Suggest correction - #1376 - 1990-09-03

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    $200 25
Capt. John Smith wrote about this Indian weapon & compared it to a poleax

Show #1376 - Monday, September 3, 1990

First game of Season 7.


Debra Winthrop, an environmental attorney from Stamford, Connecticut

Peter Bedrossian, an academic counselor from Poughkeepsie, New York

Michael Goldwitz, a computer operator from San Diego, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And those LEFTOVERS are clues that were left over from last season.)
    $100 1
"You won't have" this man "to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."
    $100 13
When he returned to Venice from the Far East, he introduced the idea of fruit flavored ices
    $100 26
She didn't start writing her "Little House" novels until she was in her 60s
    $100 12
A Tibetan ox, or to talk persistently
    $100 9
Carl Jung coined this term to describe an introspective person
    $100 6
His remains lie in the main entrance of the original Smithsonian building
    $200 2
On July 14, 1789 this French king wrote in his diary "Nothing"
    $200 19
Consisting of puff pastry layered with custard or cream, this pastry's fit for a French emperor
    $200 27
This pampered "Little Lord" had beautiful curls & wore a lace collar
    $200 14
A dog with a short, flattened nose, or the short, flattened nose itself
    $200 18
The name Rorschach is indelibly associated with tests using these irregular shapes
    $200 7
Jakob Roggeveen discovered this South Pacific island 2 days after Good Friday, 1722
    DD: $500 3
1 day before his assassination he remarked, "I've looked over, & I've seen the promised land"
    $300 20
The USDA made Wolfgang Puck add tomato in order to sell his frozen pies as these
    $300 28
Of Nancy Drew's chums Ned, Bess & George, the one who isn't a girl
    $300 15
It can mean the daily record of a ship's progress or the act of recording that progress
    $300 23
Psychological state that superficially resembles sleep, it was first used scientifically by Franz Mesmer
    $300 8
You place your hands & feet on colored circles to play this game; it's perfect for contortionists
    $400 4
Completes "If the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for 1,000 years, men will still say..."
    $400 21
They're immature pigeons sometimes raised for food
    $400 16
It can precede brow, down or life
    $400 24
Machine that's commonly called a lie detector
    $400 10
Picasso's daughter, her signature is on tubes of her signature lipstick, Mon Rouge
    $500 5
In 1690 this English philosopher wrote, "Wherever law ends, tyranny begins."
    $500 22
These edible fungi thrive in chalky soil, & the best are the perigord variety
    $500 17
Although roosters crow, crows emit this sound
    $500 25
An inactive drug given in place of a real one; it might work on the power of suggestion
    $500 11
Houdon's most famous mythological statue is of this Roman goddess holding a bow

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Michael Peter Debra
$1,700 $100 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Peter Debra
$2,400 $3,200 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Capt. John Smith wrote about this Indian weapon & compared it to a poleax
    $200 12
"1984" was a 1949 book by Eric Blair written under this pen name
    $200 15
To go from Philadelphia to New Jersey, you cross this river that shares its name with another state
    $200 22
This Nazi minister of propaganda & his wife killed themselves & their children on May 1, 1945
    $200 5
The hypoglossal nerve controls its many movements, including wagging
    $200 17
This "divine" French actress was the illegitimate daughter of a Dutch courtesan
    $400 26
Slaves bought in Africa were sold in the West Indies for molasses used to make this liquor
    $400 11
"Where Have I Been?" was the 1982 autobiography of this "Your Show of Shows" comedian
    $400 6
The Cubans call it Bahia de Cochinos; we call it this
    $400 9
This infamous French nobleman died at the asylum of Charenton in 1814 -- it "pains" us to tell you
    DD: $1,000 2
On land this class of vertebrates can absorb oxygen through the skin, provided it's moist
    $400 18
'40s film star whose family, the Lupinos, performed in Europe in the 17th century
    $600 28
Colorful name of Edward Teach, the pirate who hid out on Ocracoke Island off the N.C. coast
    DD: $600 13
1 of 2 Arthur Hailey novels to become the top-selling fiction book of the year
    $600 7
Incan ruins have been found on islands in this lake on the border of Bolivia & Peru
    $600 10
Etta Place, who rode with this outlaw pair, was probably a lady of the evening, not a schoolteacher
    $600 1
It mitosis 1 cell becomes 2; in meiosis a single cell produce this many daughter cells
    $600 19
Italian actress Eleonora Duse was famous for her roles in this Norwegian's plays
    $800 14
He followed his novel "Monsieur Beaucaire" with a term in the Indiana state legislature
    $800 8
Odessa is the largest Soviet port on this sea
    $800 23
After a serious illness in 37 A.D., this Roman emperor became cruel & mentally unbalanced
    $800 3
Protozoans living in a termite's gut break down this substance in the wood the termite eats
    $800 20
This "Jersey Lily" was the daughter of the Very Reverend Wm. C. Le Breton, Dean of Jersey
    $1000 29
Shawmut was the Indian name for the peninsula on which this city was founded in 1630
    $1000 27
An incident from his book "My Life in Court" inspired the stage play "A Case of Libel"
    $1000 16
In sailing from the English Channel to the North Sea, one would pass through this strait
    $1000 24
6 of "Bugs" Moran's henchmen & an optometrist were the victims of this 1929 slaughter
    $1000 4
A healthy red blood cell in your body has about 300 mil. of these oxygen-carrying molecules
    $1000 21
This bass-voiced Alabama actress starred in the original 1939 production of "The Little Foxes", darling

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Peter Debra
$1,400 $10,800 $3,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was the first nonprecious metal man made into tools & decorative items

Final scores:

Michael Peter Debra
$0 $8,800 $2,900
3rd place: Rainbow Enchanted Castle from Iris Arc Crystal + a Nintendo Entertainment System w/ Family & Junior Editions of Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune New champion: $8,800 2nd place: a trip to Miami, Florida + a Caribbean cruise aboard Norwegian Cruise Lines

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Peter Debra
$1,200 $10,800 $2,600
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $14,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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