Suggest correction - #6142 - 2011-05-03

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    $1600 27
We'll feast on geoduck, a type of this bivalve that can weigh 8 pounds

Show #6142 - Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2011 Teachers Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


Charley Tinkham, an eighth grade history and technology teacher from San Bruno, California

Viki Radden, a high school English and literacy teacher from Bakersfield, California

Caitlin Millat, a kindergarten teacher from Brooklyn, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The object of a prolonged quest is often referred to as this Christian cup of medieval legend
    $200 25
This "E.T." director, a Cecil B. DeMille Award recipient
    $200 6
In 1938 the Bill of Rights was transferred from this cabinet department to the National Archives
    $200 11
Like Turkey's flag, Tunisia's flag bears these 2 celestial symbols of Islam
    $200 21
My best properties in this game were Baltic Avenue and the Electric Company
    $200 16
Asian hardwood tree of the family verbenaceae
    $400 2
The British call this rainy day accessory a gamp, after a character in Dickens' "Martin Chuzzlewit"
    $400 26
This Brit, 2003's Best Actor in a TV Comedy Series for "The Office"; he'd later host the event
    $400 7
The preamble to the Bill of Rights states that it was passed by this fraction of the House & Senate
    $400 12
Its flag consists of 2 vertical bands in yellow & white & crossed keys of Saint Peter
    $400 22
When all that was left in the cupboard was a packet of "Del Scorcho" hot sauce from this food chain
    $400 17
A set of draft animals
    $600 3
To attack imaginary enemies is to "tilt at" these, just like Don Quixote
    $600 27
This India-set film, 2008's Best Motion Picture Drama
    $600 8
The statement "No" these "shall issue, but upon probable cause" has frustrated many cops wanting to search a house
    $600 13
Somalia's flag, based on that of the United Nations, is in these 2 colors
    $600 23
This person, my wombmate, forgot my birthday
    $600 18
A book or motion picture calculated to evoke sadness
    $800 4
The term lotus-eater, referring to an indolent daydreamer, comes from this epic by Homer
    $800 28
This man, for his supporting role in "The Fighter"
    DD: $1,000 9
This type of citizen army is mentioned in the Second Amendment
    $800 14
The 11 stripes on this African country's flag commemorate the 11 signers of its Declaration of Independence
    $800 24
I went in the post office & saw my own picture among those on this FBI fugitives list first issued in 1950
    $800 19
To disturb mischievously
    $1000 5
A children's story about a girl enamored with her footwear gives us this term for one who is virtuous in a smug manner
    $1000 29
This woman, 2007's Best Actress in a TV Comedy for "30 Rock"
    $1000 10
In Federalist Paper No. 84, he argued that a bill of rights was "unnecessary" & "dangerous"
    $1000 15
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows flags on the monitor.) Briefly using a flag with a map, this country opted for a solid red disk, signifying bloodshed after gaining independence in 1971
    $1000 30
This character on "Happy Days" became a teacher, bought a home & adopted a child
    $1000 20
A dark greenish-blue

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Caitlin Viki Charley
$400 $200 $7,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Caitlin Viki Charley
$2,800 $2,800 $10,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the city where they're buried, because...)
    $400 4
It's the part of a fraction that tells into how many parts the whole is divided
    $400 1
The Beatles: "Rocky Raccoon checked into his room, only to find ___ ___"
    $400 9
Among these "equine" fish, females lay their eggs in a pouch in the males' skin
    $400 22
Well, this filet came from Japanese Wagyu cattle--it must be this type of beef
    $400 19
Don't be afraid to roar out this fifth sign of the zodiac
    $400 14
Paul Revere
    $800 5
It's the greatest common factor of 18 & 24
    $800 2
Kelly Clarkson: "Since u been gone, I can ___ ___ ___ ___ ___"
    $800 10
Males of the poison arrow variety of these amphibians carry the hatched young on their backs to water
    $800 23
Lamb or beef, it's on a stick so it's this, from the Turkish for "roast meat"
    $800 20
In 2007 this slugger from the Dominican Republic became only the fifth major league player to hit 600 career home runs
    $800 15
Geoffrey Chaucer
    $1200 6
My 1997 Honda Civic went 403 miles on 13 gallons; I'm getting this many miles per gallon
    $1200 3
Coldplay: "I know St. Peter won't call my name, never an honest word, but that was when I ___ ___ ___"
    DD: $1,000 11
Several females will lay up to 50 eggs in the nest of a male of this large flightless S. Amer. bird & he'll incubate them
    $1200 24
It's not salmon, but it looks like salmon; it's called Arctic this & no, it will not be burned despite its name
    DD: $2,000 21
This country's current government, the Fifth Republic, has been in effect since 1958
    $1200 16
Boss Tweed
    $1600 25
You'll experience de triomphe if you know that in trigonometry, this prefix denotes an inverse function
    $1600 7
David Bowie: "And I've been putting out fire with ___"
    $1600 12
Not sure if they're alpha males, but some of the males of this fish genus hatch eggs in their mouths
    $1600 27
We'll feast on geoduck, a type of this bivalve that can weigh 8 pounds
    $1600 29
This river that forms part of the boundary between the U.S. & Mexico is the fifth longest in North America
    $1600 17
Francisco Goya
    $2000 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a graph on the monitor.) When graphing the equation y=2x+1, the line intersects the y-axis at 1; in general, the point where the line crosses is called the y-this
    $2000 8
Gnarls Barkley: "Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? ___"
    $2000 13
The males of these monkeys related to tamarins take on the heavy lifting of child care
    $2000 28
This "windy vortex" of a tenderloin cut is wrapped in bacon due to its extreme leanness
    $2000 30
This "Nutmeg State" was the fifth state to join the Union
    $2000 18
Anwar Sadat

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Caitlin Viki Charley
$6,400 -$1,600 $29,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Bearing the bandages, water & sponge, straight & swift to my wounded I go", he wrote in "The Wound-Dresser"

Final scores:

Caitlin Viki Charley
$6,401 -$1,600 $30,000
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Caitlin Viki Charley
$8,400 -$1,600 $30,000
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
4 W
32 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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