Suggest correction - #6193 - 2011-07-13

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    $1000 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates the clue with a plastic bottle of water.) Pure water can remain liquid below the freezing point because there are no impurities to form ice crystals around, a phenomenon called this. Motion causes bubbles, allowing the water to crystallize.

Show #6193 - Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Paul Barbour, an aspiring producer from Baldwinsville, New York

Sarah Powell, a project financial analyst from Baltimore, Maryland

Damian Yu, an executive compensation consultant originally from West Vancouver, Canada (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $24,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary.)
    $200 7
A founders photo includes one representative who couldn't actually vote in Congress - Walter Fauntroy, the first elected delegate from here
    $200 8
This stage musical around since 1973 has Brad & Janet but no "Picture" in the title
    $200 16
I died around 965 B.C. & my son Solomon succeeded me as King of Israel
    $200 26
A knock to the ulnar nerve at the bend of the elbow, which we call this, causes that weird tingling sensation
    $200 1
Daniel & Gabriel were the first 2 names of this thermometer inventor
    $200 2
In this 1986 video game, Luigi & his sibling are trying to rescue Princess Toadstool
    $400 9
The CBC's fight against this overseas system of segregation included sponsoring a landmark 1986 act
    $400 11
Gonna be a big man someday & name this hit U.K. musical based on the music of Queen
    $400 17
On Feb. 3, 1930 I presided over the founding of the Vietnamese Communist Party
    DD: $1,000 27
The first cranial nerve, it's responsible for the sense of smell
    $400 22
(Dan Patrick reads the clue.) When this Charger retired in 1988, he was one of only 3 quarterbacks to have racked up 40,000 passing yards
    $400 3
This person is in charge of repairs & maintenance at an apartment building
    $600 10
The CBC led the push for the establishment of this federal holiday, signed into law by President Reagan in 1983
    $600 14
Character who sings "Angry Inch"
    $600 18
Newspapers I own include the Daily Telegraph of Sydney & the Australian
    $600 28
This nerve involved in carpal tunnel syndrome shares its name with a math term for the middle number in a sequence
    $600 23
This 19th c. orator went to Dartmouth & argued Dartmouth College v. Woodward before the Supreme Court
    $600 4
12-letter word meaning pertaining to the eerie or occult
    $800 12
The CBC set up a Brain Trust for this kind of "justice" to make sure toxic dumps aren't foisted on minority areas
    $800 15
"Smokey Joe's Cafe" features "Hound Dog" & other songs written by Jerry Lieber & him
    $800 20
After Los Alamos, I was the director of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study from 1947 to 1966
    $800 29
A slipped disc can cause pain along this largest nerve that runs down the leg
    $800 24
This former defense department employee gave the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times
    $800 5
In grammar, it's the highest degree of comparison of adjectives & adverbs
    $1000 13
In 2011 this Georgia congressman, who was beaten on a 1965 civil rights march, received the Medal of Freedom
    $1000 19
In Tom Stoppard's "Rock 'n' Roll", Syd Barrett is a character & the music of this band of his is heard
    $1000 21
I may be a trickster god, but I actually helped Thor get his hammer back after Thrym the frost giant stole it
    $1000 30
The radial nerve, which travels down the arm, controls movement of this large 3-headed muscle
    $1000 25
American architect Daniel Burnham was the Director of Works at the 1893 World's Fair in this city
    $1000 6
(Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates the clue with a plastic bottle of water.) Pure water can remain liquid below the freezing point because there are no impurities to form ice crystals around, a phenomenon called this. Motion causes bubbles, allowing the water to crystallize.

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Damian Sarah Paul
$1,000 $1,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Damian Sarah Paul
$8,600 $2,800 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...the one we will give you as the clue.)
(Alex: I don't know, but each correct response will end in the letters "U-S", "-us".)
    $400 16
    $400 6
Around 1250 this country's King Alfonso III reclaimed the Algarve from the Moors after 500 years of control
    $400 11
Embarrassingly but aptly, this baby doctor's name was synonymous with womb
    $400 18
In November 2008 she opened up Pixie Hollow, located at the edge of Tomorrowland
    $400 1
Chris Rock narrated this show, loosely based on his childhood
    $400 28
The U.S. golf register says the chances of this have been estimated north of 1 in 20,000
    $800 17
    $800 7
A 1287 storm flooded the land separating the North Sea & the Zuiderzee, turning this village into a major port city
    $800 12
Unconquerable & undefeated, he led Rome to victory in the Rugby World Cup championship
    $800 20
"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" is a novel by this Brit
    $800 2
This 1965 movie begins with the birth of Jesus
    $800 29
Theoretically, a U.S. casino's ability to make money on roulette relies on the presence of these 2 green figures
    $1200 19
    $1200 8
This Yucatan city whose ruins are a UNESCO world heritage site gave way to Mayapan as a Mayan political center
    $1200 13
A little known trilinguist, this island-dweller was fluent in Greek & Turkish as well as Latin
    $1200 23
Grant Tinker was known as "the man who saved" this TV network
    $1200 3
The answer to this title question of 1962: she cares for her crippled sister Blanche
    $1600 21
    $1600 9
Roger Bacon wrote coded instructions for making the explosive mix of saltpeter, sulfur & charcoal called black this
    $1600 14
Quiet, efficient & adept at getting around, this Roman Toyota hybrid made for a great spy
    $1600 24
2 of the "Rude Mechanicals" from this play are Tom Snout the Tinker & Nick Bottom the Weaver
    $1600 4
In a WB TV series, Treat Williams followed his dead wife's wish & took the kids to this Colorado town
    $1600 27
His 1742 "A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist" was a prelude to writings on other games
    DD: $600 22
    DD: $1,200 10
In 1215 a bloody incident on this city's Ponte Vecchio began a civil war between the Guelphs & Ghibellines
    $2000 15
This 12-letter guy isn't remembered for much of anything other than getting under people's skin
    $2000 25
Sometimes called "Irish Cobs" or "Gypsy Cobs", Irish Tinkers are a type of this animal
    $2000 5
Eddie Rabbitt sang the title song for this 1978 Clint Eastwood movie about a boxer & his simian sidekick
    $2000 26
To figure out the chance of a given roll with 2 dice, take the number of ways that total can come up & divide by this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Damian Sarah Paul
$14,800 $2,800 $17,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

"The spirit who bideth by himself / In the land of mist and snow / He loved the bird that loved the man / Who shot him with his bow"

Final scores:

Damian Sarah Paul
$20,001 $4,000 $29,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $29,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Damian Sarah Paul
$16,000 $2,800 $17,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
6 R,
2 W
21 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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