Suggest correction - #6013 - 2010-11-03

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    $1200 8
1982: It's rainy all day in future L.A. as a cop looks for murderers & doubts his girl's humanity
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Show #6013 - Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Vito Cortese, a software engineer and Italian translator from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Anne McFadden, an antitrust attorney from Washington, D.C.

Dave Ellis, a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
In the Peasant's War, fought mainly in this country, Martin Luther wanted the rebels treated "like mad dogs"
    $200 16
...of chess pieces
    $200 21
In 1825 Joshua Purdy Brown erected the first of these portable circus structures in Wilmington, Del.
    $200 6
Bouillon is a thin, clear this
    $200 1
The right to hit first goes to the person who's this 4-letter word, meaning his ball is farthest from the hole
    $200 11
A group of people appointed for a specific function, like the Senate Judiciary one
    $400 27
Benito Juarez emerged from the War of Reform as a principal influence in this country's politics
    $400 17
...of the New England states
    $400 22
Not until 1982 did a performer publicly do this many somersaults from bar to catcher on the trapeze
    $400 7
Polenta is a dish of cooked, ground this
    $400 2
A courteous golfer replaces & repairs this loose piece of turf dug out of a fairway by a swing
    $400 12
Artist Marcel Duchamp added one to the Mona Lisa
    DD: $1,200 28
This country's civil war, lasting from 1936 to 1939, began in Morocco
    $600 18 the Baseball Hall of Fame
    $600 23
In 1907 these siblings purchased the Barnum & Bailey circus
    $600 8
En croute means wrapped in this & baked
    $600 3
Exhibiting Bernoulli's Principle, these indentations on a golf ball cause it to lift & stabilize it in flight
    $600 13
A promise of a refund if a purchased product is unsatisfactory
    $800 29
Henry IV converted from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism at the end of this country's Wars of Religion
    $800 19
...among the state capitals
    $800 24
Many circus historians credit Isaac van Amburgh with being the first to put his head in this dangerous place
    $800 9
Pumpernickel refers to a dark type of this bread
    $800 4
In golfing slang, to use a "Texas wedge" is to use this club when not on the green
    $800 14
It's a person who holds the title to a property for the benefit of another person
    $1000 30
A 1921 treaty dividing the island demanded a fidelity oath that brought about a civil war in this country
    $1000 20
...of the Old Testament prophets
    $1000 25
In 1947 this "flying" family perfected the 7-man pyramid on the high wire
    $1000 10
Mascarpone is a soft Italian this
    $1000 5
For 2009-10 this Georgia golf course was rated No. 1 by Golf Digest
    $1000 15
This aquatic mammal can grow up to Io feet long & can weigh up to 2,000 pounds: some mermaid!

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dave Anne Vito
$4,200 $2,000 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Anne Vito
$5,600 $1,200 $7,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Kelly: It opened in 2010 as the latest eye-opening exhibit in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.)
    $400 11
Ban Ki-moon
    $400 6
1977: Certain folks can't get a Wyoming landmark out of their heads & go there to meet new friends
    $400 20
A 2010 exhibit at the Rijksmuseum Schiphol Airport in this country was called "Sunny Skies"
    $400 23
In the text of a play, dramatis personae is a list of these
    $400 22
Completes Cyndi Lauper's line, "if you're lost you can look and you will find me..."
    $400 1
(Kelly of the Clue Crew holds a bone.) Early humans lived a perilous existence; this 1.8-million-year-old ankle joint found in Tanzania bears teeth marks, probably made by one of these dangerous reptiles that still haunt African waters
    $800 12
Kurt Waldheim
    $800 7
1968: Early hominids fashion a weapon, then a trip to Jupiter goes awry
    $800 24
An outline of the main points of a work is called this, from the Latin for "see together"
    $800 21
Hyphenated type of sportscaster who gives a detailed description of a sporting event
    $800 2
(Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates the morphing station.) The hall's morphing station allows visitors to see what they'd look like, had they been born into a different human species; here, I'm morphing from a Homo sapiens into one of these long-extinct cousins
    $1200 13
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
    $1200 8
1982: It's rainy all day in future L.A. as a cop looks for murderers & doubts his girl's humanity
    $1200 29
Husband to Georgia O'Keeffe, this 291 Gallery founder had a show in gallery 321 of the St. Louis Art Museum
    DD: $2,000 16
A poetic lament for the dead; Milton's "Lycidas" was a pastoral one
    $1200 17
Completes Yogi Berra's declaration "it ain't over till..."
    $1200 3
(Sarah of the Clue Crew is in front of a skeleton.) A diet heavy in plants requires a long digestive tract, so a broad torso & ample gut are visible in the reconstruction of the famous 3.2-million-year-old human fossil discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 & known by this female name
    $1600 14
Kofi Annan
    $1600 9
After discovering that certain pods didn't contain peas, a gal & her cat are the last survivors of the Nostromo
    $1600 28
Otto Dix & Max Beckmann were part of a 2006 show on German this -ism at Vienna's Leopold Museum
    $1600 25
Please "stop" repeating these recurring lines at the ends of the stanzas
    $1600 18
In the world of delivery, it means sent directly from point of pickup to point of drop-off
    $1600 4
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands near a trail of footprints.) 3.6 million years ago, in Africa, an early human left a trail of fossil footprints with a stride much shorter than ours; Mary Leakey found the prints, which were likely made by this type of human, whose name means "southern ape"
    $2000 15
Trygve Lie
    $2000 10
Hi-ho, hi-ho, miners are dying on Io; bad drugs are the problem & a former James Bond is the solution
    $2000 27
In 2010 MoMA put on this French artist: "Radical Invention, 1913-1917", including "The Moroccans"
    $2000 26
The Italian sonnet is sometimes named for this Tuscan
    DD: $2,000 19
First mentioned in Exodus, this form of reciprocal justice can lead to optometrist bills
    $2000 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew holds a skull.) Fossil skulls from different human species show changes in facial & cranial features; this skull with a large brain case & prominent brow ridge belong to a species named for this city in southwest Germany, where the first specimen was found

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Anne Vito
$7,200 $2,000 $20,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In May 1964 this New Orleans native was 62 years old when he bumped The Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love" from the No. 1 spot

Final scores:

Dave Anne Vito
$7,199 $4,000 $21,685
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $21,685

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Anne Vito
$7,200 $2,000 $22,000
12 R,
1 W
8 R,
2 W
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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