Suggest correction - #3756 - 2000-12-25

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    $500 25
New gift for day 5 in "The 12 Days of Christmas"

Show #3756 - Monday, December 25, 2000

2000 Holiday Kids Week game 1.


Sandra Thomas, a 12-year-old from Hartsdale, New York

Billy King, a 13-year-old from St. Albans, West Virginia

Elizabeth Rogers, a 12-year-old from Owensboro, Kentucky

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In which you will have to spell the important word.)
    $100 5
Topped with 1,360 lbs. of whipped cream & 3,995 lbs. of strawberries, the biggest of these cakes was over 3.5 tons
    $100 26
These domesticated bees take their name from the sticky substance they hoard
    $100 13
They're the 4 words that precede "All is calm, all is bright"
    $100 1
I'll make sure my cool new Aviator style of these offers protection from UV rays
    $100 21
5 people take the court on each team in this sport played by the Lakers & the Bulls
    $100 4
Don't lose hope when you spell...
    $200 6
95 films were based on this classic fairy tale, from 1898's "Fairy Godmother" to 1998's "Ever After"
    $200 27
A home for some bees, it can also mean any place swarming with activity
    $200 14
"The children say" this cold-hearted guy "could laugh and play just the same as you and me"
    $200 2
We'll build one of these with walls, turrets &, of course, a moat
    $200 22
Since 1935, every 5-Flavor roll of this candy has been made in Holland -- Holland, Michigan
    $200 7
Thanks for spelling...
    $300 8
Roy Sullivan, a park ranger, was struck by this a record 7 times & survived; his hair caught fire twice
    $300 15
Santa Claus is comin' to town & he's making a list, checking it twice & splitting kids into these 2 groups
    $300 3
I'll try not to be one of the 12,000 swimmers rescued by these people in California alone every year
    DD: $1,000 23
It's a 5-sided figure that contains members of the U.S. Armed Forces
    $300 11
You have the honor of spelling...
    $400 9
The longest pizza delivery route (9 hours) is from Christchurch, New Zealand to Scott Base on this continent
    $400 16
This bell time is "a swell time to go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh"
    $400 19
To hang out underwater I'm going to need the mask, the fins & this breathing tube seen here
    $400 24
If Mom brings you home 3 new brothers & 2 new sisters at one time from the hospital, odds are she had these
    $400 12
Don't delay, spell...
    $500 10
The longest undersea tunnel is the Chunnel Tunnel, which runs between these 2 countries
    $500 17
This song has you sing, "Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum" over & over again
    $500 20
We'll need to protect our feet against the edges of this, made of millions of tiny underwater creatures
    $500 25
New gift for day 5 in "The 12 Days of Christmas"
    $500 18
Do me a favor & spell...

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Elizabeth Billy Sandy
$0 $1,300 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Billy Sandy
$200 $4,200 $100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Pancho Villa became governor of this Mexican state in December 1913; & no, he didn't live in the doghouse
    $200 7
Casa de Campo, a big park in this capital of Spain, boasts a zoo-aquarium complex with a dolphinarium
    $200 26
This South American river widens to about 150 miles at its mouth
    $200 2
Jiskha is an online resource to help you with this, so you won't have to say your dog ate it
    $200 21
This shiny-nosed one of Santa's reindeer was made up by an adman in 1939. That's right, you heard me. Made up
    $200 16
The bald type of this all-American bird does have feathers on its head, but not on its feet
    $400 12
In December 1998 the citizens of this U.S. commonwealth voted again not to become a state
    $400 8
Visitors once saw a mama hippo giving birth underwater in the Hippoquarium at the Toledo Zoo in this U.S. state
    $400 3
Mark McGwire's progress on the home run list is tracked on this team's official website
    $400 22
You can sit on Santa's lap at this kind of store named for the way it's divided into different sections
    $400 17
[video clue]
    $600 13
Ratifying this on December 7, 1787 got Delaware on the first of the new quarters
    $600 9
In March 2000 twin golden lion tamarins became a big attraction at this city's zoo, nicknamed the OKC Zoo
    $600 29
This smallest of the Great Lakes shares its name with a Canadian province
    $600 4
At you can build your own one of these & find out if you're on a main branch or just a twig
    $600 23
The name Santa Claus comes from the name of this saint who pays "a visit" in a famous poem
    $600 18
A common type of this tool is named for the claw it uses to pull out nails
    $800 14
Too late to hold a Christmas show, this home to the Rockettes opened December 27, 1932
    $800 10
This country is known for yodeling, cheese & the Zoologischer Garten in Basel
    $800 28
Once steamboats were launched on this river in 1819, traffic flourished from St. Louis to Fort Benton, Montana
    DD: $600 5
"Space & Beyond" is a section of the kids' website of this government agency
    DD: $700 24
Christkindl, or "Christ Child", got changed to this other name that Santa has in some movies
    $800 19
The nasty claws seen here belong to this type of dinosaur unveiled at Chicago's Field Museum in 2000
    $1000 15
In December in various years Mother Teresa, Jane Addams & Martin Luther King, Jr. each won this
    $1000 11
Famous for its koala encounters, the Taronga Zoo is on the harbor in this Australian city known for its opera house
    $1000 27
Over the centuries, this "sea", the world's largest lake, has been getting smaller due to extensive damming
    $1000 6
The word list at runs alphabetically from allergist to these, used by the radiologist
    $1000 25
In France Santa is Pere Noel; British people call him this, which means the same thing
    $1000 20
An animal that retracts its claws pulls them back into this, which also means the holder for a sword

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Billy Sandy
$1,400 $10,800 $4,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

A city with this name is the most populous city in both Maine & Oregon

Final scores:

Elizabeth Billy Sandy
$2 $8,001 $5,555
3rd place: gift certificate + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii Winner: $8,001 + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii 2nd place: gift certificate + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Elizabeth Billy Sandy
$1,400 $10,300 $4,100
9 R,
5 W
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $15,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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