Suggest correction - #5845 - 2010-01-29

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    $400 17
On the holiday called Vesak, observers celebrate his birth, enlightenment & death

Show #5845 - Friday, January 29, 2010


Jordan Piel, a speech language pathologist from Boston, Massachusetts

Francie Futterman, a consumerologist and writer from St. Louis, Missouri

Rebecca Dixon, a graduate student and musician from Vancouver, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $28,402)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will rhyme with "all".)
(Alex: And in honor of the 52nd Grammy Awards show, which will be on CBS this Sunday, we have a whole category devoted to...)
    $200 16
After coming to America in 1620, William Brewster served as religious leader for this colony
    $200 1
To deliberately delay an action or event
    $200 6
Baby blue whales are about 7 months old & 50 feet long when this process that ends suckling takes place
    $200 21
"Painting is my shame", said this guy, but the pope ordered him back to Rome to paint a ceiling anyway
    $200 7
This singer's win at the 51st Grammys was an emotional moment

"Everybody, thank you all. Thank you."
    $400 17
On the holiday called Vesak, observers celebrate his birth, enlightenment & death
    $400 2
To remove an elected official by special petition
    $400 12
Starting at about 5 months, chimps are carried by their mothers this way that contains the name of another animal
    $400 22
This newsman who took on McCarthy also covered the plight of migrant workers in "Harvest of Shame"
    $400 8
In 2007 this ex-Mouseketeer not named Britney was honored for her song "Ain't No Other Man"
    $600 18
In 1975 this future Nobel Prize winner became the first black Anglican dean of Johannesburg
    $600 3
A sudden, violent windstorm
    $600 13
Baby pelicans don't stick their heads into the fridge for something to eat but into here
    $600 23
In 1983 he wrote "Shame"; 5 years later "The Satanic Verses" would make a bigger splash
    $600 9
He had something simple & eloquent to say in 2009 when he won for "Say"

"I just--I love making music, and I hope you all do, too. It's the best thing in the world. Thank you very much. Thank you."
    $800 19
During the 1500s under his leadership, Geneva became a major center of Protestantism
    $800 27
In 2001 the Rockettes took part in the inauguration & danced down the steps of this memorial
    $800 4
To fish by dragging a net through deep water behind a boat
    $800 14
National Geographic profiled a leopard teaching her cub, called Legadema, the skills & stealth to do this
    $800 24
The shame this French "fils" felt over his illegitimate birth in 1824 didn't stop him from writing "Camille" in 1852
    $800 10
Kristian Bush & Jennifer Nettles make sweet music as this country duo, Grammy winners in 2009
    DD: $1,600 20
In 2002 Rowan Williams was appointed by Elizabeth II the 104th person in this position
    $1000 26
Every December the Rockettes perform at this "illuminating" ceremony held at Rockefeller center
    $1000 5
Poorly planned expansion of urban areas, leading to long commutes & pollution
    $1000 15
"Don't be cruel" to these postlarval young eels
    $1000 25
Spoiler alert! In "Oedipus Rex", ol' Oedi blinds himself, while this woman hangs herself in shame
    $1000 11
No one but her took home the Female R&B Vocal award at the 50th Grammys

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rebecca Francie Jordan
$3,600 $2,600 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rebecca Francie Jordan
$8,200 $4,000 -$400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the body of water into which each river flows.)
(Alex: Each correct response beginning with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $400 23
Many of the fairy tales compiled by them came from Dorthea Viehmann, a widow who came to town to sell produce
    $400 13
This 1960 Rat Pack film was remade in 2001
    $400 18
Shatt Al Arab River
(a gulf)
    $400 1
Generally the Senate starts the day with 10-minute speeches by these 2 people or those they designate
    $400 5
This Emperor's wall was completed around 126 A.D.
    $400 7
This Japanese craft involves folding paper into shapes
    $800 14
This waterlogged 1935 movie with Charles Laughton & Clark Gable was remade in 1962 & 1984
    $800 19
Brahmaputra River
(a bay)
    $800 2
Generally the Senate ends the day by doing this, rather than adjourning
    $800 6
This Roman Emperor appears to grow fatter on coins minted during his reign from 54 to 68 A.D.
    $800 8
A 1990 Federal law defining crops grown this way says they can't be produced using arsenic or synthetic fertilizer
    $1200 15
This 1974 Walter Matthau-Robert Shaw movie came through the station again in 2009
    $1200 20
Colorado River (a gulf or sea, before a dam dried things up)
    $1200 3
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the deck of the USS John C. Stennis.) Several aircraft carriers are named for presidents; this one's named for John C. Stennis, who chaired this defense-oriented U.S. Senate committee from 1969 to 1980
    DD: $1,400 24
In 41 A.D., this Emperor remarked, "Would that the Roman people had a single neck" to cut in a single stroke
    $1200 9
It's often the highest gear in a motor vehicle transmission
    DD: $2,600 16
This 1957 Glenn Ford-Van Heflin western was remade in 2007
    $1600 21
Garonne River
(a bay)
    $1600 4
The Senate has to advise & consent to these, & did so on a 2007 taxation one with Belgium
    $1600 25
Reigning from 14 to 37 A.D., he was emperor when Jesus was crucified
    $1600 10
Jack London was a 2-time Socialist Party candidate for Mayor of this city near San Francisco
    $2000 17
This 1960 Jack Nicholson-Jonathan Haze movie was remade as a musical in 1986
    $2000 22
Tagus River
    $2000 12
The 9 honored with Reception Room portraits include the "Great Triumvirate": Clay, Calhoun & this Massachusetts man
    $2000 11
It's a military term for armaments

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rebecca Francie Jordan
$12,600 $12,800 -$2,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The official address of the Atlanta Braves is No. 755 on the drive named for this man

Final scores:

Rebecca Francie Jordan
$24,600 $10,600 -$2,800
2-day champion: $53,002 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Rebecca Francie Jordan
$12,000 $11,600 -$2,800
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
5 R,
6 W

Combined Coryat: $20,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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