Suggest correction - #4464 - 2004-01-22

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    $1000 25
In 2003 Playtex introduced 1/2 sizes to this product

Show #4464 - Thursday, January 22, 2004


Margaret Meehan, a medical records supervisor from Brick, New Jersey

Barry McKnight, a sportscaster from Auburn, Alabama

Clinton Reese, a student from West Lafayette, Indiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $39,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Take the clues in order.)
'60s STUFF
    $200 26
(Sofia of the Clue Crew in Cape Cod, Massachusetts) In the years after leaving Walden Pond, he made four walking trips to Cape Cod, wishing to get a better view of the ocean
    $200 16
His father Shirley Povich was one of the greatest sportswriters of the 20th century
    $200 11
His big wheel built for the 1893 expo in Chicago & used at the 1904 expo in St. Louis was then sold for scrap
    $200 21
By definition, crudites are veggies served this way
    $200 6
In 1967 this company bought Burger King for a lot of dough, boy
    $200 1
On his last of 3 live appearances on "The Ed Sullivan Show", he was only shown from the waist up
    $400 27
This "Breakfast of Champions" author once put breakfast on the table by selling Saabs on Cape Cod
    $400 17
The family tree of actress Leelee Sobieski includes Jan Sobieski, a 17th century king of this country
    $400 12
She left her mark on Louis XV & her name on a big hair style
    $400 22
Egypt's hawk-headed sun god
    $400 7
Photographer Linda Eastman hooked up with this rock star in 1967 & married him 2 years later
    $400 2
You might need "jacks or better" to open when playing this game
    $600 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew) Though part of it was written in one of these Cape Cod dune shacks, his 1957 work "On the Road" begins & ends in New York City
    $600 18
This actor from "Twin Peaks" & "Sex and the City" claims to be a direct descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach
    $600 13
A territory in Africa & a scholarship in Oxford have borne this businessman's name
    $600 23
Speaking familially, the opposite of bro
    $600 8
A soup can Andy Warhol exhibited in 1960 was Campbell's this, of the genus Lycopersicon, & rice
    $600 3
Since 1954, the Blue Angels' home base has been this Florida naval air station known as the "Annapolis of the Air"
    $800 29
This 4-time Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright launched his career with the Provincetown Players
    $800 19
She got her first big break playing Connie in "The Godfather", directed by her brother Francis Ford Coppola
    DD: $1,000 14
Last name of John & Henry, who leased the land for a Louisville racetrack to their nephew
    $800 24
Oops, "I fall down, go" this
    $800 9
Popular fashions in 1967 included the Sgt. Pepper satin uniform look & jackets named for this ex-Indian prime minister
    $800 4
Ceramic name for the type of enamel used in bathroom fixtures
    $1000 30
In January 2003 Provincetown proclaimed this "Naked and the Dead" author's day, in honor of his 80th birthday
    $1000 20
Dancer Martha Graham was a descendant of this colonist whose "Courtship" was the subject of a famous poem
    $1000 15
Though famous for his red-shirted followers, he has an orange fish named for him
    $1000 25
In 2003 Playtex introduced 1/2 sizes to this product
    $1000 10
Comic artist who created the famous "Keep on Trucking" cartoon
    $1000 5
A verb & the words modifying it make up this syntactic unit that's part of a complete sentence

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Clinton Barry Margaret
$1,200 $2,400 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Clinton Barry Margaret
$3,400 $5,000 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, we'll deal with material that is...)
    $400 16
In 1951 British explorer Eric Shipton took photos of what were reported to be the footprints of this creature
    $400 6
Number in the name of a Florida auto race first run on February 22, 1959
    $400 26
This green plant pigment was first produced in the laboratory by Robert Woodward in 1960
    $400 11
March 31, 2002, seen here
    $400 1
Pam Tillis asked us to "Call Me" this woman, "'cause I'm the queen of denial"
    $400 17
Before you ask for mine, you should know it's from the Greek for "self written"
    $800 22
This pack animal is also called the grunting ox because of its grunts of protest when it is overloaded
    $800 7
A period of regulation play in the National Hockey League lasts this many minutes
    $800 27
Of tulips, carnations or dahlias, the one not grown from bulbs
    $800 12
November 3, 1992, November 5, 1996 & November 7, 2000
    $800 2
Eminem compared himself & his daughter to this gangster duo of the 1930s
    $800 18
In church, & on a chess board, it's from the Greek for "overseer"
    $1200 23
This peak in the Karakoram Range is the second-highest in the Himalayas
    $1200 8
(I'm NFL wide receiver Troy Brown) I'm happy to say that a defensive back can only bump me until I'm this far from the line of scrimmage
    $1200 28
The "L" attached to the names of numerous plants refers to this 18th century botanist
    $1200 13
October 27, 2001 & another sea of red, seen here
    $1200 3
A big band number said this man "sailed the sea without a compass, when his men began a rumpus"
    $1200 19
This liquid part of the blood derives its name from the Greek for something molded or formed
    DD: $2,000 24
Pilgrims from all parts of central Asia journey to Tibet to Mount Kailas, which is sacred to these 2 religions
    $1600 9
If you strike out & double in 2 major league at bats, your batting average is .500 & your slugging average is this
    DD: $100 29
Also known as ling, this low evergreen shrub grows in the moors of Britain & is found in peat bogs
    $1600 14
April 14, 1865
    $1600 4
Don McLean's musical tribute to this man begins, "Starry starry night"
    $1600 20
From Greek for "color", it means pertaining to color, or to a musical scale that's been modified
    $2000 25
This river, Pakistan's longest, rises in Tibet & then flows through the Himalayas on its way to the sea
    $2000 10
Minimum number of points you must win to win a set in tennis
    $2000 30
It's the carbohydrate found in fruits used to jell various foods
    $2000 15
October 19, 1987, a "Black" day for Wall Street
    $2000 5
The Beatles' "I'm So Tired" says, "I'll have another cigarette and curse" this man who died in 1618
    $2000 21
A battery of tests will tell you this element's name is from the Greek for "stony"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Clinton Barry Margaret
$9,000 $3,000 $19,900
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It is a video, so I want you to take a look at this photo, while I read the clue for you.)
In 1923 the Zeiss unit seen here was placed under a dome to create the first modern one of these

Final scores:

Clinton Barry Margaret
$6,100 $0 $20,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $20,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Clinton Barry Margaret
$9,000 $2,600 $19,800
12 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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