Suggest correction - #5911 - 2010-05-03

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    $600 18
The section on "Pasta, noodles, and dumplings" includes a recipe for these Chinese dumplings served in soup

Show #5911 - Monday, May 3, 2010

2009-2010 Million Dollar Celebrity Invitational semifinal game 1.


Harry Shearer, a humorist, Spinal Tap bassist, and voice from The Simpsons

Jane Curtin, an actress from Kate & Allie and 3rd Rock from the Sun

Pat Sajak, a game show host from Wheel of Fortune

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The magazine.)
    $200 30
In April 2010 People reported this daughter of Tom Cruise is turning 4 with a style all her own
    $200 15
The original site of this city, Norway's largest, was east of the Aker River, which it now straddles
    $200 6
Robinson Crusoe writes, "I made him know his name should be" this, "which was the day I saved his life"
    $200 10
It was billed as "an Aquarian exposition in White Lake, N.Y., 3 days of peace & music"
    $200 16
For Thanksgiving, "Joy of Cooking" suggests starting out with a bisque made with these shucked bivalves
    $200 1
Proverbially, you can do this "out of the other side of your mouth"
    $400 29
The magazine loves those "mid-life moms", like this actress who's "Pretty in Pink... and blue!"
    $400 21
In 1814 the Norwegian parliament accepted this country's King Charles XIII to rule Norway as well
    $400 7
In "To Kill a Mockingbird", recluse Arthur Radley is known by this nickname
    $400 11
Telluride's festival for this "colorful" style of country music is a good place to fiddle around
    $400 17
Under "Hot dogs", there's a Mexican dog topped with salsa & a German dog topped with this fermented cabbage
    $400 2
A person difficult to know or convince is a this nut to crack
    $600 26
A 2010 story informed us that Mike Sorrentino aka the Situation, is loving his new fame as part of this show
    $600 22
Norway occupies the western side of this peninsula
    $600 8
In "A Streetcar Named Desire", Mitch is a more genteel friend of this man
    DD: $200 12
The Beale Street Music Festival in this city has been called the "Mardi Gras of the mid-South"
    $600 18
The section on "Pasta, noodles, and dumplings" includes a recipe for these Chinese dumplings served in soup
    $600 3
This long, narrow receptacle holds food for animals
    $800 25
A 2000 issue had Caroline Kennedy on the cover with the line "Profile in" this
    $800 28
For its continuous daylight from mid-May through July, the far north of Norway is called "the Land of" this
    $800 9
This greedy individual died 7 years before the narrative opens in "A Christmas Carol"
    $800 13
Founded by Hugh Hefner, this 2-day festival has been grooving at the Hollywood Bowl since 1979
    $800 19
For your Super Bowl party, the book recommends the traditional dip of this many layers
    $800 4
It means having a coarse surface; you can find it bordering a golf fairway
    $1000 24
We believe the only Canadian political wife to make the cover was this one linked in the '70s to players like Mick Jagger
    $1000 27
Norway rakes it in off this resource & has high hopes for more from the Goliat Field in the Barents Sea
    $1000 23
In his "Secret Life", this James Thurber character imagines himself as a surgeon & a WWI soldier
    $1000 14
In 2006 year-long festivals in Salzburg & Vienna celebrated his 250th birthday
    $1000 20
Move over, Lea & Perrins--"Joy of Cooking" has a recipe for this made with walnut catsup, vinegar & anchovy essence
    $1000 5
An adequate quantity

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Pat Jane Harry
$1,600 $600 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pat Jane Harry
$2,800 $6,200 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
The iFitness app's exercises screen is organized alphabetically by muscle groups; these stomach muscles are first
    $400 8
In the 1990s she played Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
    $400 15
It includes Princeton & the University of Pennsylvania
    $400 1
I'm the "Tutti Frutti" singer who also made a historic visit to China
    $400 25
On Jan. 28, 1547, after a physical & mental decline, this king of England was (surprisingly) survived by his wife Catherine
    $400 2
Walk through water, or measured the ounces of something
    $800 22
The RunKeeper app uses GPS to track distance, speed & other data for a host of activities, such as this Bode Miller sport
    $800 9
He's gotten high praise for his American accent & his role as the curmudgeonly Dr. House
    DD: $4,000 16
"Happy Mothers, Breastfed Babies" is the motto of this league whose name includes the Spanish for "milk"
    $800 7
I sang "Atomic" as part of Blondie & also made the decision to use the atomic bomb
    $800 26
This political legend of Texas had a problem--a serious problem--on July 26, 1863
    $800 3
Egotistical, or a blood vessel
    $1200 23
Gym Goal Lite enables users to calculate both BMI, body mass index, & BMR, basal this rate
    $1200 11
Michelle Ryan was "better, stronger, faster" as Jaime Sommers in the 2007 remake of this series
    $1200 17
It's what the "AD" stands for in the ADL, a league that's been fighting bigotry since 1913
    $1200 10
"B-B-B-B-Bennie!" Bennie Franklin! You & I negotiated peace with Britain in the 1780s
    $1200 27
After his death at age 78 on July 1, 1974, Argentina could cry for this 3-time president too
    $1200 4
High-strung, or shelters for camping
    $1600 24
The "RELAX" entry in this app series provides detailed descriptions of poses, including their Sanskrit names
    $1600 12
Before he was "The Mentalist", this Aussie played "The Guardian"
    $1600 18
Celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2010, this nonpartisan political org. is open to men as well
    $1600 13
Helping win the Mexican War was nothing compared to being CMA Entertainer of the Year as a teenager
    DD: $4,000 28
On Nov. 8, 1887 TB claimed the life of this O.K. Corral vet; he's pretty famous for an ex-dentist
    $1600 5
A small sailing vessel, or a Southern contraction used to address 2 or more people
    $2000 30
FitDeck helps users with this "timely" training in which short, intensive exercises alternate with slow, easy activity
    $2000 20
Aussie actress Rachel Griffiths & Welsh actor Matthew Rhys play 2 of Sally Field's children on this series
    $2000 19
The name of this Northern European trade league comes from the medieval German for "guild"
    $2000 14
Despite meeting "Mary Jane" & a "Super Freak", I never married; I'm...
    $2000 29
After the second battle of Philippi in 42 B.C., this Roman general could have said, "Et tu, me?" as he killed himself
    $2000 6
Sterile, like some women, or a member of the lowest grade of nobility, like some men

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pat Jane Harry
$800 $14,600 $8,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Chocolate Avenue & Cocoa Avenue are 2 of the main thoroughfares in this town that was established in 1903

Final scores:

Pat Jane Harry
$1,600 $18,600 $16,400
3rd place: an additional $50,000 to Vietnam Veterans of America Finalist 2nd place: an additional $50,000 to Common Ground Relief

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pat Jane Harry
$4,800 $14,600 $12,600
12 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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