Suggest correction - #6281 - 2012-01-02

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    $600 3
This prefix that means "first" or "primitive" is found before "plasm" & "zoa"

Show #6281 - Monday, January 2, 2012

Dave Leach game 3.


Elizabeth Weichel, a museum collection specialist from Raleigh, North Carolina

Art Hilliker, a steel mill systems repairman from Irwin, Pennsylvania

Dave Leach, a software analyst from Atlanta, Georgia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $34,683)

Jeopardy! Round

C.S., I
    $200 16
King Arthur received this sword from the Lady of the Lake; it was later returned to her by Sir Bedivere
    $200 1
"Hypno-", as in hypnotism, is from the Greek for this
    $200 26
Olbermann & Berman are index entries in "Those Guys Have All the Fun", which details the history of this network
    $200 21
Super Bowl VIII:
This team's Larry Csonka
    $200 9
Money matters at this investment service company that invites you to "Talk to Chuck"
    $200 6
Of the days of the week
    $400 17
In some writings, it was Perceval, not Galahad, who went on a quest for this vessel
    $400 2
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from See's Candy Factory.) The main feel-good ingredient of cocoa is a chemical called theobromine, in the same class as caffeine; the "theo-" prefix means it is the food of these beings
    $400 27
You can read "Life", the memoir of this Rolling Stone, or listen to Johnny Depp narrate the audio book
    $400 22
Super Bowl XVIII:
Marcus Allen, with 191 yards for this L.A. team
    $400 10
This astronomer & science writer from Cornell helped select the Mars landing sites for the Viking probes
    $400 7
Of Snow White's 7 dwarfs
    $600 18
This sorceress was introduced into Arthurian legend as Arthur's healer by Geoffrey of Monmouth around 1150
    $600 3
This prefix that means "first" or "primitive" is found before "plasm" & "zoa"
    $600 28
"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" continues the story about a hacker from this country
    $600 23
Super Bowl IX:
This immaculate Steeler
    $600 11
Some say when it comes to his films "Heathers" & "Pump Up the Volume", it's better to shoot first, then ask this actor
    $600 8
Of the events in a decathlon
    $800 19
"The Simple Joys of Maidenhood" is one of her songs in the version of the tale by Lerner of New York & Loewe of Berlin
    DD: $1,200 4
"Anti-" means "against; "ante-" means this
    $800 29
"Here Comes Trouble", a look back by this pot-stirring documentarian, includes his boyhood in Flint
    $800 24
Super Bowl XXV:
Thurman Thomas, in a losing cause for this team that lost 3 other Super Bowls
    $800 12
He became New York's senior senator when Daniel Patrick Moynihan retired in 2001
    $800 14
By surname of current Supreme Court justices
    $1000 20
The Somerset town of Glastonbury claims to be this fabled isle, the final resting place of King Arthur
    $1000 5
When this prefix precedes "active", it means "backwards"; by itself it refers to the style of an earlier time
    $1000 30
Book club alert--"Then Came You" is the latest novel by this author of "Good in Bed" & "In Her Shoes"
    $1000 25
Super Bowl XXVIII:
This Cowboys Hall of Famer
    $1000 13
In 1914 a group of his "Chicago Poems" appeared in Poetry magazine
    $1000 15
Of the countries of the world

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Art Elizabeth
$4,000 $2,400 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Art Elizabeth
$5,600 $7,000 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
In March 1961 JFK issued an executive order creating this agency that sends volunteers to aid developing nations
    $400 26
Mousquetaires, formal ones of these for women, have lengthwise buttoned openings at the wrist
    $400 11
The late, great Queen vocalist Freddie ____
    $400 16
Luca Della Robbia is said to be the first sculptor to apply glazes to this semi-fired ceramic clay with an Italian name
    $400 6
Jerimoth Hill in Providence County
    $400 1
This type of card can be used to make an electronic withdrawal of funds on deposit in a bank
    $800 22
As an intern Nora Ephron had one exchange with JFK, as he left for this Mass. "Port", but couldn't hear what he said
    $800 27
President Truman popularized this shirt with the name of a Hawaiian greeting when he was on the cover of Life in 1951
    $800 12
A synth-snazzy song by Duran Duran:
"New ____ On Monday"
    $800 17
In 1482 he asked the Duke of Milan for a job, saying, "I can further execute sculpture in marble, bronze or clay"
    $800 7
Mount Arvon on the Upper Peninsula
    $800 2
A document or object shown in court & identified as evidence
    $1200 23
Those looking for eerie assassination coincidences know that this woman was JFK's devoted secretary
    $1200 28
Named for an Italian resort isle, these tight 3/4-length pants have a short slit on the outside of each leg
    $1200 13
Part of the successful production team the Smeezingtons:
Bruno ____
    DD: $2,500 18
He carved a bust of Lincoln for the U.S. Capitol rotunda; his much bigger one is in South Dakota
    $1200 8
Mount Magazine, which has Ozark National Forest land on its slopes
    DD: $5,000 3
Psychological term meaning to consciously or unconsciously restrain an impulse
    $1600 24
JFK sent 3,000 troops to restore order after black student James Meredith attended this school in 1962
    $1600 29
In the '80s big sweaters were popularly paired with these pants named for a strap at the bottom of each leg
    $1600 14
A No. 5 hit for Train:
"Drops Of ____"
    $1600 19
A method of casting for bronze sculptures, cire-perdue means "lost" this in English
    $1600 9
Granite Peak in Custer National Forest
    $1600 4
So you & Amy found a place together--mind if I ask, are you going to get married or just do this?
    $2000 25
In October 1962 this U.N. ambassador said he'd wait "until hell freezes over" for a Soviet reply to photos taken over Cuba
    $2000 30
It's the amphibian name for the ornamental fastener seen here
    $2000 15
A jazz musician whose costumes combined Ancient Egypt & science fiction:
____ Ra
    $2000 20
When he won the commission for "The Burghers of Calais", he promised to deliver "six sculptures for the price of one"
    $2000 10
Sassafras Mountain, about 30 miles northwest of Greenville
    $2000 5
An eye socket

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Art Elizabeth
$11,900 $13,000 $7,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

This film whose title refers to an establishment holds the record for most wins, 8, without winning Best Picture

Final scores:

Dave Art Elizabeth
$14,001 $100 $4,000
3-day champion: $48,684 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Art Elizabeth
$16,800 $13,000 $7,000
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
18 R,
0 W
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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