Suggest correction - #5976 - 2010-09-13

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    $1000 24
Brooks Robinson

Show #5976 - Monday, September 13, 2010

Roger Craig game 1.
First game of Season 27.


Roger Craig, a graduate student of computer science from Newark, Delaware

Scott Wells, a medievalist from Los Angeles, California

Meg Miller, a high school Latin teacher from Milton, Massachusetts (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,299)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You identify the team for us.)
    $200 16
These, like the spring type, are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun & the moon on the ocean
    $200 27
Pete Rose
    $200 15
This 2004 presidential nominee chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    $200 21
1 1/2 oz. of vodka & 1/2 oz. of Kahlua make a "Black" this nationality
    $200 6
"In 1849, thousands arrived (here) to pan for gold, and once that didn't work out, to panhandle for gold"
    $200 1
Precipitation below 32 degrees Fahrenheit
    $400 10
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a model of an ocean.) On the ocean floor, earthquakes squeeze together a large amount of water & push it to the surface, causing this, from the Japanese for "harbor wave"
    $400 12
Manny Ramirez
    $400 19
The House Committee on these has its own these, such as 3(a)(2), meetings shall be open to the public
    $400 23
The sizes of these are based on their minimum weight per dozen; jumbo are 30 oz. per dozen, peewee, 15
    $400 7
"Home to hundreds of prestigious colleges... (it) is where the nation's best and brightest can't afford to go"
    $400 2
Somebody who takes the blame for somebody else's mistake, or a Lee Majors TV show
    DD: $1,200 11
The Sargasso Sea is named for sargassum, a genus of brown this that is strewn in its water
    $600 26
1963 & '65:
Sandy Koufax
    $600 13
In the name of a Senate committee, small this is paired with entrepreneurship
    $600 8
"Like Hee Haw, but a state", this state "is the birthplace of country music, and the deathplace of all other music"
    $600 3
This comic tumble is literally onto your rear, because the word comes from slang for that part of your anatomy
    $800 17
(Lindblad/National Geographic Underwater Specialist Lisa Trotter delivers the clue.) To survive the frigid waters, Antarctic fish have proteins that act as this type of compound, like the one used in car engines, inhibiting ice crystal growth in their bodies
    $800 25
Roberto Clemente
    $800 14
John Barrasso of this "Cowboy State" is Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
    $800 9
"This otherwise featureless state of expansive desert... boasts the world's most awe-inspiring hole"
    $800 4
An unforeseen difficulty, or a game show I hosted in the early '80s
    $1000 22
The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current, was named for the mistaken belief that it was generated in this body of water
    $1000 24
Brooks Robinson
    $1000 20
For Herb Kohl, chairing the Senate Special Committee on this might get kind of old
    $1000 18
It "is not just the former Soviet republic that everyone knows about--it is also in fact a small U.S. state"
    $1000 5
Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Haunted Palace" appears as part of this 1839 tale

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Meg Scott Roger
$1,400 $1,600 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Meg Scott Roger
$2,400 $3,400 $9,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And the ex-President will deliver all of the clues in that category.)
    $400 24
(Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) My foundation & pharmaceutical companies negotiated price reductions in antiretroviral drugs as part of an initiative to combat this pandemic
    $400 20
He not only co-wrote, directed & starred in 1973's "Sleeper", he also composed the score
    $400 1
Profound utterances are called these marine gems "of wisdom"
    $400 12
One letter off from an arm bone
    $400 6
You know her 1852 antislavery novel, but maybe not her 1870 "The Ghost in the Mill"
    $400 27
On May 9, 1921 this "letter-perfect" airline opened its first passenger office in Amsterdam
    $800 16
(Alex: Mr President?) My climate initiative brings together partners to make energy-saving retrofits to existing buildings, including this iconic skyscraper at 34th & 5th Avenue
    $800 2
"This is" the 1984 mock rocumentary that was Rob Reiner's feature film directing debut
    $800 19
Lettish & Turkish are languages; this -ish is a synonym for nonsense
    $800 15
Ms. Chong might be able to help you with this one
    $800 7
Marley & Co. weren't his only spirits; he also wrote about ghosts in "The Haunted House"
    $800 25
In 1995 scientists found the first planet known to orbit a star similar to our sun in this winged horse constellation
    $1200 17
(Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) Working with the American Heart Association, my foundation created an alliance to combat childhood obesity, which can lead to health problems like Type 2 this
    $1200 3
He directed wife Gena Rowlands to 2 Oscar nominations: for "A Woman Under the Influence" & "Gloria"
    $1200 21
"Speak" this "to power", meaning tell the mighty what they don't want to hear, was coined in a 1955 Quaker pamphlet
    $1200 11
    $1200 8
In addition to "A Study in Scarlet" & "The White Company", his stories include the spooky "The Brown Hand"
    $1200 26
The Harrier is a V/STOL aircraft, the V standing for this, meaning the plane goes almost straight up on takeoff
    $1600 18
(Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) The Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting convenes leaders from all sectors to devise & implement innovative solutions; one event at this meeting is the Clinton Global Citizen Awards for leadership in various fields, including this one of charitable giving
    $1600 4
After seeing "Eraserhead", executive producer Mel Brooks tapped this man to direct "The Elephant Man"
    $1600 22
It's specifically defined as "claiming for oneself the attributes... of God"
    $1600 14
50%, OK?
    $1600 9
Before he disappeared in 1914, this "Dictionary" writer penned such ghost stories as "The Haunted Valley"
    DD: $10,000 28
In 1939 this Russian took the 1st flight of a practical, single-rotor helicopter, & why not? He built the thing!
    $2000 5
This Finnish-born director hit it big with "Die Hard 2" & "Cliffhanger"; then came "Cutthroat Island"
    $2000 23
This word for fast, witty exchanges is from the French for "depart again"
    DD: $12,400 13
A great place for live music
    $2000 10
There's a ghost story within a story in "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro, better known by this single pen name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Meg Scott Roger
$6,800 $2,200 $33,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

A Hollywood venue was renovated & renamed the Aquarius Theater to host this musical in 1968

Final scores:

Meg Scott Roger
$6,800 $2,400 $37,000
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $37,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Meg Scott Roger
$6,800 $12,200 $22,600
9 R,
0 W
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $41,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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