Suggest correction - #6232 - 2011-10-25

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    $400 15
Russell Brand was just a kid when this actor originated the role of "Arthur" in 1981

Show #6232 - Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Jennifer Dockter, a stay-at-home mom from Fremont, California

Gabor Vari, a psychiatrist from Los Angeles, California

Balaji Narain, an attorney originally from Cumming, Georgia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $55,799)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
"Crimen y Castigo"
    $200 1
An elasticized cord that's handy for jumping safely from a great height
    $200 14
In a remake of "True Grit", Jeff Bridges plays Rooster Cogburn, a role first played onscreen by this legend
    $200 11
The 2006 swimsuit issue of this athletic magazine featured a $30 million diamond bikini
    $200 21
The tail of the death-stalker type of this arachnid delivers poison that can cause paralysis & heart failure
    $400 3
V.C. Andrews:
"Flores en el Atico"
    $400 7
In a 1969 Sam Peckinpah film, William Holden led a "Wild" one
    $400 15
Russell Brand was just a kid when this actor originated the role of "Arthur" in 1981
    $400 12
2010, not a good year for this U.K. oil co.; in Sept. the EPA fined it $15 million for Clean Air Act violations at a refinery
    $400 22
This 2nd-largest land mammal has its eyes & ears on top of its head so it can keep track of things from underwater
    $600 28
Since 1927 Prestone has been making this for temperature-challenged engine parts
    $600 4
Mitch Albom:
"Las Cinco Personas que Encontraras en el Cielo"
    $600 8
Western ranch hands often live in this 9-letter cabin or dormitory
    $600 16
In the "National Treasure" movies, he plays archaeologist extraordinaire Ben Franklin Gates
    $600 13
In 1979 the final construction cost of the JFK Library & Museum, designed by this Chinese American, was $12 million
    $600 23
Seen here, the satanic leaf-tailed this won't save you 15% on your car insurance
    $800 27
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of car brakes on the monitor.) If your brakes squeal, it may indicate that these parts the engage the rotors are wearing thin & should be replaced
    DD: $1,400 5
A bestselling memoir:
"Come, Reza, Ama"
    $800 9
This adjective meaning very large refers to a mythical lumberjack
    $800 17
In 2010 this Oscar winner had a recurring role as Washington lobbyist Marilyn Densham on "Big Love"
    $800 19
This co-founder of Facebook agreed to donate $100 million to Newark public schools
    $800 24
In Madagascar, the male ring-tailed this slashes a tree trunk with a spur to mark his troop's territory
    $1000 26
This converter reduces the level of harmful pollutants in a car's exhaust
    $1000 6
Beverly Cleary:
"El Ratoncito de la Moto"
    $1000 10
To botch
    $1000 18
This dame's roles have included the Mother Superior in "Sister Act", Granny Wendy in "Hook" & Miss Jean Brodie
    $1000 20
A man who bought 65 negatives at a garage sale said they were the work of this landscape master & worth $200 million
    $1000 25
Follow your nose to go pro & name this type of monkey seen here, a surprisingly good swimmer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Balaji Gabor Jennifer
$1,600 $5,600 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Balaji Gabor Jennifer
$1,600 $10,000 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And we'll show some stuff to read.)
(Alex: And they all have names that end in -"E-S", like Socrates, Euripides, Aristophanes.)
    $400 1
Al-Jaza'ir isn't a TV network but the Arabic name for this capital city in north Africa
    $400 2
If you can read this, you're a genius like this Italian born in 1452 who made notes in mirror writing
    $400 17
Maureen Boyle gave birth to quadruplets known as the "Four on the Fourth" in this month, 1990
    $400 12
He played child psychologist Malcolm Crowe in "The Sixth Sense"
    $400 27
The day he left office after 10 years in 2007, he had a new job as a Mideast envoy
    $400 9
Because of his loyal slave, a Greek known for introducing performers was known as the master of him
    $800 3
The Luzon Strait separates Taiwan from this country to the south
    $800 5
If you can read this, you're the only one in the world who can decipher Rongorongo, a script from this island, 2,200 miles off Chile
    $800 18
Number of babies (boys & girls, not cephalopods) birthed by Nadya Suleman in January 2009
    $800 15
1980's "Hungry Heart" was his first Top 10 hit
    DD: $2,000 26
This early 1830s PM lives on in the name of a popular tea
    $800 10
Boy, how he used to talk about these mountains on the edge of Iberia; not like he ever went there
    $1200 4
This large island forms an autonomous region of Italy along with smaller islands, like Pantelleria
    $1200 6 could transcribe the dictation from the Pitman system of this
    $1200 19
How lucky--in 1997 Bobbi McCaughey of Des Moines, Iowa gave birth to the first surviving set of these
    $1200 13
This icon of martial arts wrote the book "Tao of Jeet Kune Do"
    $1200 25
Harold Wilson of this party was the last PM to serve 2 nonconsecutive terms, 1964-70 & 1974-76
    $1200 11
He got this name because of what he was known for "taking" by expressing rude intimacy with a stranger
    $1600 20
The gulf of Venezuela, bordering Venezuela & Colombia, is an inlet of this sea
    DD: $3,000 7
If you can read this, you know this ancient language of the Bhagavad Gita, but may have trouble keeping up your conversation skills
    $1600 21
In Canada Elzire Dionne gave birth to this many babies May 28, 1934
    $1600 14
He gets a gold medal for being Kim Kardashian's stepdad
    $1600 23
This man "the Younger" took over in 1783 & probably looked much older by 1801
    $1600 28
Instead of showing up once a week for 13 weeks, he'd appear 3 or 4 nights in a row, & it was always very dramatic
    $2000 24
Asia's 2 smallest mainland nations are Qatar at 4,473 square miles & this country west of Syria at 4,015 square miles
    $2000 8
If you can read this, you can read chapter 3 of the Old Testament book of this man, in the original Aramaic; the first word is "Nebuchadnezzar"
    $2000 22
On Jan. 11, 1974 mother Susan gave birth to the Rosenkowitz sextuplets via this method
    $2000 16
I'll confess that this "Burn Notice" actor seen here has a killer chin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Balaji Gabor Jennifer
$6,000 $23,600 $17,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Monopoly creator Charles Darrow's sole quote in "the Yale Book of Quotations" includes this 3-digit number

Final scores:

Balaji Gabor Jennifer
$0 $34,401 $33,200
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $34,401 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Balaji Gabor Jennifer
$6,000 $21,800 $15,800
6 R,
0 W
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $43,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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