Suggest correction - #6269 - 2011-12-15

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    $200 21
Wendy the Snapple Lady is among those who collect these candy dispensers

Show #6269 - Thursday, December 15, 2011

Alex's wife Jean, 91-year-old mother Lucille, and cousin Dolores from Florida featured in the audience.


Beth Watkins, a graduate student of medieval studies from Savannah, Georgia

Silas Crawford, an attorney from Jacksonville, Florida

Boomie Aglietti, a writer for TV and stage from Los Angeles, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $58,799)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Wendy the Snapple Lady is among those who collect these candy dispensers
    $200 16
This actor's bio reads: "born huge... winning... bring it..! (unemployed winner...)"
    $200 1
Several dialects of this spoken in the Kagoshima area are unintelligible to speakers of the standard language
    $200 25
An insurance company: 2 cupped hands
    $200 11
The poet Robert Burns was born on Jan, 25, 1759 in Alloway, a village on the river Doon in this country
    $200 6
"___ as a bug in a rug"
    $400 22
Take a page from this pastime seen here
    $400 17
For this NBC "Late Night" guy, you'll find "astrophysicist"
    $400 2
When in the cities of Jeddah & Medina, you'll most likely encounter the Hijazi dialect of this language
    $400 26
Fresh fruit: a blue sticker with the yellow outline of a woman in a Carmen Miranda hat
    $400 12
Robbie is generally given credit for the words of this song about "auld acquaintance"
    $400 7
"___ as an eel"
    $600 23
The first modern one of these was published Dec. 21, 1913 in the New York World's Sunday Supplement
    $600 18
For this ex-NBC "Late Night" guy you'll find "the voice of the people. sorry, people"
    $600 3
Alemannic, a dialect of this language, has 2 main forms in Switzerland centering on Bern & Zurich
    $600 27
A retailer: a red & white bull's-eye
    $600 13
Burns called this food item, sheep's heart & liver minced with suet, "great chieftain O' the pudding-race!"
    $600 8
"___ as a tack"
    $800 24
The FCC assigns call signs, like N8DNR, to use in this hobby
    $800 19
This woman is a "2-time Emmy award winning comedian & star of Bravo's my life on the d-list"
    $800 4
Dialects of this European language include Anpaluz, MadrileƱo & Canario (from the Canary Islands)
    $800 28
Gas stations: a red Pegasus
    $800 14
Finish the burns line: "Give me a spark O' nature's fire! / that's a' the learning I..."
    $800 9
"___ as a mule"
    $1000 30
This basic knitting stitch is drawn through the back of the preceding loop
    $1000 20
"Keep up" with this "business woman, exec producer, fashion designer, perfumista"
    $1000 5
Cebuano is widely spoken in Cebu, Western Leyte & parts of Mindanao in this country
    $1000 29
A fast-food chain: the name of the chain in red on a bun
    DD: $1,200 15
Steinbeck took note when Burns wrote "the best laid schemes o" these two things "gang aft agley"
    $1000 10
"___ as a statue"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Boomie Silas Beth
$5,400 $400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Boomie Silas Beth
$7,000 $3,400 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The letter "T" will be exactly in the middle of each correct response.)
    $400 25
On Oct. 1, 1949 he said, "Today, our China enters into the family of nations who love peace and freedom"
    $400 4
Take these broken wings & learn to fly, you Turdus merula, aka this colorful bird
    $400 16
Czech out the cathedral of St. Vitus in this world capital
    $400 1
Bumblebee Man,
Kent Brockman,
Dr. Nick Riviera
    $400 30
South Pacific islanders make tapa cloth from this part of the paper mulberry or breadfruit tree
    $400 11
An elevated place where you get married (or sacrificed--it really does depend on the situation)
    $800 24
The 1987 Meech Lake Accord was a failed attempt to recognize this Canadian province as a "distinct society"
    $800 5
This kingfisher that shares its name with an "iron chancellor" lives in New Guinea, not Germany
    $800 17
A statue of Leif Eriksson is out front of the Hallgrmskirkja Church--one of this country's tallest buildings
    $800 2
Mr. Eko,
Richard Alpert,
Charles Widmore
    $800 26
This strong, coarsely woven fabric often used to make sacks is also known as jute hessian
    $800 12
To refrain from casting one's vote or from boozing it up
    $1200 21
Diocles, kind of the Jimmie Johnson of ancient Rome, earned over 30 million sesterces with his daring racing of these
    $1200 6
It's britspeak for a type of parakeet
    DD: $3,000 18
Teddy Roosevelt spoke to a crowd of 10,000 at the laying of the foundation stone for this cathedral in 1907
    $1200 3
Parker Scavo,
Ana Solis,
Danielle Van de Kamp
    $1200 27
This soft, thin fabric has a wrinkled surface, as does a type of paper with which it shares its name
    $1200 13
I have $1,200 for knowing this term, also a type of bridge card game...$1,200 once! twice! sold!
    DD: $2,000 22
In the congress system of 1815-25, nations tried to solve conflict diplomatically, starting with the Congress of here
    $1600 7
This tropical seabird was named for its supposed lack of intelligence; not afraid of humans, it was easily killed
    $1600 19
(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Jerusalem.) Sites corresponding to the tenth through final stations of the cross are within the Church of the Holy this--another word for a tomb; it's been called Christianity's most hallowed ground
    $1600 9
    $1600 29
In 1891 Hilaire Chardonnet began producing this first manmade fiber, sometimes called chardonnet silk
    $1600 14
It's the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet
    $2000 23
By 878 the Vikings had conquered all of England except for this southern kingdom controlled by Alfred the Great
    $2000 8
Buteo buteo is the common species of this large, slow-moving bird of prey
    $2000 20
In 1453 Ottoman Turks converted this cathedral, whose Greek name means "holy wisdom", into a mosque
    $2000 10
Drs. Taub,
Chase &
    $2000 28
To purchase Harris tweed at its source, you'll have to travel to these "outer" Scottish islands
    $2000 15
It's another term for a werewolf

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Boomie Silas Beth
$18,600 $8,600 $18,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was born in NYC on April 3, 1783, toward the end of the Revolutionary War, & named for one of the war's heroes

Final scores:

Boomie Silas Beth
$0 $16,600 $37,200
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $37,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Boomie Silas Beth
$18,400 $8,600 $18,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $45,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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