Suggest correction - #5816 - 2009-12-21

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    $800 20
A capon is a neutered male one of these

Show #5816 - Monday, December 21, 2009

Ryan Chaffee game 2.


Mallory Ortberg, a student and waitress from Menlo Park, California

Tom Cohen, a fur broker from Hewlett Harbor, New York

Ryan Chaffee, a tutor from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
"The most trusted man in America", he signed off at 92; and that's the way it is...
    $200 1
Completes the complaint that might take you to a podiatrist, the agony of...
    $200 10
Constantinople officially became this city in 1930
    $200 24
IKEA's Fira is a mini-chest of drawers intended for these entertainment items in their jewel cases
    $200 15
There was good kinging in the 800s--Leo the Wise ruled the Byzantine Empire while England had Alfred the this
    $200 5
He does the "Cinderella story. Outta nowhere" bit in the classic golf movie "Caddyshack"
    $400 9
This founder of the Special Olympics & member of a political dynasty passed away in Hyannis at 88
    $400 2
A shotgun wedding has been punningly defined as a case of this "or death"
    $400 13
Constantinople gained strategic importance due to being situated between the Black Sea & this larger sea
    $400 27
1969 talks on this war were delayed ten weeks over--would the table be a rectangle, implying two sides, or round, implying four equal partners?
    $400 16
Madame Tussaud immortalized people in wax while this man created immortal images of the "Birds of America"
    $400 6
Adam Sandler faces off on the links against Shooter McGavin & Bob Barker in this golf comedy
    $600 21
May saw the deaths of 2 famous Doms--ballplayer Dom DiMaggio & this funnyman
    $600 3
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Birch Aquarium at Scripps in La Jolla, CA.) When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's this creature, found here at Birch Aquarium at Scripps
    $600 14
Constantinople was the meeting point in 1097 when 4 European armies launched the first of these
    $600 28
Term for a modular sofa whose segments are often placed at right angles
    $600 17
As Rousseau was explaining that society corrupts natural morality, this man put food between slices of bread
    $600 7
He played washed-up golf pro Roy McAvoy in "Tin Cup"
    $800 22
This "Father of the Electric Guitar" & one-time husband of Mary Ford stopped strumming at 94
    $800 4
Murphy's law is "Anything that can go wrong, will"; this is a dish of thinly sliced cabbage
    $800 25
The heart of old Constantinople, this immense cathedral's name is from the Greek for "holy wisdom"
    DD: $500 18
While the prophet Zechariah taught the right way to live, this Greek was teaching about right triangles
    $800 12
Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon) recaptures his swing with the help of a caddy in "The Legend of" him (Will Smith)
    $1000 23
In January this "Helga" painter laid down his pencils & brushes at 91
    $1000 20
Seeing several men impersonate Nixon's Secy. of State made me echo an old song & say, "I wonder who's" doing this
    $1000 26
Home to chariot racing, this "horse track" in Constantinople was also used for public rallies
    $1000 19
While Nostradamus was contemplating man's future, this anatomist was figuring out women's reproductive tubes
    $1000 11
In a 2004 film subtitled "Stroke of Genius", Jim Caviezel played this golf legend who retired from competition at 28

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ryan Tom Mallory
$1,000 $2,400 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Tom Mallory
$3,100 $2,400 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...of his songs.)
    $400 1
Even while painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he still signed his letters "Sculptor in Rome"
    $400 17
"It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside"
    $400 6
In 1964 Harry Kemelman began a mystery series with "Friday" this clergyman "Slept Late"
    $400 15
It's not a gal's intent on; this 9-letter word refers to the science of raising animals
    $400 8
Someone whose good qualities seem to be hidden is called one of these "in the rough"
    $400 9
Tampa Bay is an arm of this, the world's largest gulf
    $800 2
While living in Milan, he created a forced-air central heating system for a castle
    $800 26
"Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band"
    $800 7
O. Henry's first book was called these "and Kings", a reference to a Lewis Carroll poem
    $800 20
A capon is a neutered male one of these
    $800 10
Executives leaving a company sometimes get this lucrative type of "handshake" or "parachute"
    $800 11
It was formerly called the Gulf of Siam
    $1200 3
This "Younger" German artist's "Madonna of Burgomaster Meyer" featured the Mayor of Basel & his family
    $1200 27
"She packed my bags last night, pre-flight"
    DD: $900 16
The title of this Jane Austen novel refers to the Tilneys' country home
    $1200 21
From the Old English for "food" comes this word pertaining to livestock feed or expendable soldiers
    $1200 24
Proverbs 31:10 tells us that a "virtuous woman" has a price "far above" these
    $1200 12
The Gulf of Paria lies between Venezuela's northeast coast & this companion island of Tobago
    $1600 4
This Flemish artist's brother Hubert may have contributed to the 12 panels of the "Ghent Altarpiece"
    $1600 28
"When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land?"
    $1600 18
Titles by Philip Roth include "Portnoy's Complaint" & his "Theater"
    $1600 22
Tomatoes sometimes come in this "old" variety, meaning they're open-pollinated & not grown widely
    $1600 25
Kris Kristofferson once sang of this type of "devil", also used to describe an eloquent orator
    DD: $1,000 13
Vietnam's Red River flows into this gulf
    $2000 5
At age 10 artist Paolo Uccello assisted this sculptor on his bronze doors of the Florentine Baptistry
    $2000 29
"When I look back, boy I must have been green"
    $2000 19
John Updike was in the money with this 1981 novel, the third in a series, winning a Pulitzer for it
    $2000 23
Also found on a racetrack, this enclosure is a place to exercise animals
    $2000 14
Israel's shoreline on this gulf is very short, from the city of Eilat to its border with Egypt at Taba

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Tom Mallory
$12,400 $6,000 $800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her 1956 wedding attracted more than 1,500 news reporters to a country with just 20,000 citizens at the time

Final scores:

Ryan Tom Mallory
$12,400 $1,601 $1,000
2-day champion: $33,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ryan Tom Mallory
$14,200 $6,000 $800
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
5 W
8 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $21,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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