Suggest correction - #6126 - 2011-04-11

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    $600 13
These one-celled organisms that may cause disease also produce the "snipping" enzymes that create recombinant DNA

Show #6126 - Monday, April 11, 2011

Christopher Short game 7.


Tim Kresowik, a urology resident from Iowa City, Iowa

Heather Timberlake, a new mom from Miami, Florida

Christopher Short, a pub trivia editor from Crawfordsville, Indiana (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $94,752)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Cologne, Germany
    $200 16
It's the maiden name of the gal Homer married in Shotgun Pete's wedding chapel & of the gal JFK married in Newport
    $200 21
Contrary to its name, this signature cowboy accessory would actually hold about 96 ounces
    $200 11
The presence of this letter chromosome determines that a zygote will develop into a male
    $200 26
This wrestler & Minnesota governor served on a SEAL underwater demolition team in the Vietnam era
    $200 1
Proverbially speaking, it's what "cleanliness is next to"
    $400 7
Basel, Switzerland
    $400 17
In "The Homer They Fall", after learning he can withstand any blow to the head, Homer becomes a pro one of these
    $400 22
Used by junks & schooners alike, it's about 1.15 miles
    $400 12
Early studies focused on finding the structure not of carbs & fat but of this compound, collagen being one example
    $400 27
U.S. special operations commander Eric T. Olson is the first SEAL to achieve 4-star status as one of these
    $400 2
Place your bets! Each May Baltimore's Pimlico Track hosts this Triple Crown race
    $600 8
Strasbourg, France
    $600 18
Homer's dislikes include his boss (Mr. Burns), yard work & his next-door neighbor, this man
    $600 23
Due to drying & planing, the piece of lumber known by this name is actually 1 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches
    $600 13
These one-celled organisms that may cause disease also produce the "snipping" enzymes that create recombinant DNA
    $600 28
SEAL Christopher Cassidy completed training as one of these in 2006; he was a mission specialist on STS-127
    $600 3
It describes any invertebrate animal, or a person lacking courage
    $800 9
Arnhem, Netherlands
    $800 19
Homer's official bio says he's earned "the distinction of being the longest-term entry-level employee" here
    $800 24
Bring your hoe! This unit of land is equal to 43,560 square feet
    DD: $2,200 14
This process is benign when it replicates DNA segments, but makes people nervous when it replicates mammals
    $800 29
As a SEAL team leader in Vietnam, this Nebraska senator earned the Medal of Honor
    $800 4
From the Greek for "bottomless", it's an immeasurably deep chasm or void
    $1000 10
Vienna, Austria
    $1000 20
Homer's hippie mom abandoned him, so he was raised by a non-hippie dad named this
    $1000 25
In a blood pressure reading such as 115/75, the numbers represent these of mercury
    $1000 15
Linus Pauling used X-ray crystallography to study the patterns of keratin in this body part
    $1000 30
SEAL John Gay survived a firefight in this Somali capital after a bullet deflected off the knife he wore
    $1000 5
After you stuff a turkey, you might do this to it, meaning tie up the wings & legs for easier cooking & a nice appearance

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Christopher Heather Tim
$1,400 $600 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Christopher Heather Tim
$6,800 $3,200 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
The Egyptians were the first known civilization to power boats using these, probably large leafy fronds on the bow
    $400 16
"Lawrence of Arabia"
    $400 1
"Congress shall make no law"
    $400 3
In this detective's 1892 "Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", the carbuncle was a blue garnet hidden in a goose
    $400 2
It's from the Greek for "well spoken"; Bindi Irwin gave a moving one for her dad
    $400 21
Secretaries of State:
Madeleine Albright,
Colin Powell...
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map of Egypt on the monitor.) Egypt originally hugged the Nile River, but over the next 1,200 years, it gradually grew to cover an area reaching as far north as this river by the 1400s B.C.
    $800 17
"Turner & Hooch" (just Turner, please)
    $800 8
"A well regulated militia, being necessary"
    $800 4
Created by Charles Perrault, this fairy tale villain who killed 6 wives may be based on real murderer Gilles de Rais
    $800 12
Traditionally they guarded the harem
    $800 22
Years in the Chinese calendar:
(a smaller critter)
    $1200 28
During the Old Kingdom, Egyptians would paint their eyelids this color using malachite, an oxide of copper
    $1200 18
"Fantastic Mr. Fox"
    DD: $2,000 9
"Nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself"
    $1200 5
4 years after "The Red Badge of Courage", he wrote "The Blue Hotel", considered one of his finest short stories
    $1200 13
It's another name for Holy Communion in the Catholic church
    $1200 23
Van Buren,
    $1600 29
A Greek scholar named Callimachus wrote a bibliographical survey of the authors of the books held here
    $1600 19
"Peggy Sue Got Married"
    $1600 10
"Nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted"
    DD: $3,000 6
In this 1908 romance by Henry de Vere Stacpoole, a pair of 8-year old cousins are marooned on a tropical island
    $1600 14
Surveyors named this city in northeastern Ohio for a mathematician
    $1600 24
U.N. Secretaries-General:
Javier Perez de Cuellar,
Boutros Boutros-Ghali...
    $2000 30
In some cases you could buy this guide for the departed "off the rack" & have a scribe fill in your name
    $2000 20
"Mary Reilly"
    $2000 11
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude"
    $2000 7
Elizabeth Kata wrote the novel this "of Blue" on which a 1965 Sidney Poitier movie was based
    $2000 15
It's the brass instrument heard here
    $2000 25
Pius XII,
John XXIII...

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Christopher Heather Tim
$9,600 $6,200 $13,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the nations with adjectives in their common names, only this Western Hemisphere one bears the name of a religious order

Final scores:

Christopher Heather Tim
$11,600 $10,200 $19,201
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,201

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Christopher Heather Tim
$9,600 $8,400 $12,000
18 R,
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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