Suggest correction - #1906 - 1992-12-14

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    $100 3
His stories include "The Man Who Was" and "The Man Who Would Be King"

Show #1906 - Monday, December 14, 1992


Paul Voiron, a law clerk from Harvey, Louisiana

Ellen Kurek, a health researcher originally from Port Carbon, Pennsylvania

Sheryl Stein, a program analyst from Arlington, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,300)

Jeopardy! Round

1960s ROCK
    $100 6
A town crier reads this document on the steps of the National Archives on the Fourth of July
    $100 2
In 321 Constantine the Great declared it a legal day of rest & worship
    $100 3
His stories include "The Man Who Was" and "The Man Who Would Be King"
    $100 5
70% of the world's known oil reserves is controlled by the 13 countries that make up this organization
    $100 1
His "Blue Hawaii" LP remained No. 1 for 20 straight weeks, a record that stood for 15 years
    $100 23
Prices that can't get any lower are said to have reached this
    $200 14
The Old Ebbitt Grill, billed as "Washington's Oldest Saloon", is just 2 blocks from this famous residence
    $200 13
Under an 1845 act of Congress, presidential elections are held on this day of the week
    $200 4
John Galsworthy's 1906 work "The Man of Property" was the first in this series of novels
    $200 8
"Barrister" & "Business Lawyer" are publications of this legal organization
    $200 9
The Byrds' first release, "Mr. Tambourine Man", was written by this folk artist
    $200 24
Anything that is firmly fixed is said to be as solid as this famous rock
    $300 15
Stalactites have formed in the basement under this presidential memorial -- "honest"
    $300 17
It was named for the Norse god of thunder
    $300 7
This 1852 work was subtitled "Life Among the Lowly"
    $300 21
Each year in mid-November, this organization kicks off its Christmas Seal Campaign
    $300 10
The song in which "She's afraid to come out of the water, and the poor little girl's turning blue"
    $300 25
It's "the hand that rules the world"
    $400 16
Pierre L'Enfant's grand plan for Washington, D.C. was reminiscent of this capital city, his birthplace
    $400 18
It's the first name of Gomez & Morticia Addams' daughter
    $400 20
In this Ernest Hemingway story, an author awaits death while on an African safari
    $400 29
Nearly 115,000 single parents belong to this nonprofit organization abbreviated PWP
    $400 11
"Do the Freddie" was created to promote the antics of this group's leader
    $400 26
In a hymn, it's the title line that precedes "Cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee"
    $500 19
The Freer Gallery boasts a major collection of this artist's works, tho his "mother" hangs in the Louvre
    $500 22
In the familiar poem, this day's "child works hard for a living"
    DD: $500 28
This 1837 Nathaniel Hawthorne collection contained 39 of his stories
    $500 30
Key clubs in high schools & Circle K clubs in colleges are sponsored by this worldwide service organization
    $500 12
Michael Nesmith wrote "Different Drum", which was a Top 20 hit for this Linda Ronstadt group
    $500 27
In Illinois only Chicago has a larger population than this manufacturing city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Sheryl Ellen Paul
$800 $0 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sheryl Ellen Paul
$3,300 $300 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
It's the name of a chemical substance made up of 2 or more elements
    $200 2
This word refers to anything that's handwritten, not just a celebrity's signature
    $200 19
Vatican City lies on the west, or right, bank of this river
    $200 8
This tone poem by Richard Strauss was based on a book by Cervantes
    $200 5
This ship's historic Atlantic crossing took from September 16 to November 21, 1620
    $400 13
In 1985 Giacobini-Zinner became the first one of these to be intercepted by a spacecraft
    $400 3
This style of letters that slant to the right goes back to handwriting used in the Vatican chancery
    $400 20
This "beautiful blue" river begins as 2 small springs, the Breg & Brigach, in the Black Forest
    $400 9
In boogie-woogie piano music, the left hand plays this many beats to the bar repeatedly
    $400 6
The taking of England by William in 1066 is known as this "Conquest"
    $600 16
These windstorms spiral clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere & counterclockwise in the Northern
    $600 4
This 10-letter word for the art of attractive writing has the name of a writing implement in it
    $600 21
Including Lake Managua, the 2 largest lakes in Central America are found in this country
    $600 10
It's the instrument associated with Jean-Pierre Rampal
    $600 7
In June 1756 the Nawab of Bengal imprisoned a number of Europeans in a dungeon nicknamed this
    $800 17
When boiled, this fibrous protein found in bones & connective tissue dissolves & forms gelatin
    $800 24
In this area of study, handwriting is analyzed to determine personality traits
    $800 22
Early explorers gave it a Spanish name meaning "large river"
    $800 11
Virtuoso keyboard piece whose name is Italian for "touched"; Bach paired several with fugues
    DD: $1,000 14
People born while this war continued include Chaucer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Joan of Arc
    $800 27
A 1934 production of this play featured the young Orson Welles as Tybalt
    $1000 18
It's the force that holds the molecules of a substance together
    $1000 25
It's a professional copyist, like Bartleby in the title of a Melville work
    DD: $1,000 23
Major tributaries of this river include the Pelly, Porcupine & Klondike
    $1000 12
Donizetti opera about Marie, who as a baby was found on a battlefield & raised by a group of soldiers
    $1000 15
He & his 1,000 "Red Shirts" took Sicily in 1860
    $1000 26
This English beauty known as the "Jersey Lilly" played a seductive Lady Macbeth in 1889

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sheryl Ellen Paul
$4,700 $1,700 $5,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 54 A.D., as the result of his mother's scheming, he became the first teenage emperor of Rome at age 16

Final scores:

Sheryl Ellen Paul
$2,700 $0 $1,500
2-day champion: $8,000 3rd place: a set of reference books from Houghton-Mifflin + Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune video games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis system 2nd place: dining room furniture from Keller and Cuthbertson dinnerware

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sheryl Ellen Paul
$5,200 $1,700 $5,300
22 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $12,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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