Suggest correction - #6284 - 2012-01-05

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    $400 24
Its PLA has an active strength of about 1.25 million personnel

Show #6284 - Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dave Leach game 6.


Amy Ludwig, a copywriter from Los Angeles, California

Mark Rupp, a stay-at-home dad from Indianapolis, Indiana

Dave Leach, a software analyst from Atlanta, Georgia (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $78,054)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
His "Divine Comedy": "All hope abandon, ye who enter here!"
    $200 13
"Hill Street Station" (Writing, 1981)
    $200 1
A manual transmission requires the driver to use one of these alliterative items
    $200 11
Drop to one knee--hold on. Check for puddles, drop to one knee, take out the ring, ask
    $200 23
Its army has about 30,000 permanent troops, with about 11,000 stationed in Queensland
    $200 6
Bleu des Causses is a cave-matured type of this
    $400 19
From Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan": "I can resist everything except" this
    $400 18
"'A', My Name is Alex" (Writing, 1987)
    $400 2
"Charnel" work period between midnight & 8 A.M.
    $400 12
Get out of the cold, put waxy white fingers in 104- to 107-degree water
    $400 24
Its PLA has an active strength of about 1.25 million personnel
    $400 7
At Hardee's these sides are beer-battered
    $600 20
Karl Marx: this "is the opium of the people"
    $600 28
"Slay Everyone, Trust No One" (Cinematography for Reality Programming, 2010)
    $600 3
Nonfiction bestseller about the battle to succeed Johnny Carson
    $600 14
Use the buttons & the strum bar, access star power by tilting the head, forget about how foolish you look
    $600 25
In 2009 its armed forces had a reported strength of 134,886--beware their multi-purpose knives!
    $600 8
This Hawaiian word can refer to the bigeye or the yellowfin tuna; on menus it often follows "seared"
    $800 21
From "Walden": "the mass of men lead lives of quiet" this
    $800 29
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Pilot)" (Writing for a Drama Series, 2008)
    $800 4
On "True Blood" Sam is this hyphenated kind of creature, often becoming a dog
    $800 15
Fill glass with ice, pour in pinot grigio, add club soda, garnish
    DD: $1,500 26
It has an active-duty military force of about 1.2 million; its neighbor to the south, about 680,000
    $800 9
Eggs a la Jockey Club are served with kidneys & garnished with mushrooms & these fungi (jockeys eat well)
    $1000 22
John Adams at the Boston Massacre trials: these "are stubborn things"
    $1000 30
"Routine: Hummingbird and Flower / The Chairman's Waltz" (Choreography, 2008)
    $1000 5
    $1000 16
Pick a lead underwriter, give the SEC a prospectus, give possible investors a red herring, run tombstone ads
    $1000 27
In August 2010 General Zahir Azimi announced that its army had reached target strength of 134,000 2 months ahead of schedule
    $1000 10
Kasha is often made from the edible kernels of buckwheat, which are also called not oats but these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Mark Amy
$4,000 $600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Mark Amy
$9,200 $600 $4,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
For royal visits, a replica of this Michelangelo nudie at the Victoria & Albert Museum was formerly adorned with a fig leaf
    $400 1
The name of his pet charity made the dime an obvious choice in 1945 when a grieving nation said, "put him on a coin!"
    $400 2
On a tent, it's the equivalent of the door
    $400 21
Manuel Patarroyo developed SPf66, a purported vaccine against this tropical disease that still strikes tens of millions
    $400 8
In 2010 Robert Downey Jr. reprised his role as the heavy metal hero in this movie's sequel
    $400 15
King Robert II of this country was a good son to Hugh Capet, but his own sons turned against him
    $800 25
The first 2 paintings in Rembrandt's Passion Series are "The Raising of" & "The Descent from" this
    $800 7
The Buffalo head nickel was also called this type; John Big Tree was a model for it
    $800 3
A tire that has lost its air
    $800 22
Pedro Paulet's Peruvian promoters claim he built a liquid-fueled one of these in 1895
    $800 9
Peter O'Toole sang & tilted at windmills in the movie adaptation of this musical
    $800 17
The book " Operation " these "Secrets" tells how Frank Calabrese Jr. informed on his mobster father
    $1200 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a painting on the monitor.) In this 17th-century painting, you see Sarah turn her back, as Hagar the handmaid & her son Ishmael are rejected & sent away by this patriarch
    $1200 13
Before the 5-cent piece was nickel, it was silver & was, logically, called by this fractional name
    $1200 4
It can be a custardy tart or a creme caramel
    $1200 23
M. Costa-Mattioli found a protein that controls memory formation, a possible help for this disease named for a German
    $1200 10
Once upon a time Russell Crowe played boxer James Braddock in this critically acclaimed film
    $1200 18
This skater had new troubles in 2010 when her brother assaulted their father
    $1600 27
A painting by Caravaggio shows this man's "conversion on the way to Damascus"
    DD: $4,000 14
On the 2006 nickel this building looks basically the same as it always did, though the dome is a little sharper
    $1600 5
Fatty flesh around people's tummies
    $1600 28
Sometimes credited with inventing the torpedo, Andre Reboucas helped torpedo this in Brazil; it was abolished in 1888
    $1600 11
This 1980 movie told the true story of the deformed Mr. Merrick
    DD: $3,000 19
This revolutionary patriot's son William stuck with the crown as Royal Governor of New Jersey
    $2000 29
Claude Lorrain painted a landscape with the marriage of Rebecca & him
    $2000 16
The winged liberty dime bore the bundle of sticks that gave its name to this liberty-hating political system
    $2000 6
The unfortunate quality that brings ruin to the hero of a tragedy is called the tragic this
    $2000 30
In the 1970s Jose Goldemberg showed that this clean fuel can be harvested from sugar cane
    $2000 12
It's Greek to me, but in 1971 Richard Matheson's story "I Am Legend" was filmed under this title
    $2000 20
This deranged emperor may even have killed his own father, as Joaquin Phoenix does playing him in "Gladiator"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Mark Amy
$19,200 $9,000 $8,700
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Surname of the employer of James W. Marshall, who found gold in a stream near the Sacramento River in 1848

Final scores:

Dave Mark Amy
$20,000 $2,000 $16,200
6-day champion: $98,054 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Mark Amy
$23,200 $9,000 $11,000
32 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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