Suggest correction - #6203 - 2011-07-27

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    $800 25
Grimm's Law of consonant shifts says the Indo-European "P" sound became an "F", so piscis became this English word

Show #6203 - Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Ryan Fox, a graduate student in mathematics education from Athens, Georgia

Amy George, a geographic information systems analyst from Richmond, Virginia

Linda Percy, a retired emergency room physician from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $70,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Around 486 the Franks took control of the region once known by this 4-letter name
    $200 6
Whitney Houston,
    $200 1
British Captain Thomas Preston was a central figure in the trial regarding this unfortunate 1770 event
    $200 17
Among the remarks attributed to this baseball player are "It was deja vu all over again" & "You can observe a lot by watching"
    $200 12
Making him a revolutionary martyr, the Bolivian Army tracked down this man and killed him in 1967
    $200 26
This 1935 U.S. federal law provided assistance in old age pensions, insurance & unemployment
    $400 22
He co-ruled the Franks with his brother Carloman but became sole king when his brother died in 771
    $400 7
Glen Campbell,
    $400 2
Lawson Botts, who defended this fiery abolitionist at his 1859 trial, died fighting for the Confederacy in 1862
    $400 18
In a 1961 song, it's the question that precedes "Girls have picked them every one, oh, when will they ever learn?"
    $400 13
After the death of her husband in 1861, she did not go out in public again for three years, and refused to wear anything but black
    $400 27
This term for someone attempting to gain a higher position in society sounds like a casual mountaineer
    $600 23
This "short" guy became King of the Franks in 751 & was the first to be officially anointed by a pope
    $600 8
The Byrds,
"T! T! T!"
    $600 3
In 1521 it was Charles V presiding & the Archbishop of Trier, John Eck, prosecuting this man
    $600 19
One of Garrison Keillor's quotes begins, "That's the news from" this place, "where all the women are strong"
    $600 14
The original head shrinker, he fled to London in 1938 following the Nazi annexation of Austria
    $600 28
The USSR was a Union of Soviet these
    $800 24
In 732, when he defeated an invading Muslim army at Tours, a king earned the nickname Martel, meaning this
    $800 9
Gwen Stefani,
    DD: $600 4
In 1633 Urban VIII had this man tried; Father Firenzuola prosecuted
    $800 20
A 1920 Robert Frost poem begins, "Some say the world will end in" this, "some say in ice"
    $800 15
This Four Quartets poet was awarded both the Nobel Prize and the Order of Merit in 1948
    $800 29
S.A.D. can stand for this psychological condition, a fear of being humiliated in front of others
    $1000 25
Early Frankish king Clovis I belonged to this dynasty whose name comes from its founder, Merovech
    $1000 10
The Beatles,
    $1000 5
The accusers in his 399 B.C. trial were Meletus, Anytus & Lycon
    $1000 21
On March 21, 1973 this White House counsel said that "we have a cancer within, close to the presidency, that is growing"
    $1000 16
Now retired, this foreign-born American influenced U.S. national policy for decades
    $1000 30
Implicit agreement in which the individual surrenders liberty in return for protection

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Linda Amy Ryan
$6,000 $800 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Amy Ryan
$10,800 $3,800 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
There's a law of supply & a law of this partner, namely: the higher the price, the less people want to buy an item
    $400 30
The title of this film tells you what events Hugh Grant & his friends will be attending (though not in that order)
    $400 6
"The Time Machine"
    $400 1
The Walter P. Reuther library at Wayne State University in Detroit is devoted to this movement
    $400 16
In the Irish language, this very Irish color is glas, & the political party is Comhaontas Glas
    $400 11
Adventurous courage, perhaps shown by the young man on the flying trapeze
    $800 25
Grimm's Law of consonant shifts says the Indo-European "P" sound became an "F", so piscis became this English word
    $800 27
Jeff Goldblum, William Hurt, Glenn Close & other friends gather & reminisce for a friend's funeral in this film
    $800 7
"Five Weeks in a Balloon"
    $800 2
Learn fiddle & gee-tar at the Blair school of music of this university--it is in Nashville, after all
    $800 17
In a Paris shop, the English word "jaundice" may help you remember this French word for "yellow"
    $800 12
Cities in Missouri & Massachusetts are called this, also the capital of a third state
    DD: $4,000 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew pours water into a bowl of polymer powder.) There's a law of conservation of mass, but when I add water to this super absorbent polymer used to make artificial snow, you can see there's no law of conservation of this, mass divided by density
    $1200 21
Obsessed with death, Bud Cort meets Ruth Gordon at a funeral in this classic
    $1200 8
"The Notebook"
    $1200 3
The university of this Texas city is not actually located within the city itself but in the neighboring city of Irving
    $1200 18
Mavi is Turkish for this, the color of a landmark mosque there
    $1200 13
Dexter Holland's band
    $1600 28
Many of us have felt the effects of Parkinson's law: this expands to fill the time allotted for it
    $1600 22
Jimmy Stewart returns to the town of Shinbone for John Wayne's funeral & sets the record straight in this manly western
    $1600 9
"Native Son"
    DD: $3,000 4
This New England institution is the only one of the Ivy League schools officially called a college
    $1600 19
This zona, Spanish for "pink zone", is a touristy part of Mexico City
    $1600 14
Listen up! It's a session in which testimony is presented before a judge in a lawsuit
    $2000 29
Dalton's law says that the total amount of this exerted by a mix of gases is the sum of what each gas would exert alone
    $2000 23
Chris Rock starred in a 2010 remake of this British film in which chaos ensues at what should be a solemn occasion
    $2000 10
"The Bridges of Madison County"
    $2000 5
This university in a borough named State College was founded in 1855 as a 4-year college called Farmers' High School
    $2000 20
German for "white", in Bavaria it's found before "Bier"
    $2000 15
This emcee at a circus is traditionally part announcer, part equestrian director

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Linda Amy Ryan
$19,600 $15,000 $14,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

On the run following the siege of Oxford, he surrendered May 5, 1646 near Newark on Trent

Final scores:

Linda Amy Ryan
$9,199 $2 $18,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $18,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Linda Amy Ryan
$19,800 $12,200 $13,400
27 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $45,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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