Suggest correction - #6002 - 2010-10-19

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    $400 2
Native to the icy headwaters of the Kern River, California's state fish is the golden this

Show #6002 - Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Stephanie Bethel, a public information officer from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jon Golbe, an actor and TV writer from Brooklyn, New York

Matt DeTura, a recent law school graduate from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,200)

Jeopardy! Round

____ OF THE ____
(Alex: Not "This is".)
    $200 8
James Whistler's "Arrangement in Black & Gray No. 1", a portrait of her, was initially rejected by the Royal Academy
    $200 11
One of 1988's simple pleasures was this no. 1 song from Bobby McFerrin's album "Simple Pleasures"
    $200 14
Your dry chemical household fire extinguisher likely contains sodium bicarbonate, known as this in the kitchen
    $200 1
This expression meaning "the best part" mixes dairy & plant farming
    $200 6
Invented to be a synthetic rubber compound during WWII, it was first sold as Gooey Gupp
    $200 21
He was captured by the British on Sept. 21, 1776 & executed the next day without a trial... but with one regret
    $400 9
Whistler was a cadet at this service academy but was dismissed because of his poor academic record
    $400 12
"Happy" is one of the tracks on this 1972 Rolling Stones album reissued in 2010
    $400 15
In the great outdoors you fight woodland fires, also known as these alliterative blazes
    $400 2
This comparison of 2 boxers before a fight includes numbers for height, reach & chest size
    $400 7
Sold in a cylindrical package, it used the slogan "world's favorite construction set"
    $400 22
On June 1, 1937, she took off from Miami to fly around the world, but that didn't work out so well
    $600 10
Whistler moved to London in 1859 & painted this river often, including "In Ice" in 1860
    $600 13
Kate Pierson of the B-52s contributed backing vocals to this 1991 Top 10 hit by R.E.M.
    $600 26
Federal Signal is a leading maker of these; its E-Q2B model features the yelp & air horn options
    $600 3
Thomas Dixon wrote a play about Abe Lincoln titled this kind of guy with a common touch
    $600 16
Ronald Howes Sr. invented this toy after a salesman wondered if Kenner could make a toy version of a chestnut roaster
    $600 23
On May 7, 1915 a German sub put this ocean liner in serious jeopardy; it sank within 20 minutes
    $800 19
This group was "Happy Together" when that song topped the charts in 1967
    $800 27
Red Adair mastered extinguishing oil & gas fires by setting off these to suck the oxygen from the blaze
    $800 4
This local public officer with judicial powers may accept payment for your speeding ticket
    $800 17
Donald Duncan created the Good Humor bar &, in 1929, began making this toy out of wood
    DD: $800 24
On July 3, 1863 3 brigades of his division, 4,300 men, led a Gettysburg "charge", with disastrous results
    $1000 20
This group with lead singer Shirley Manson was "Only Happy When It Rains"
    $1000 28
Early NYC firemen were alerted with rattles--so you might have a 3-rattle fire where today we'd have this equivalent
    $1000 5
This expression meaning "just the average part" sounds like it could refer to grain
    $1000 18
The Telecran, a drawing toy with a joystick, glass & aluminum powder was the basis for this classic toy
    $1000 25
This Roman orator was beyond jeopardy after he said Octavian "should be given praise... & then be disposed of"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Jon Stephanie
$3,400 $1,400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Jon Stephanie
$6,400 $2,200 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
The poem "Invictus" concludes, "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of" this
    $400 12
(I'm Danica Patrick.) In 2005 I became the first woman to lead this race, which I did for 19 laps; I was also named its Rookie of the Year
    $400 2
Native to the icy headwaters of the Kern River, California's state fish is the golden this
    $400 1
James Buchanan was one of several presidents born in this 2-word type of dwelling
    $400 24
Also called an orbit, it's the cavity in your skull in which an eyeball rests
    $400 7
Neat & elegant
    $800 9
Ezra Pound called this "love" poem by T.S. Eliot "the best poem I have yet had or seen from an American"
    $800 13
Carol Lewis, a long jumper like this similar-named brother, has also been an Olympic bobsled analyst
    $800 3
Aquila chrysaetos is the golden type of this majestic bird of prey
    $800 17
From Greek words for "living alone", it's the place a monk calls home
    $800 25
That's right, dog; a human's mouth has this many canines
    $800 19
Diaper for a Brit
    DD: $1,000 10
Dylan Thomas instructed, "Do not go gentle into that good night" but do this, this "against the dying of the light"
    $1200 14
The day after Annika Sorenstam announced her retirement, this Belgian tennis star did too; unlike Annika, she's back
    $1200 4
Symbol Cs, this element has a golden hue but is named from the Latin for "sky blue"
    $1200 18
A structure where soldiers are quartered; it follows "Schofield" in the name of a U.S. army post
    $1200 26
This organ weighs 12 ounces at birth, grows to 3 pounds in adulthood & contains about 10 billion neurons
    $1200 21
Excessively sentimental
    $1600 11
The poem "Highland Mary" is inscribed on the scroll at his statue's feet in Central Park's Literary Walk
    $1600 15
In the 2010 Olympics Joannie Rochette managed a bronze in this sport just days after the death of her mother
    DD: $2,000 5
Citrine is a yellow variety of this mineral
    $1600 20
In "The Song of Hiawatha", one of these Indian dwellings stood "by the shores of Gitche Gumee"
    $1600 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in front of a diagram of a heart.) This tube, the largest artery in your body, originates in a heart's left ventricle & sends blood to every part of your body
    $1600 23
Ready to use one's fists
    $2000 16
Here's a tidbit if you get to chat up Natalie Gulbis; she's the LPGA's first player whose family is from this Baltic republic
    $2000 6
Golden algae date back to this period that followed the Jurassic about 145 million years ago
    $2000 22
One of these Alpine houses with a Swiss name is a nice place to call home

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Jon Stephanie
$18,000 $4,800 $4,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Cuba removed Christmas from its list of national holidays in 1969 & restored it in 1997 in anticipation of a visit by this man

Final scores:

Matt Jon Stephanie
$23,000 $6,800 $8,300
2-day champion: $45,200 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Jon Stephanie
$17,600 $5,800 $5,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $29,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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