Suggest correction - #5849 - 2010-02-04

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    $400 16
There have been more than 130 million views on YouTube for "The Evolution of" this, including the twist & the robot

Show #5849 - Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010-A College Championship quarterfinal game 4.


Nick Yozamp, a junior from Washington University in St. Louis

Surya Sabhapathy, a senior from the University of Michigan

Dan D'Addario, a senior from Columbia University

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
Like Pearl Harbor, Marine Corps Base Hawaii is on this island
    $200 5
In 2009 Nebraska's Huskers rolled, spared & struck their way to the NCAA women's title in this sport
    $200 23
Hope you catch up to the fact that a pomodoro is this fruit used in many pasta sauces in Italy
    $200 1
"Billy Budd, Foretopman"
    $200 11
Muammar al-Qaddafi, from King Idris
    $200 24
A cleverly sharp head of a faculty
    $400 3
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA.) Because synchronization with the propeller hadn't been developed yet, the gun was mounted above the propeller arc on the Caproni Ca.20, which the Museum of Flight considers the first of this basic type of military aircraft
    $400 12
Its Tar Heels won the 2009 NCAA basketball title
    $400 13
Don't cry--it's only this vegetable known as a tamanegi in Japan
    $400 6
"To the Lighthouse"
    $400 15
Nicolas Sarkozy, from Jacques Chirac
    $400 25
The smell of the document you receive upon graduating
    DD: $1,000 4
All 28 members of this international organization have sent troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan
    $600 20
In 2009, this school's Gators won their second BCS title in 3 years
    $600 16
In the Netherlands cut up a komkommer to add this gourd to your salad
    $600 7
"Absalom, Absalom!"
    $600 17
Deng Xiaoping, from Hua Guofeng
    $600 26
A B.A. in hosting a TV show
    $800 10
In the U.S. Marines, if you're one rank below corporal, you're this type of corporal
    $800 21
The Cardinal women outstroked their rivals from Cal to bring this school a 2009 NCAA rowing title
    $800 29
In Poland, pick up some kalafjor if you crave this broccoli relative
    $800 8
"Songs of Experience"
    $800 18
Asif Ali Zardari, from Pervez Musharraf
    $800 27
A bureau for the clothes of a teacher of college courses
    $1000 14
The U.S. Army unit insignia with the 23rd Greek letter signifies these operations
    $1000 22
This upstate N.Y. academy's team has won back-to-back National Collegeiate Boxing Association titles
    $1000 30
Mamma mia! In Rome this vegetable is cavolo
    $1000 9
"Their Eyes Were Watching God"
    $1000 19
Jose Zapatero, from Jose Maria Aznar
    $1000 28
A short, quick motion of the head on the square open area on campus

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dan Surya Nick
$3,000 $800 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Surya Nick
$9,200 -$200 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with a "P", and somewhere in the word there will be an "H" followed by a "D".)
    $400 6
As well as a list in a book, this word also means something that points out; hence this finger
    $400 16
There have been more than 130 million views on YouTube for "The Evolution of" this, including the twist & the robot
    $400 1
1934: "Invincible Louisa: The Story of the Author of" this classic
    $400 5
Ptolemy I wrote to sovereigns & governors asking for works by all authors to build this library's circulation
    $400 28
Study up for your GRE, short for this test; you're probably not hittin' grad school without it
    $400 11
Hippos & rhinos are also these, thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates
    $800 7
Extensor digiti minimi is the muscle that lets you straighten this when holding a teacup
    $800 17
Thousands of prisoners in the Philippines re-enacted the moves of the video of this Michael Jackson hit
    $800 2
1986: Her, "Plain and Tall"
    $800 22
The Manuscripts & Archives Division of this library known for its marble lions has Washington's farewell address
    $800 30
Subjects in this grad field include food science & plant breeding; maybe you'll run the Cabinet dept. of it
    $800 12
The state of being a mom or dad
    $1200 8
Olden tradition said the vena amoris, or vein of love, ran from this one of the 10 fingers
    $1200 19
Fatso from Spokane is the lovable "Keyboard" this animal
    $1200 3
1972: "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of" this group
    $1200 23
This priceless word comes before "Library of Philadelphia" in the name of a system with over 6 million books
    $1200 26
A 2006 study in N.J. found those going for this business degree are the most likely grad students to cheat
    DD: $2,800 14
This term for a solid figure having many faces comes from the Greek for "many faces"
    $1600 9
In piano playing the fingers are numbered; a right-hand triad uses these 3 numbers
    $1600 20
"I'm On a Boat" is one of many popular parody songs that started on this TV show & then went viral on the web
    $1600 4
1995: "Walk Two" of these celestial bodies
    $1600 24
Since 1537 it's been the legal depository for all books published in France--en francais, s'il vous plait!
    DD: $2,200 27
His will provided $2 million to an Ivy League univ. to establish a graduate school of journalism; quite the prize
    $1600 15
The name of this plant is from the Greek for "fond of trees"
    $2000 10
All primates have 2 of these bones in each thumb & 3 in each other finger
    $2000 21
A popular animation about a unicorn with this name follows him to Candy Mountain, where he loses a kidney
    $2000 13
1978: "Bridge to" this imaginary kingdom
    $2000 25
Located on Capitol Hill, it publishes the journal Shakespeare Quarterly
    $2000 29
"Hold" this last name of the medical family who put on a clinic & established a graduate school of medicine in 1915
    $2000 18
The Curies discovered radium in 1898 while working with this ore of uranium

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Surya Nick
$17,800 $12,200 $16,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The July 1, 1946 cover of Time magazine depicted him with the caption, "All matter is speed and flame"

Final scores:

Dan Surya Nick
$13,584 $17,000 $20,000
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dan Surya Nick
$17,200 $12,200 $14,400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
12 R,
1 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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