Suggest correction - #5901 - 2010-04-19

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    $400 25
By the time this Cleveland businessman retired in 1896, his company owned 3/4 of the USA's oil business

Show #5901 - Monday, April 19, 2010


Elizabeth Richards, an attorney originally from St. Louis, Missouri

Ken Starnes, a telecommunications consultant from Little Rock, Arkansas

Ian Silverman, a high school social studies teacher from San Diego, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Hiram Revels of Fayetteville made history in 1870 as the first black member of this U.S. government body
    $200 11
    $200 24
In 1873 this dry goods salesman began selling his double X blue denim waist overalls
    $200 6
New Orleans jazz great Pete Fountain began playing this as a child to strengthen his weak lungs
    $200 16
Dentist Byron McKeeby of Cedar Rapids, Iowa was immortalized in this 1930 painting along with the artist's sister
    $200 1
Bogart as bitter Rick Blaine runs a bar in north Africa, sweetheart
    $400 13
Stennis Space Center in Hancock County is the testing facility for this craft's main engines
    $400 15
A provider of service for millions:
    $400 25
By the time this Cleveland businessman retired in 1896, his company owned 3/4 of the USA's oil business
    $400 7
It's the name & shape of the highway interchange seen here
    $400 20
In David's 1801 painting "Napoleon at the Great St. Bernard Pass", the general is crossing this mountain range
    $400 2
Private dick Sam Spade seeks a priceless statuette
    $600 14
Tupelo's most famous son, he was born there in 1935
    $600 17
Wolf & Coop give us the scoop:
    $600 26
In 1873 he bought an abandoned tannery on the banks of Clear Creek in Golden, Colo. & converted it into a brewery
    $600 8
A peach is classified as this type if the pulp sticks closely to the pit
    $600 21
The crushing foot used in this TV show's opening is from Bronzino's 1545 painting, "An Allegory with Venus and Cupid"
    $600 3
Prospector Fred C. Dobbs really digs Mexico while facing bandits & greed
    $800 29
Mississippi was one of only 6 states this Republican carried in the 1964 presidential election
    $800 18
For celluloid lovers:
    $800 27
In 1898 Charles Seiberling borrowed $3,500 to start this company in Akron to produce bicycle & carriage tires
    $800 9
During the Roaring '20s, fashionable flappers donned this bell-shaped hat
    $800 22
Titian portrayed Ariadne & this god of wine falling in love at first sight
    $800 4
Crazy Captain Queeg faces rebellious sailors aboard ship
    $1000 30
For 100 years until the Great Depression, this crop was the undisputed king of Mississippi's agrarian economy
    $1000 19
Take stock of your stocks:
    DD: $1,200 28
In 1873 he founded the J. Edgar Thomson works near Pittsburgh, naming the steel mill for the Penn. railroad president
    $1000 10
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from Hostal dos Reis Catolicos, Spain.) Santiago de Compostela's Hostal dos Reis Catolicos is famous for its courtyards, known as these places of seclusion, from the Latin for "to close"
    $1000 23
Title of the 15th century work depicting the Virgin Mary & the angel Gabriel thought to be da Vinci's first completed work
    $1000 5
Linus Larrabee becomes interested in the chauffeur's daughter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ian Ken Elizabeth
$1,000 $2,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ian Ken Elizabeth
$3,600 $4,400 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In 1957 a judge ruled that this poet's "Howl" was not obscene & had redeeming social value
    $400 7
Every month has a birthstone as well as a birth flower; January has this one
    $400 13
We don't know if this river flows in E-flat, but that's how Wagner depicted it
    $400 1
This word for a buddy or chum is often followed by "around"
    $400 8
This lefty finished second in the 2009 U.S. Open after a bogey on the 17th hole
    $800 14
Many of the poems of his 1896 collection "A Shropshire Lad" were written prior to his ever having visited the county
    $800 15
March gives you the option of the jonquil or this flower, with which it is often confused
    $800 19
In a 1924 work Respighi called for an actual recording of a bird, this famed singer
    $800 2
Sushi-wise, uni is this from sea urchins
    $800 9
Though he got a bogey on the first hole, this "Golden Bear" proved his mettle by winning his fifth Masters in 1975
    $1200 23
He was professor of anatomy at Harvard Medical School when he wrote "The Chambered Nautilus"
    $1200 16
Choices for August include this flower; don't fall asleep in a field of them
    $1200 20
The title of Richard Strauss' "Ein Heldenleben" means this person's "life"; we hear his enemies carp & snarl
    $1200 3
The name of this pop music style may have originated with Jamaican bassist Cluett Johnson's greeting
    $1200 10
A bogey on the final hole cost this 59-year-old the 2009 British Open
    $1600 24
On April 6, 1327, Good Friday, this Italian lyric poet saw a girl named Laura at a church in Avignon
    $1600 17
For February, you can choose this flower whose color matches the month's birthstone
    DD: $2,000 21
This Russian patriotic work features 16 cannon shots
    $1600 4
In Russian it means "village" or "peace"; its core module was launched in 1986
    $1600 11
He had 15 bogeys in the 2009 Shell Houston Open, but proved he's still the Shark by sinking a 63-foot putt for birdie
    $2000 25
This Maine poetess wrote a group of love sonnets that were published in the collection "Fatal Interview"
    $2000 18
As Popeye's adopted baby could tell you, April brings this flower
    $2000 22
The atmospheric Strauss polka heard here; it's "Unter Donner und Blitz" in German
    DD: $3,000 5
These homophones are both 3 letters long; one refers to a grain, while the other means "bitterly amusing"
    $2000 12
In Hindi, his first name means "victory", but he started off the 2009 season with a double bogey at Kapalua

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ian Ken Elizabeth
$8,400 $11,800 $12,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

On June 5, 1944 FDR said of the capture of this city, "One up and two to go"

Final scores:

Ian Ken Elizabeth
$1,800 $21,800 $799
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $21,800 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ian Ken Elizabeth
$8,400 $10,800 $11,600
13 R,
2 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $30,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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