Suggest correction - #5961 - 2010-07-12

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    $1600 19
Ed O'Neill plays Julie Bowen's dad:
"____ Family"

Show #5961 - Monday, July 12, 2010


Saad Hasan, a nanotechnology scientist from Nashville, Tennessee

Barbara Gayle, a credit underwriter from San Diego, California

Aaron Wicks, a planning and evaluation manager from Rochester, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,001)

Jeopardy! Round

1920s LIT
    $200 5
He spoke his final line in 1927: "It is nearly midnight, Watson, and I think we may make our way back to our humble abode"
    $200 3
This is first lit by the sun's rays at Olympia & then carried to the site of the games by runners
    $200 12
Maine & spiny are types of this; its shell turns vivid red only affer it's been cooked
    $200 21
Call off the dogs! & the snow, rain & heat--the folks who carry this for a living make an average of $46,970 a year
    $200 26
Pete Rose hit 3,215 of them
    $200 1
In 1957 Pope Pius XII spoke to a conference of anesthesiologists on the topic of when this leaves the body
    $400 17
He had more than 2 dozen works published in the 1920s, including 7 Tarzan novels
    $400 8
At the 2010 Vancouver games, Kim Yu-Na of this country skated away with gold & a world record in the long program
    $400 13
Cook boneless this fowl until the internal temp is 179 degrees; that's a rough day for a capon
    $400 22
Tip generously for that next dry martini or rusty nail--these invaluable folks average just $20,460 a year
    $400 27
To burn lightly or superficially
    $400 2
One of the classic criteria of death is apnea, or the cessation of this
    $600 18
On Feb. 2, 1922 this James Joyce book was published by American Sylvia Beach under her own imprint in Paris
    $600 9
In 1908 Dorando Pietri collapsed after entering the stadium in this event; officials pulled him across the finish line
    $600 14
Canned this is precooked & sold as albacore & light meat; it comes in 3 grades, the best being solid or fancy
    $600 23
No wonder Magnum had to borrow that Ferrari--the average annual wage for this job is $46,480
    $600 4
Ancient Egyptians thought this organ, the haty, was the source of life & being, & its destruction caused a "second death"
    DD: $1,000 19
In 1920 he published "Glinda of Oz", a story about the impending war between the Flatheads & the Skeeters
    $800 10
His performance on skates in 2010 gave him 8 total medals, the most in the winter Olympics by any American
    $800 15
Gray & red-legged are 2 varieties of this game bird that can be roasted, broiled or braised; you, in the pear tree! Hide!
    $800 24
Surgeons average a whopping $206,770 a year; these other cutters who covered the job in the Middle Ages, just $26,610
    $800 6
Modern clinical opinion holds that death is signified by the irreversible loss of function of this lowest part of the brain
    $1000 20
Dr. Paul de Kruif, author of "Microbe Hunters", was a consultant for this Sinclair Lewis novel
    $1000 11
The Olympic record in this field event has more than doubled since 1896, from 29 meters to 70 meters
    $1000 16
Though there are no precise age standards for this, the term is used for a young calf who didn't make it past 3 mos.
    $1000 25
The BLS says the average annual U.S. wage is $42,270; for these folks, it's $124,750 (first thing, let's kill 'em)
    $1000 7
Apoptosis, a necessary part of embryonic development, is the "programmed" death of these biological units

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aaron Barbara Saad
$1,000 $3,200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Barbara Saad
$2,200 $3,000 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Kelly: Over 40 years of great classical ballet from Uptown.)
    $400 1
Born in Quincy & educated in Braintree, Bill Delahunt has repped this state since 1997
    $400 16
About modern-day polygamy:
"____ Love"
    $400 21
The Verrazano-Narrows bridge is a mess! Getting from Staten Island to this neighboring borough? Fuhgedaboudit!
    $400 6
If you've got a cape, you could be a member of this fictional D.C. comics group, JLA
    $400 11
Add a type of tree to a "D" & you get this sprinting race
    $400 26
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York.) In 2009, the Dance Theatre of Harlem celebrated its 40th anniversary; Arthur Mitchell cofounded it in response to this April 1968 tragedy
    $800 2
Florida senator Bill Nelson took a long, high route to the Hill; he was a crewman on the 24th flight of one of these
    $800 17
The show in which contestants really take it off:
"The ____ Loser"
    $800 22
Slow goin' on the 118, aka the Ronald Reagan Freeway, in this state; all traffic seems to be pulling off to the right
    $800 7
Step into the octagon & tell us the name of this activity, MMA
    DD: $400 12
Put a tree after "H" & you get this nautical wheel
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York.) Ballet dancers make sure to exercise their flexor hallucis longus; it's essential for any releve move, bringing the dancer to half or full this
    DD: $3,400 3
He reached the hill in 1979, after stops in Princeton, Oxford & the NBA
    $1200 18
Bill Cosby revised this classic:
"Kids Say the ____ Things"
    $1200 23
I-15 is stop & go between Butte & Great Falls; this state capital is about halfway between 'em, so stop & go get food
    $1200 8
Between Chad & the Democratic Republic of the Congo is this country, C.A.R.
    $1200 13
Add a fruit tree to an "S" & you get this long, sharp weapon
    $1200 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York.) After the groundbreaking performance by the Dance Theatre of Harlem in Johannesburg in 1992, this man told reporters that it made him forget all the troubles he'd had in his life
    $1600 4
From 1999 to 2005, Rep. Bill Young chaired this House committee that oversees discretionary federal spending
    $1600 19
Ed O'Neill plays Julie Bowen's dad:
"____ Family"
    $1600 24
I-10 is stop-dead between La Place & Metairie in this state; now y'all drive safe!
    $1600 9
Use a tire iron on a person & you've committed an ADW, short for this
    $1600 14
Put a tree after "S" & you get this part of a book or a man
    $1600 29
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York.) Karel Shook, the teacher who cofounded the Dance Theatre of Harlem, wrote that the body is in balance when it is pulled up so the student seems to feel her navel touching her backbone, a position discovered by this Renaissance master
    $2000 5
Before the Hill, longtime Florida Rep. Bill McCollum was a commander in JAG, this U.S. Navy corps
    $2000 20
Starring Claire Danes:
"My ____ Life"
    $2000 25
I-80 is backed up near North Platte in this state; plan ahead if you're heading for Kearney Airport
    $2000 10
2 of the 3 professions in the acronym ASCAP
    $2000 15
Add a tree to an "S" & you get this wet word

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Barbara Saad
$15,600 $9,400 $14,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

With 5 each, these 2 men have the most acting Oscar nominations among African-American performers

Final scores:

Aaron Barbara Saad
$2,399 $3,199 $22,700
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $22,700

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Aaron Barbara Saad
$13,400 $9,800 $15,400
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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