Suggest correction - #1147 - 1989-09-05

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    $300 8
From left to right, this flag has a big "V", a big eagle & a big "I"

Show #1147 - Tuesday, September 5, 1989


Alan Fletcher, a musician from Newton, Massachusetts

Linnda Durre, a psychoanalyst from La Jolla, California

Kevin Glynn, a writer and teacher from Glendale, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
In a 1977 film, Diane Keaton was "Looking For" him
    $100 15
In 1973 this motorcycle manufacturer created a splash in the U.S. with the Civic car
    $100 1
Yes, it's really the middle name of his daughter Lynda
    $100 6
The great falls of the Missouri River are pictured on its flag -- we stress great falls
    $100 19
The leaders of these clubs for young females now wear uniforms designed by Bill Blass
    $100 21
An M.B.A. is this degree
    $200 12
To sci-fi movie buffs, this 1977 Richard Dreyfuss flick is "CE3K"
    $200 16
In ads, celebrities & their children promote the "New Generation" of this company's cars
    $200 2
When Lyndon took his oath of office in 1965, his wife had a firm grip on this book
    $200 7
The motto on its flag is "Battle Born", not "Wanna Bet?"
    $200 24
Though its name is French, papier-mache was 1st used on this continent, not Europe
    DD: $2,000 22
Name of the device into which the following is inserted:
    $300 13
Mel Brooks' "High Anxiety" poked fun at the films of this director who made his last film in 1976
    $300 17
The Ranger, Pacer, Corsair & Citation were the 4 models of this Ford failure
    $300 3
After Johnson's death in 1973, the manned spacecraft center in this city was renamed for him
    $300 8
From left to right, this flag has a big "V", a big eagle & a big "I"
    $300 25
This 5th Ave. museum sells pins representing its unofficial mascot, William the Hippo
    $300 30
In 1971 this pair of researchers who wrote "Human Sexual Response" responded to each other by saying "I Do"
    $400 14
Actor who starred in "Serpico", "Dog Day Afternoon" & the 2 "Godfather" films
    $400 20
This French automaker, not Mercedes, is Europe's largest builder of diesel engines
    $400 4
To become vice-president in January 1961, Johnson resigned from this
    $400 9
A palm tree divides the "U" & "A" on this territory's flag
    $400 26
It can be a colorful vegetable dish, an herb liqueur or a shade of yellowish-green
    $400 29
It's what the dog in the RCA logo is listening to
    $500 18
Based on a novel by James Dickey, this film was shot on location at the Chattooga River in the Appalachians
    $500 23
Planning to market the Lexus, this Japanese company was taken to court by a co. using the name Lexis
    $500 5
Phrase that came into vogue in 1965 referring to the chasm between LBJ & public trust
    $500 10
Rhode Island's flag has 13 of these; Indiana's has 19; Missouri, 24
    $500 27
Seen in religious art, a mandorla is an aureole of light shaped like this nut used in marzipan
    $500 28
If this breaks, your brakes won't brake

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Linnda Alan
$2,400 $100 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Linnda Alan
$2,100 $1,100 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
When this Gypsy girl spurns Don Jose's affection, he kills her with a dagger
    $200 8
After years of war, Spain finally recognized this neighbor's independence in 1668
    $200 13
Manet did illustrations for a French translation of this author's poem "The Raven"
    $200 3
The capital of Ukraine, it's the 3rd largest city in the Soviet Union
    $200 30
God's promise to Noah of no more floods was sealed by the appearance of this in the sky
    $200 1
Well, excuse me!
He was Navin Johnson in "The JerK', but not its sequel, "The Jerk, Too"
    $400 14
He was "The Barber of Seville" prior to becoming Count Almaviva's valet
    $400 9
From Menes to the Ptolemys, this country had more kings than any other in ancient history
    $400 18
1 of the 2 novels by Thomas Wolfe with "Home" in their titles
    $400 4
After St. Petersburg but before Leningrad the city had this name
    $400 29
A believer in the pagan god Baal, her name has come to mean a wicked, shameless woman
    $400 2
James Lapine & this composer-lyricist shared a drama Pulitzer for "Sunday in the Park with George" in 1985
    DD: $3,000 15
Cio-Cio-San, the geisha in love with Navy Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton, is better known by this nickname
    DD: $5,500 10
The 1st recorded date in Greek history was equivalent to 776 B.C. when these began
    $600 19
She was a poet before turning to fiction with "Fear of Flying"
    $600 5
The tomb of this lame Mongol emperor is a major landmark in Samarkand
    $600 23
Isaiah 40:15 says, "Behold, the nations are as" one of these "of a bucket"
    $600 26
In 1981 this lead singer of Fleetwood Mac teamed up with Don Henley for some "Leather & Lace"
    $800 16
He's the hunchback jester to the Duke of Mantua in a Verdi opera
    $800 11
This mistress of Louis XV reportedly had the most costly porcelain chocolate service ever made
    $800 20
His titles include "The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby" & "The Pump House Gang"
    $800 6
During the 1905 revolution, the crew of the ship Potemkin mutinied in this Black Sea port city
    $800 28
This apostle inherited Roman citizenship from his father & was trained as a rabbi by Gamaliel
    $800 25
This Naval commodore is famous for his toast "Our Country, Right or Wrong"
    $1000 17
Satan, using this name, appears to Faust & agrees to give him youth in return for his soul
    $1000 22
In 1086 William the Conqueror had a survey of England taken which was recorded in this book
    $1000 21
In 1965 Lillian Hellman re-issued 5 of his detective novels
    $1000 7
In 1932 the city of Nizhny Novgorod was renamed this after a famous writer
    $1000 27
It brought the Philistines such bad luck that they returned it to the Israelites after 7 months
    $1000 24
He's known for his poetry & short stories, including "The Devil & Daniel Webster"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Linnda Alan
$2,400 $4,700 $13,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This famous man was the grandfather of the current prime minister of India

Final scores:

Kevin Linnda Alan
$4,799 $9,400 $16,500
3rd place: Villeroy & Boch breakfast china set 2nd place: Keller dining room furniture New champion: $16,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin Linnda Alan
$9,900 $4,700 $10,600
22 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)
10 R,
0 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $25,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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