Suggest correction - #6060 - 2011-01-07

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    DD: $2,500 10
The only state capital ending in "H", it was named for an English soldier & courtier

Show #6060 - Friday, January 7, 2011


Gabe Perez-Giz, a graduate student of physics from New York, New York

Dana Gresko, a marketing manager from Montpelier, Virginia

Dan Jensen, a restaurant manager from Reston, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
After viewing the city from the top of this landmark, make sure to visit the Museum of Westward Expansion, below
    $200 1
Need some toner for that printer? Give HPQ, this company, a try
    $200 6
As a verb it means to sit with an awkward, drooping posture; as a noun, it refers to an awkward, lazy person
    $200 11
For his revolver with interchangeable parts
    $200 13
Millet, this type of plant, is a West African staple
    $200 26
This Dylan song asked, "How many times must the cannonballs fly, before they're forever banned"
    $400 22
This type of transport on St. Louis' official seal symbolizes the city's early growth
    $400 2
AA doesn't stand for aluminum, aluminum, but this company
    $400 7
This gate fastener consists of a bar that fits into a slot & is lifted by a lever
    $400 12
For the disposable safety razor
    $400 14
A Spaniard's flan is a Frenchman's alliterative dessert called creme this
    $400 27
His song told of "People talking without speaking... people writing songs that voices never share"
    $600 23
A replica of his Spirit of St. Louis plane that was used in the 1957 movie is on display at the Missouri History Museum
    $600 3
This company, WMT, employs 2.1 million associates worldwide & is the largest private employer in Mexico
    $600 8
It's a space for a ship to anchor, or a space to sleep on that ship
    $600 18
For his ice rink resurfacing machine
    $600 15
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew holds a plate of hummus in Israel.) On average, each Israeli eats 22 pounds a year of hummus, a spread made from these
    $600 28
This rock god wrote, "Am I sitting in a tin can? Far above the world, planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do"
    $800 24
In 1953 Sportsman's Park was renamed this, becoming the first of 3 ballparks to bear the name
    $800 4
What's in your wallet? This financial company, COF, hopes it's their credit card
    $800 9
Savior, from the Aramaic for "anointed one"
    $800 19
For his noise reduction systems that revolutionized the audio industry
    $800 16
Raita, which cools the mouth after spicy Indian dishes, is made from this dairy product
    $800 29
English major Lou Reed wrote lyrics like "Whiplash girlchild in the dark" for this 1960s band
    $1000 25
He was director of the St. Louis Zoo in 1962 when he began working on "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom"
    $1000 5
You probably have something made by this company, PFE, in your medicine cabinet
    DD: $2,500 10
The only state capital ending in "H", it was named for an English soldier & courtier
    $1000 20
For improvements in the condensing of milk
    $1000 17
Japanese-Peruvians changed cubes to strips, making tiradito instead of this traditional marinated fish dish
    $1000 30
"Love is a banquet on which we feed" is from "Because The Night", co-written by this poetess of punk

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dan Dana Gabe
$1,400 $800 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Dana Gabe
$3,200 -$800 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It's not about me.)
(Alex: Now, [*]--each response is a 4-letter word based on a simple code where a number represents a letter.)
    $400 1
Ornithologist Alexander Wetmore was also secretary of this Washington, D.C. institution
    $400 20
Joel McHale & Chevy Chase attend Greendale, this type of college
    $400 4
His dad was the second U.S. president; he was No. 6
    $400 13
From the Hindi for "tie-dyeing", this cowboy accessory was often used as a dust mask while driving cattle
    $400 3
A Canaanite god:
    $400 26
Sections of this 1855 poem include "The Peace Pipe", "The White-Man's Foot" & "Blessing the Corn Fields"
    $800 2
He won a Nobel Prize for his 1928 discovery of an early antibiotic
    $800 22
On a sitcom, Amy Poehler works for this department of the local government of Pawnee, Indiana
    $800 6
His grandpa was the ninth U.S. president; he was No. 23
    $800 14
In Hawaii a maile one of these was once used to signify a peace treaty between opposing chiefs
    $800 5
A metallic element:
    $800 27
Read during Passover, it's also referred to as the "Canticle of Canticles"
    $1200 10
Only 4'6" tall, this 18th century Dunciad poet was known as the Wasp of Twickenham
    $1200 23
This comedy gets its title from the part of the U.S. (Orson, Indiana) where Patricia Heaton's family lives
    $1200 7
Patrick of this illustrious family was first elected to Congress from Rhode Island in 1994
    DD: $2,000 15
For formal wear there are 2 types of these ties: the bat wing & the thistle
    $1200 17
It's ready for war:
    $1200 28
Before the 1881 edition, it was simply titled "Poem of Walt Whitman, an American"
    $1600 11
Enslaved in a war in Asia Minor, Alexander Polyhistor tutored a patrician's kids & was made a citizen of this empire
    $1600 24
On Bones, Dr. Temperance Brennan has the title of forensic this, and is able to read clues left behind in bones
    $1600 8
This president's son & grandson were Ohio senators; a great-grandson, Ohio's governor
    $1600 16
This long tubular scarf was usually made of fur or feathers such as ostrich or marabou
    $1600 18
The thread of a long story:
    DD: $1,500 29
William Blake published this collection in 1789; "Experience" would come a few years later
    $2000 12
A major Pacific Ocean current off the South American coast is named for this Alex who measured it in 1802
    $2000 25
Nathan Fillion plays a mystery novelist with this last name; he helps a female NYC police detective solve crimes
    $2000 9
Members of this family dynasty have included 2 Phoenix mayors, a Secretary of the Interior & 3 U.S. senators
    $2000 21
In the 19th century, it was not considered proper for men to wear this, a false shirt front with attached collar
    $2000 19
A shade of blue:
    $2000 30
An insignificant battle between Charlemagne & the Basques at Roncesvalles is the basis for this French epic poem

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Dana Gabe
$11,600 $9,600 $8,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of all the countries with Spanish as an official language, this one is last alphabetically

Final scores:

Dan Dana Gabe
$19,201 $11,601 $13,199
2-day champion: $40,202 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dan Dana Gabe
$10,800 $9,600 $12,600
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
16 R,
4 W
19 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $33,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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