Suggest correction - #6202 - 2011-07-26

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    $200 1
Martha Stewart's favorite recipe for this sandwich includes light mayo & uses 10 whites & only 2 yolks

Show #6202 - Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Andrew Bach, a lawyer from Columbia, Missouri

Graig Zethner, a computer engineer from East Meadow, New York

Linda Percy, a retired emergency room physician from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $50,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Martha Stewart's favorite recipe for this sandwich includes light mayo & uses 10 whites & only 2 yolks
    $200 26
Elvis wasn't "crying all the time", having a dual-sided No. 1 hit with "Don't Be Cruel" & this song
    $200 16
This instrument, in its simplest form a tube with mirrors, enables the sub crew to see above the surface of the water
    $200 21
Mistress of the Robes is the title of this woman's chief lady-in-waiting
    $200 11
Roald Dahl's Augustus Gloop gets his just des(s)erts when he falls into a river of this trying to drink it
    $200 6
In 2008 a 6'3", 9,033-pound ball was made using 726,500 of these stretchable office items
    $400 2
Kraft informs us that Americans eat 2.2 billion of these cooked sandwiches a year
    $400 27
"Time" is on side 1 of this Pink Floyd album; "Money" is on side 2
    $400 17
U1, this country's first naval submarine, entered service in 1906
    $400 22
Goiter is caused by a deficiency of this element in the thyroid gland
    $400 10
This author's vile creation Uriah Heep has his fraud justly exposed & goes to prison
    $400 12
Referring to his circulatory system, it describes any strong, patriotic, lusty American man
    $600 3
The pan bagnat, a Nicoise specialty, is a Provencal version of this American brown bag staple
    $600 28
Fittingly, "Act Of Contrition" was on the flip side of this No. 1 single by Madonna
    $600 18
"Under Pressure", the first novel by this "Dune" author, details the dangerous mission of a 4-man sub crew in the 2000s
    $600 23
2010 marked 50 years of this device, which has revolutionized eye surgery & outdoor light shows
    $600 9
At the end, this character's "Wilde", degenerate life is seen in his loathsome corpse; nice picture, though
    $600 13
This cerebral hemisphere helps us deal with spatial concepts
    $800 4
Butter, romano & this meat are traditional in a hot brown, a late November favorite from Kentucky's Brown Hotel
    $800 29
Side 1 of his album "Midnight Love" provided "Sexual Healing"
    DD: $800 19
In 1800, this inventor let off some steam building a copper-covered sub called the Nautilus
    $800 25
The number of righteous men in each generation according to Jewish legend, or the highest number in roulette
    $800 8
This novel's villain, De Villefort, finds his wife & son dead & Edmond Dantes gloating
    $800 15
The first African-American to win the Nobel Peace Prize, this man was appointed to the U.N. Palestine Commission in 1947
    $1000 5
A sandwich specialty of Montreal is this pastrami-like delight, viande fumee en francais
    $1000 30
Side 1 of her album "Tapestry" starts with "I Feel The Earth Move"; side 2 ends with "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"
    $1000 20
This Confederate sub that sank in 1864 was raised from the sea bottom off Charleston in 2000
    $1000 24
Operation Dynamo was the Allied name for the desperate 1940 evacuation from this French town
    $1000 7
This John Bunyan book features a man whose lusts & sins have him condemned for eternity in an iron cage
    $1000 14
This small ledge beneath the doors of an auto helped passengers get in & out

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Linda Graig Andrew
$2,600 $1,600 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Graig Andrew
$4,400 $2,800 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll need the name and the letters.)
    $400 1
Cio Cio San, a young Japanese woman
    $400 16
The name of this nautical measure also means "comprehend"
    $400 3
No big surprise--this hook-shaped peninsula of Massachusetts was named for the fish caught off its shores
    $400 13
This 19th century showman's first successful exhibit at the American Museum was the Feejee Mermaid (yeah, it was fake)
    $400 8
A vertical side of a doorway
    $400 23
She was a guest host on "The Tonight Show", but after she got her own late night gig, Carson never spoke to her again
    $800 2
Jemmy, a Swiss boy used as a target stand
    $800 17
For petroleum, 42 U.S. gallons is one of these units
    $800 4
This New York City borough was named for Catherine of Braganza, Charles II's wife
    $800 14
Spend a night at museums designed by this architect, including Qatar's Museum of Islamic Art & Kyoto's Miho
    $800 9
By definition, it's something that brings bad luck
    $800 24
This talk show host's fanatical audience section near the band was known as the Dog Pound
    DD: $1,000 28
Mozart's Queen of the Night, a sorceress
    $1200 19
Seen here is the symbol for this unit of length that was named for a Swedish scientist
    $1200 5
Manila, Utah receieved its name in 1898 to commemorate a victory by Admiral Dewey during this war
    $1200 15
Maurits Cornelis were the first 2 names of this Dutch graphic artist known for his bizarre optical effects
    $1200 10
The shortened first name of a Biblical man, it means to tease good-humoredly
    $1200 25
In 2005 this Scot took over as host of "The Late Late Show"
    $1600 29
Daland, a captain of the high seas who meets a mysterious stranger
    $1600 20
One unit of this distance used in horse racing is exactly 660 feet
    $1600 6
One of Texas' barrier islands, this island was named for its wild horses, not its Ford coupes
    $1600 18
The "B" in this psychologist's first name was for Burrhus, which must've influenced his behavior to go by his initials
    DD: $2,000 11
The astrological notion that a certain large planet exerted a happy influence led to this adjective
    $1600 26
Before he hosted his HBO show, he hosted the late night "Politically Incorrect" on ABC
    $2000 30
Kurwenal, a servant accompanying his knight & master to pick up a new bride
    $2000 21
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, NY.) Electron microscopes provide images with resolution measured in these units, also known as millimicrons, that are equal to about 1/50,000 the width of a human hair
    $2000 7
"Sew" what you're saying is this California city, on the edge of the Mojave Desert, is named for some really sharp peaks
    $2000 22
In 1895 he became the first African American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard
    $2000 12
Someone who's always ready to sign up with a new club
    $2000 27
In 1973 Tom Snyder began hosting this show that, fittingly, was on after midnight

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Graig Andrew
$14,200 $6,400 $10,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This miracle that happens in all 4 gospels, including Mark 6 & Luke 9, has elements that symbolically represent Jesus

Final scores:

Linda Graig Andrew
$20,401 $4,600 $20,400
3-day champion: $70,401 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Linda Graig Andrew
$16,000 $6,400 $9,800
21 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $32,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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