Suggest correction - #5826 - 2010-01-04

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    $1200 26
As well as cell division, meiosis means this 14-letter term, like "LeBron James is a decent player"

Show #5826 - Monday, January 4, 2010

Ask Alex #24: Prizes.


Charles Soule, an attorney from Brooklyn, New York

Jennifer Broders, a junior high school social studies teacher from Stockton, Iowa

Neel Varde, a food scientist from St. Charles, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $30,001)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Rhett Butler's lines from the book or the film. It could be either one.)
    $200 11
January 20, 1265:
This political body meets for the first time
    $200 1
Katrina Bowden as Cerie, Liz Lemon's assistant
    $200 15
In 1993 the FCC required analog TVs sold in the U.S. to display this to help the deaf & the non-English speaking
    $200 6
Old Rip Van Winkle is among the fine brands of this whiskey type made in Kentucky
    $200 21
A large drinking vessel with a single handle & often a hinged cover
    $200 26
Rhett Butler tells a weeping Scarlett, "Never in any crisis of your life have I known you to have" one of these handy
    $400 12
October 4, 1535:
The first complete modern English version of this is published
    $400 2
Michael Urie as Marc St. James, an assistant at Mode magazine
    $400 17
By definition, it's what you do at an ingress
    $400 7
Opened in 1923, Yamazaki Distillery was this country's first
    $400 22
Payment offered & made for the return of lost property
    $400 27
On honeymoon Rhett says, "Forget about Atlanta. I brought you to" this city "to have fun"
    $600 13
September 2, 1666:
This deadly conflagration begins
    $600 3
Kunal Nayyar as Caltech scientist Rajesh Koothrappali
    $600 18
Timbo the elephant lived at Shambala, the retreat of this former Hitchcock movie actress, & liked when she fed him Clorets
    $600 8
After moving across the Detroit River, this brand was forced by the U.S. to put its country of origin in its name
    $600 23
7-letter word for a grove of fruit or nut trees
    $600 28
Skeptical of the South's chances, Rhett notes that "There's not a cannon factory south of" this line
    $800 14
December 12, 1189:
This monarch leaves England for the Crusades
    $800 4
Amanda Righetti as Grace Van Pelt, a rookie member of the California Bureau of Investigation
    $800 19
If Simon LeBon had stomach acid going up his esophagus & causing heartburn, he'd be suffering this
    $800 9
Bushmill's & Tullamore Dew come from this island
    $800 24
Clumsy, or hard to handle
    DD: $2,000 29
The movie added this adverb to Rhett's famous final line
    $1000 16
January 9, 1806:
The state funeral for this naval war hero is conducted
    $1000 5
T.J. Thyne as Dr. Jack Hodgins, an expert on insects, spores & minerals at the Jeffersonian Institute
    $1000 20
8-letter term for a jug of Pooh's favorite stuff, or for the wax structure that a queen bee builds to store her nectar
    $1000 10
The tiny town of Penderyn houses this U.K. nation's only whisky distillery
    $1000 25
An explosive device used to break down a wall; you might be "hoisted with your own" if you're unlucky
    $1000 30
Rhett: "You've turned me out while you chased" him, "while you dreamed of" him--not tonight

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Neel Jennifer Charles
$1,200 $3,200 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Neel Jennifer Charles
$3,800 $9,400 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talking about songs that were hits twice.)
    $400 3
This city's Haight-Ashbury District emerged in the 1960s as a mecca of the counterculture scene
    $400 1
"Groovy Kind Of Love":
The Mindbenders in 1966, this man in 1988
    $400 8
Fur is spoken in this troubled westernmost province of Sudan
    $400 13
When a snake sticks out its tongue, it's not tasting but using this sense
    $400 18
She's the subject of the world's first postage stamp, seen here & issued in 1840
    $400 24
5-letter word for when the intended meaning is different from the literal meaning
    $800 4
Yes, dear, this insurance center is the largest city in the Connecticut River Valley
    $800 2
"Barbara Ann":
The Regents in 1961, this group in 1966
    $800 9
The lead singer of the band Dengue Fever is from this country & often sings in Khmer
    $800 14
Cats have tapetum lucidum membranes in this body part, so they have 2 chances to catch photons
    $800 19
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a stamp on the monitor.) In the authentication process of certain stamps, detection fluid is applied to the back, revealing this type of transparent impression
    $800 25
"To be or not to be" is not a thesis but an example of this, also meaning "the opposite"
    $1200 5
The American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker peace group, is headquartered in this city
    $1200 21
"Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me":
Elton John in 1974, this man & Elton in 1992
    DD: $3,000 10
Tok Pisin, spoken on New Guinea, is this type of blended language & Tok Pisin literally means "talk" this
    $1200 15
Rats have poor vision but can enhance their perception by using these, also called vibrissae
    DD: $2,000 20
The U.S. stopped issuing this type of stamp in the 1970s, when most domestic mail was being sent that way anyway
    $1200 26
As well as cell division, meiosis means this 14-letter term, like "LeBron James is a decent player"
    $1600 6
"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" is a nonfiction book about events in this Georgia city
    $1600 22
"This Old Heart Of Mine":
The Isley Brothers in 1966, this man in 1990
    $1600 11
Formed in 1906, the party to represent speakers of this language in Finland is still going strong
    $1600 16
Some moths are able to detect chemical love signals called these up to 7 miles away
    $1600 29
From the Latin for "remind", it's a stamp, like the civil rights one seen here, issued to honor a person, place or event
    $1600 28
Interrogatio is the classical name for this device that, unlike our clue, requires no response
    $2000 7
Texas' "Sun City", it's a sister city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
    $2000 23
"You Don't Have To Say You Love Me":
This woman in 1966, Elvis in 1970
    $2000 12
In ancient times, the Phoenician language spread to this city, where it became known as Punic
    $2000 17
This fish seen here has a rod & bait on top of its head to lure & catch prey
    $2000 30
The postmark on the stamp & envelope indicates it's one of these collectibles mailed on the day it was originally issued
    $2000 27
Excursus is another term for this drift into a tangential or unrelated topic, from the Latin for "to go aside"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Neel Jennifer Charles
$7,000 $18,600 $16,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

"I had no idea of originating an American flapper... I simply took girls whom I knew very well" & "used them for my heroines"

Final scores:

Neel Jennifer Charles
$7,100 $32,401 $30,001
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $32,401 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Neel Jennifer Charles
$7,000 $16,600 $14,400
11 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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