Suggest correction - #482 - 1986-10-14

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    $100 24
Demonic name of New Jersey's franchise

Show #482 - Tuesday, October 14, 1986

Dave Traini game 3.


Paul Schindler Jr., a journalist originally from Portland, Oregon

Ian Barondess, a salesperson originally from Great Neck, New York

Dave Traini, a teacher from Medford Lakes, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Legend holds that a shepherd named Bucur founded this capital city
    $100 7
Before it changed direction, this musical was called "East Side Story"
    $100 2
Process in which fat globules are broken up so that they don't rise to the top
    $100 24
Demonic name of New Jersey's franchise
    $100 21
Isaac sent this hairy son, not Jacob, to go hunting for venison
    $100 12
Colosseum combatants of ancient Rome
    $200 4
On TV's "The Munsters", part of Romania where Grandpa was born & Herman was assembled
    $200 8
Because Fanny Brice conceived his wife, Ray Stark conceived this musical
    $200 3
Appropriately, this state called "America's Dairyland" leads the U.S. in milk production
    $200 25
City whose '74 & '75 NHL champs, the Flyers, were called the "Broad Street Bullies"
    $200 22
Name of this king, who had a peaceful reign, derives from "Shalom", meaning "peace"
    $200 13
1st line of Carol Burnett's theme
    $300 17
Of Minn., Mo., or La., the U.S. state sharing same geographic latitude as Romania
    $300 9
It opened, appropriately, at the Majestic & marked the musical stage debut of Richard Burton
    $300 5
A milking machine has this many milking cups
    $300 26
Edmonton struck oil when they signed him in 1978 at age 17
    DD: $300 23
Biblical prophecy portrayed by this N.Y. sculpture:
    $300 14
Your best "fun" clothing
    $400 19
The delta of this major European river is in Romania
    $400 10
In "1776", Mrs. Jefferson sings that her "strings are unstrung" when Tom tucks this under his chin
    $400 6
Skim milk is fortified with D & this vitamin that's lost when the butterfat is removed
    $400 27
All-time great goalie Jacques Plante is also remembered for popularizing this piece of equipment
    $400 28
When they were slaves, the Israelites lived in this part of the land O'Egypt
    $400 15
Named for a 19th century British statesman, it's a suitcase hinged to open flat
    $500 20
In Hawaii, if you get a lei, you get flowers; in Romania, if you get lei, you get this
    $500 11
Broadway hit in which Lola sings, "I took the zing out of the King of Siam"
    $500 18
This principal sugar of milk is not found in any other natural foods
    $500 30
With over 3000 of these, Dave Williams holds an ignominious record
    $500 29
Relationship of Naomi to Ruth
    $500 16
On "Bewitched", she was the nosy neighbor of Darren & Samantha Stevens

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Dave Ian Paul
$300 $1,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Ian Paul
$2,300 $300 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Homophones, of course, words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings.)
    $200 11
"We have 2,898 men unfit for duty because they are barefooted," Washington wrote from there
    $200 6
Crafted, or the upstairs cleaning lady
    $200 1
This macadamia nut rancher said, "I don't know where I stop & Gomer begins"
    $200 12
"Cattle Kate" Watson who traded sex for stolen steers met this "swinging" fate
    $200 21
He last hit #1 on the singles charts with "Suspicious Minds" in 1969
    $400 13
Having helped incite the revolution by writing "Common Sense", he later went back to England
    $400 7
Run away from a tiny circus bug
    $400 2
Lawrence Olivier was fired from "Queen Christina" because he was "too nervous and scared of" this Swede
    $400 17
This writer spruced up old clippings & goosed McGraw-Hill with a fake autobiography of H. Hughes
    $400 22
The night before he passed away in 1566, he made his last prediction, his death
    $600 14
Oct. '77 battle near this Upstate N.Y. spa was called the turning point of war & brought France in on our side
    $600 8
Fuel from a bog, or the "Little Rascal" dog
    DD: $2,000 3
Peter O'Toole has received 2 Oscar nominations for playing King Henry II, 1 for each of these 2 films
    $600 18
Marie Lafarge's French pastry had this element, atomic #33, which sent her to prison
    $800 15
From 1770 thru the end of the revolution, Lord North held this position
    $800 9
Followed footprints through the forest, or a large expanse of land
    $800 4
He escaped the Nazis in "The Sound of Music", but they caught & shot him in "Crossings"
    $800 19
In addition to his more historic crime, he was charged with killing policeman J.D. Tippit
    $800 26
W. Germany's colorful ecology-minded party, they won 27 seats in the Bundestag in their 1st election
    $800 25
Alexander VI (Borgia) was the last Pope to acknowledge having them
    DD: $1,800 16
In celebrated speech, Patrick Henry reminded George III that Caesar & Charles I "had" these 2 men
    $1000 10
A serving piece that can be fancy, or a fancy name for a card in the deck
    $1000 5
Joan Crawford played this Somerset Maugham trollop before Hayworth, but Rita did it in 3-D
    $1000 20
This 1966 mass murderer of Chicago Nurses wore a tattoo reading "Born to raise hell"
    $1000 24
Author of "Science & Survival" & 1980 Citizens' Party candidate for president
    $1000 23
January 1, 1971 was the last day these were seen on U.S. television

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Ian Paul
$8,700 $2,300 $5,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1985, this Michigan-based company was the nation's largest single exporter

Final scores:

Dave Ian Paul
$5,400 $300 $0
3-day champion: $32,001 2nd place: trip to Honolulu 3rd place: Maytag washer and drier

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Ian Paul
$7,300 $2,600 $5,100
20 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
12 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $15,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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