Suggest correction - #1873 - 1992-10-28

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    $200 21
This Louisiana city's been called "The Queen of the South" & "Crescent City"

Show #1873 - Wednesday, October 28, 1992

1992 Celebrity Jeopardy! game 3.


Alan Rachins, an actor from L.A. Law

Steven Weber, an actor from Wings

Cheech Marin, a comedian and actor from The Golden Palace

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
13-year-old Amanda Goad of Virginia was the winner of this national C‑O‑M‑P‑E‑T‑I‑T‑I‑O‑N
    $100 11
This actress is married to French director Louis Malle
    $100 14
The crab-eating one of these masked animals eats fish, fruit & frogs, too
    $100 1
This country that came into existence in the 20th century uses the shekel
    $100 6
He won a Best Actor Oscar for the movie "Yankee Doodle Dandy"
    $100 17
The first national observance of this holiday took place May 30, 1868
    $200 24
Sports fans said bye bye to this Boston Celtic who retired after 13 seasons
    $200 12
When this royal couple announced they were separating, People Magazine sighed, "Alas, Poor Yorks!"
    $200 25
Found in this state's Keys, the Key Deer is only about 2 1/2 feet tall
    $200 2
Open a Swiss bank account in the currency of Switzerland & it'll be in these
    $200 7
Woody Allen's 1979 film, or the New York borough in which he lives
    $200 15
The common wild pigeon of North America is often called this because of its sad cooing
    $300 28
On the Bush's 1991 tax return, this canine's book accounted for over half of the income
    $300 20
Part of state route 18 in Apple Valley, California was renamed Happy Trails Highway in honor of this famous couple
    $300 23
Mason, miner & killer are 3 types of these insects
    $300 3
In Greece, 100 lepta make up 1 of these
    $300 8
Ernest Borgnine & Paddy Chayefsky both won Oscars for this 1955 movie about a Bronx butcher
    $300 18
1992 marks his 10th year as head coach of the Chicago Bears
    $400 29
In April 1992, after serving six months in prison, this former Washington, D.C. mayor was released
    $400 21
She & Andy Mill have a real love match; they celebrated the birth of their first child in 1991
    $400 26
The adjective feliform describes anything that resembles one of these animals
    $400 4
The currency of Cuba
    $400 9
Robert Preston played Beauregard & Lucille Ball the title character in this 1974 musical
    $400 16
In the words of Noel Coward, these "and Englishmen go out in the midday sun"
    DD: $1,000 30
In August 1992 this federal judge who presided over the Watergate trials, died at the age of 88
    $500 22
When this British actress starred in "Ryan's Daughter", she was married to its screenwriter, Robert Bolt
    $500 27
Koalas & kangaroos belong to this order of mammals known for poorly developed young
    $500 5
Before decimalization, 12 pence made 1 of these, 20 of which made one pound sterling
    $500 10
In this 1962 film, brainwashed Laurence Harvey is controlled by his spy mother, Angela Lansbury
    $500 19
In 1978 Christina Crawford hit No. 1 on the bestseller list with this book

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Cheech Steven Alan
-$400 $600 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cheech Steven Alan
$3,200 $2,800 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Also known as.)
    $200 21
This Louisiana city's been called "The Queen of the South" & "Crescent City"
    $200 2
This first lady of song was Downbeat Magazine's Best Female Jazz Singer 18 years in a row
    $200 1
George Shelby dedicates his life to abolition in this Harriet Beecher Stowe novel
    $200 17
Historic ones of these occurred on St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572 & St. Valentine's Day in 1929
    $200 14
While living in Puerto Rico, Sally Jessy added this, her mother's maiden name. to her own
    $200 5
He snuck a self-portrait into his "The Last Judgment" fresco in the Sistine Chapel
    $400 22
To do something superfluous is like carrying coals to this town
    $400 3
Billy Strayhorn's music for this big band leader included "Take the "A" Train"
    $400 8
He wrote many short stories with surprise endings including "The Gift of the Magi"
    $400 18
The officer who led the mutiny on the Bounty
    $400 26
Her original name was Jill Oppenheim; now she's Mrs. Robert Wagner
    $400 6
"At the Moulin Rouge" took this French artist to new heights of fame
    $600 24
Its state seal features the Navy frigate Raleigh, which was built in Portsmouth
    $600 4
His "The Girl From Ipanema" won the Grammy for Record of the Year in 1964; the first jazz record to do so
    $600 9
This Sylvia Plath novel was first published under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas
    $600 19
During the Six-Day War, ground troops under this eyepatched Israeli minister of defense almost reached Damascus
    $600 7
Melted watches dot the landscape in this Spaniard's "The Persistence of Memory"
    $800 25
"New" land discovered in 1642 by Abel Tasman
    $800 12
Among the "Simple Pleasures" on his 1988 album was "Don't Worry, Be Happy"
    $800 10
Lady Brett Ashley elopes with a bullfighter in this Hemingway novel
    $800 20
In 1836, two months after he took the Alamo, this general was routed by Sam Houston at San Jacinto
    DD: $1,000 15
She modeled for husband-to-be Alfred Stieglitz's photos, and he sold her paintings
    $1000 27
Interestingly, it's Canada's newest province
    $1000 13
"It Wasn't All Velvet" is an autobiography of this man who once sang with the Chico Marx Band
    DD: $500 11
Dr. Pangloss is the tutor to this title character created by Voltaire
    $1000 23
Two years after William II became emperor, he sank the hopes of this "Iron Chancellor" by firing him
    $1000 16
You have to have a big wall for his circa 1480 work "The Birth of Venus"; it's over 5' X 9'

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cheech Steven Alan
$11,000 $6,000 $3,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

This state with several hundred ghost towns was admitted to the Union on Halloween in 1864

Final scores:

Cheech Steven Alan
$12,500 $4,000 $2,000
Winner: $12,500 to CARESA; week's big winner has total doubled 2nd place: $10,000 to Friends of Choices Sober Living Scholarship Fund 3rd place: $10,000 to PRASAD

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Cheech Steven Alan
$10,300 $6,000 $4,000
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
20 R,
2 W
7 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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