Suggest correction - #6051 - 2010-12-27

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    $800 2
John 1:46 asks whether any good thing can come out of this town in Galilee in northern Israel; we can think of 1

Show #6051 - Monday, December 27, 2010


Ryan Vogt, a video game reviewer originally from San Antonio, Texas

Andrea Barnes, a stay-at-home mom from Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Marissa Goldsmith, a web developer from Springfield, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
During a 6-month leave of absence from Apple in 2009, he underwent a liver transplant
    $200 15
In 1962 The Everly Brothers were "Crying In The Rain" & 3 years later Elvis was "Crying" here
    $200 26
Made famous by "The Sound of Music", in the '50s this family of singers performed often at Omaha's Duchesne Academy
    $200 6
In most Orthodox synagogues these are separated; in Conservative synagogues they are not
    $200 11
Dec. 20, 1860:
Privy to a special convention in this state. Looks like they're gonna be the first to secede
    $200 21
The ability to refrain from eating that big slice of chocolate cake while on a diet
    $400 2
In "The Joker" he sang, "Some people call me Maurice, 'cause I speak of the pompatus of love"
    $400 16
Elvis' 1956 gig at the New Frontier hotel in this city was badly received & cut short; it was a different story in 1969
    $400 27
Central City hosts a competition in this harvesting activity, which harkens back to pioneer farming methods
    $400 7
Appropriately, this prez was the first inductee into the National Wildlife Federation's Conservation Hall of Fame
    $400 12
Feb. 18, 1861:
Dear Diary: At Montgomery for his inaugural. Ate some mighty fine hush puppies...
    $400 22
A nation with the ability to exert its influence worldwide; some say the U.S. is the only one now
    $600 3
This quarterback was NFL MVP in 1992 & 1994
    $600 18
Affer his army discharge in 1960, Elvis appeared on this crooner's TV special along with the crooner's daughter Nancy
    $600 28
In 1882 this Dublin-born wit was paid a whopping $250 to give a speech in Omaha
    DD: $1,200 8
This 2-word term for political conservatives comes from where they sat in the French Parliament in 1789
    $600 13
June 28, 1863:
Heard Meade is the latest in a long line of heads of the army of this river. I'd love some mead...
    $600 23
Popular business presentation program from Microsoft
    $800 4
He's editor-in-chief of the USA's leading business magazine & also writes a column for it called "Fact and Comment"
    $800 19
Elvis made his 1956 screen test singing this Carl Perkins hit & performing a scene from "The Rainmaker"
    $800 9
Man-made Lake Powell on this river is named for early conservationist John Wesley Powell
    $800 14
July 1, 1863:
Good news, get to keep leg; bad news, I'm going to Cemetery Ridge for this Penn. battle
    $800 24
2-word name for the heavy metal staple heard here; rock on!
    $1000 5
In 2005 he became the first person to fly solo around the world in an airplane without stopping to refuel
    $1000 20
Elvis' first film, it co-starred Debra Paget & Richard Egan & was the only film in which he did not receive top billing
    $1000 10
This term for a member of Britain's Conservative Party comes from the old Irish for "outlaw"
    $1000 17
Aug. 5, 1864:
At the battle of this city's bay, I heard a Union admiral curse torpedoes. He sounded mad
    $1000 25
This document allows one person to act as the legal representative of another

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marissa Andrea Ryan
$4,600 $1,000 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marissa Andrea Ryan
$5,200 $3,200 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
In Genesis 13 Lot chose this city as his residence; his wife would come to regret that real estate choice
    $400 6
Madonna in the title role:
"Desperately Seeking ____"
    $400 11
Cloud rats, including the Luzon bushy-tailed species, are found only in this country's forests
    $400 19
In 1956 this "Crucible" writer refused to name names before HUAC & was convicted of contempt; he appealed & won
    $400 21
Fortuitous, like Mr. Luciano
    $400 29
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands near a sculpture.) Washington holds a wampum belt in this work honoring the Oneida who traveled 400 miles in the winter of 1777-78 to bring food to the starving men at this site
    $800 2
John 1:46 asks whether any good thing can come out of this town in Galilee in northern Israel; we can think of 1
    $800 7
Co-starring Tina Turner:
"Mad ____ Beyond Thunderdome"
    $800 12
"Marsupial" name of North American desert rats distinguished by short forelimbs & very long hind legs
    $800 18
His 1977 play "Vieux Carre" dealt with down-&-outs in New Orleans; sound familiar?
    $800 22
1570's "Epitome of the Theatre of the World" was an early one of these books
    $800 27
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands by a bas-relief.) The figures in the middle of this sculpture acknowledge life in all directions, while the tribal dancers on either end pray for this, which is essential for life
    $1200 3
(Alex overlooks Jerusalem from a hillside.) This Mount, overlooking Jerusalem, appears often in the Bible, as in the End of Days in Zachariah, when the Lord fights against the nations, "and his feet shall stand upon" it
    $1200 8
Morgan Freeman is God (2003):
"____ Almighty"
    $1200 13
The short-limbed chinchilla rat is native to this continent
    $1200 16
No meddlesome priest, he wrote "Endgame" in 1957; don't keep me waiting
    $1200 23
A column of smoke, or a feather
    $1200 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands by a sculpture.) In a Native American origin story of this fish, two animals steal a baby of the Sockeye people. The Sockeye find the baby in a river, which becomes their home
    $1600 4
"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of" this place
    $1600 9
A Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan pairing:
"____ Versus the Volcano"
    $1600 14
With eyes hidden beneath its fur, the burrowing Zokor of Asia is known as this rat, after another "blind" animal
    DD: $4,000 17
This Irishman wrote 5 novels but none was successful; the over 50 plays during his career turned out better
    $1600 24
To cut up into small parts, or to walk with small, dainty steps
    $1600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands under a sculpture.) The raven steals the Sun & escapes through a sooty smokehole to get his characteristic color; those shenanigans are typical of this crafty folklore archetype
    DD: $400 5
Hiel loses 2 sons in 1 Kings, fulfilling the curse Joshua laid on anyone who re-established this walled city
    $2000 10
Josh Duhamel plays the title movie star:
"Win a Date with ____ ____!"
    $2000 15
African cane rats, which can weigh 15 pounds, are serious pests of this root crop from which tapioca is made
    $2000 20
This playwright with a "monthly" name is the only Af.-Amer, dramatist to have a Broadway theatre named in his honor
    $2000 25
Those little prongs on your fork

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marissa Andrea Ryan
$14,800 $13,600 $800

Final Jeopardy! Round

A mixture of English & Spanish, Llanito is the language of this territory's 30,000 residents

Final scores:

Marissa Andrea Ryan
$27,300 $12,399 $8
2-day champion: $33,300 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Marissa Andrea Ryan
$14,200 $15,200 $4,800
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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