 $16,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

A direction in this film: "Start with the tone... up a full tone. Down a major third. Now drop an octave. Up a perfect fifth"

Final scores:

John Sharla Hannah
$26,799 $1,000 $29,201
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $29,201

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Sharla Hannah
$16,600 $1,200 $16,000
27 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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