Suggest correction - #6268 - 2011-12-14

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    $1200 4
Nahum Tate's 1681 adaptation of this play omitted the Fool & added a love affair between Edgar & Cordelia

Show #6268 - Wednesday, December 14, 2011

84-year-old Tampa native Shirley Smallwood attends the taping thanks to Jeremy Bloom's Wish of a Lifetime Foundation.


Matt Harriss, a tire and lube technician from Clemson, South Carolina

Jennifer Hills, a librarian from Twin Falls, Idaho

Boomie Aglietti, a writer for TV and stage from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $34,399)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the film as we present...)
THE 1890s
    $200 11
Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day while facing this holy city
    $200 7
The type of film the kids use to make their own zombie movie
    $200 1
In 1892 this Chicago company began offering free chewing gum with each can of baking powder sold
    $200 2
You're looking at what's called the Grand Canyon of Queensland--Carnarvon this
    $200 20
English: His "Unfinished Tales", a collection of more Middle-earth material, was published 7 years after his death
    $200 26
An uplift brassiere is more commonly known as this, moving the "up" to the end of the word
    $400 13
In the 200s B.C. Indian emperor Ashoka converted to this religion that had been founded about 300 years earlier
    DD: $1,000 8
High priest Imhotep
    $400 4
On April 19, 1897 this city's marathon was run for the first time; John McDermott won in 2 hrs., 55 min., 10 sec.
    $400 3
In ancient times the greyhound was trained to hunt this creature
    $400 21
Econ: GDP, this, is the market value of all goods made within a nation's boundaries during a given period
    $600 14
Mambos & houngans are priests & priestesses in this Haitian religion
    $600 9
Captain, Loudy, Bitey, Stinky, Lovey, Nimrod
    $600 5
In 1895 this black educator delivered the Atlanta Compromise speech about improving the lot of African Americans
    $600 15
Indian culture is stronger in this Western Hemisphere nation than in its neighbors
    $600 22
Social studies: In 1984 this Baptist minister established the National Rainbow Coalition
    $800 19
The name of the divine mother goddess Durga in this religion is Sanskrit for "invincible"
    $800 10
A tiny pampered pooch named Chloe
    $800 6
John Philip Sousa sat down on Christmas 1896 & wrote this march, including the lyric "Hurrah for the flag of the free"
    $800 17
Normally holding up to about 2 ounces of fluid, this organ aids in the digestion of fats
    $800 23
History: This one of the 7 Ancient Wonders was said to be laid out on several brick terraces & 75 feet above the ground
    $1000 25
Each year on the Jewish festival Simchat Torah, or "Torah rejoicing", the last part of this book of the Bible is read
    $1000 16
A 1972 Ford auto
    $1000 12
On June 2, 1899 Butch Cassidy & this gang, also a 1969 movie title, robbed their first train near Wilcox, Wyoming
    $1000 18
It's the type of large support structure for launching rockets seen here, Elmer
    $1000 24
Geography: This sea, an arm of the Indian Ocean, separates Oman & India

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Boomie Jennifer Matt
$400 $2,200 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Boomie Jennifer Matt
$1,600 $2,400 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
Paris calls this character a "banished haughty Montague"
    $400 22
(Hi, I'm Kyra Sedgwick.) I'm always listening to this band's classics like "Crash", but true fans know you've got to see DMB live to really get the experience
    $400 19
November 19:
Saint Rainier's Day
    $400 1
One single member of the "Bronx Bombers"
    $400 11
Drop a letter from "fraction" to get this fraction of a group within a larger group
    $400 21
The sandhill type of this tall wading bird breeds from Alaska to Hudson Bay
    $800 3
This lover of Bassanio disguises herself as a lawyer & saves Antonio
    $800 23
(I'm Andy Richter.) Usually my iPod has songs by this '60s British soul singer of "I Only Want To Be With You" & "Son Of A Preacher Man"
    $800 18
March 17:
A certain saint's day
    $800 7
A general wears one & so does a private
    $800 25
It's a group of bowling teams that compete against each other, or a former association of nations
    $800 20
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew swishes a quarter inside an inflated baloon.) The quarter inside the balloon continues in a circular motion, because the balloon is imposing this inward force, from the Latin for "seek the center"
    $1200 4
Nahum Tate's 1681 adaptation of this play omitted the Fool & added a love affair between Edgar & Cordelia
    $1200 24
(Hi, I'm Rebecca Lobo.) I love just about everything by this Northern Irish rocker, including "Gloria" & "Moondance"
    $1200 13
April 30:
Queen's Day, celebrating the 1909 birth of Juliana & the 1980 accession of her daughter Beatrix
    $1200 8
It's equal to 1,000 grams
    $1200 26
Shirley MacLaine was one of the few female members of this fabled group that also included Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra
    DD: $2,500 12
Originally, this unit of measure was the amount of radioactivity given off by one gram of radium
    $1600 5
Act I of this tragedy is set in Venice; Act II, in Cyprus
    $1600 29
(Hi, I'm Christopher Meloni.) I'm on the sonic cutting edge listening to songs from this band's albums like "In Rainbows" or "OK Computer"
    DD: $1,700 14
November 3:
Separation Day, commemorating its 1903 split with Colombia
    $1600 9
A place to stay when on vacation
    $1600 27
At school, kids inevitably form these exclusive groups of friends, from the French for "noise"
    $1600 16
This type of particle accelerator utilizes a spiraling path
    $2000 6
Some believe this comedy was written to be performed during Epiphany festivities, hence its name
    $2000 28
(I'm Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.) You'll find this sax man who took "Giant Steps" to modernize jazz with his innovative "Sheets of Sound" playing style
    $2000 15
September 16:
Celebrating the Grito de Dolores
    $2000 10
A New World capital city
    $2000 30
A synonym for group, it's often applied to "beauties" & is a collective noun for several swans
    $2000 17
The name of this class of mollusks comes from Greek words meaning "head foot"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Boomie Jennifer Matt
$22,200 $5,600 $7,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Character names in a book & movie series, the top names for 2009 & 2010 were Isabella for girls & this biblical one for boys

Final scores:

Boomie Jennifer Matt
$24,400 $8,600 $3,199
2-day champion: $58,799 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Boomie Jennifer Matt
$20,800 $5,000 $7,200
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
14 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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