Suggest correction - #3757 - 2000-12-26

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    $100 1
Princess Leia's gown & other cool stuff from this film series are at Chicago's Field Museum till January 7, 2001

Show #3757 - Tuesday, December 26, 2000

2000 Holiday Kids Week game 2.
Missing part of clue 19 of the Jeopardy! Round.


Benjamin Schwartz, a 12-year-old from East Providence, Rhode Island

Anastasia Knasiak, a 12-year-old from Brookfield, Illinois

Tarun Chitra, an 11-year-old from Hockessin, Delaware

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
[video clue - audio portion also missing]
    $100 22
This Sesame Street resident laughed all the way to the bank as one of the hottest holiday items of 1996
    $100 17
The Golden Gate Bridge is found in this state
    $100 9
On July 20, 1969 at 10:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, he became the first man to set foot on the moon
    $100 1
Princess Leia's gown & other cool stuff from this film series are at Chicago's Field Museum till January 7, 2001
    $100 4
The American colonists complained to England about "taxation without" this
    $200 27
A device like this keeps guided missiles on course
    $200 23
(Hi, I'm Julie Pinson from Port Charles.) When I'm not acting, I collect these dolls introduced by Mattel in 1959
    $200 18
You'll find this "Great" 1,700-square-mile body of water in northwest Utah
    $200 10
You're on the money if you know she's the Native American guide depicted on the new gold-colored dollar coin
    $200 2
The Viking Ship Museum is one of the top attractions in Oslo, the capital of this country
    $200 5
It's how the letters in the sequence "E, F, G, H, I, J" are arranged
    $300 28
Eternal question posed by this cartoon
    $300 24
The Warner Bros. edition of Trivial Pursuit features special tokens, including one of this yellow bird
    $300 19
Of the 4 presidents pictured here [rest of clue unavailable]
    $300 13
This Frenchman gave his name to the raised dot printing & writing system used by the blind
    $300 3
It's "Gouda" to know there's a museum featuring types of this dairy product in Alkmaar, Holland
    $300 6
Math process symbolized by an "x"
    $400 29
The 2 names this creature goes by for sports fans in Detroit & Cincinnati
    DD: $900 25
In March 1999 the makers of this board game introduced a new player token, a sack of money
    $400 20
Of Pittsburgh, Cleveland & Detroit, the city that's farthest east
    $400 14
The real "Mr. Peanut", this scientist made more than 300 products from peanuts including soap & ink
    $400 11
There's a New England pirate museum in this Massachusetts city, as well as a witch museum
    $400 7
Passports & drivers' licenses are forms of this
    $500 26
This Milton Bradley board game is a quick-draw version of charades
    $500 21
This U.S. island of the north Pacific with a 4-letter name is only about 30 miles long & 8 miles wide
    $500 15
In 1912 she founded the very first troop of Girl Scouts, then called Girl Guides, in Savannah, Georgia
    $500 12
When visiting Yokohama, "worm" your way over to the museum devoted to this fine fabric
    $500 8
It was a time of rebuilding after the Civil War, & before all the Confederate states were readmitted

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Tarun Ana Ben
$0 $1,600 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tarun Ana Ben
$600 $3,800 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You don't have to worry about that yet!)
    $200 6
Famous 1863 speech by President Lincoln that began, "Four score and seven years ago..."
    $200 2
It's the 6-letter word for a nonmagical human
    $200 19
You can see this Biblical couple in Masaccio's "The Expulsion from Paradise"
    $200 22
The 2 U.S. states with north in their names
    $200 16
Number of nickels in $1 plus the number of dimes in $1 plus the number of quarters in $1
    $200 4
This name is popular in England because it was the name of England's queen for most of the 1800s
    $400 10
It's the year America celebrated its bicentennial
    $400 3
When Harry was a baby, this evil wizard killed his parents & left him with a lightning bolt-shaped scar
    $400 20
As its name indicates, the "Ghent Altarpiece" was painted for the inside of one of these buildings
    $400 23
This heavenly body is also known as Polaris
    $400 17
If candy bars are 40 cents each & you have $3.00, this is the maximum number you could buy
    $400 5
It's how Jesus is pronounced as a first name in Spanish-speaking countries
    $600 1
Davy Crockett was among nearly 200 men who died defending this mission-fortress in San Antonio, Texas
    $600 13
Harry's godfather Sirius Black was "The Prisoner of" this title place
    $600 21
Turner's "The Shipwreck" is a seascape; Ruisdael's "Wheatfields" is this earthy equivalent
    $600 24
Pyongyang is the capital city of this Asian country
    $600 18
If gas is $1.40 a gallon & your dad's tank holds 11 gallons, it costs this much to fill 'er up
    $600 7
This French form of the name Peter is also the French word for "stone"
    $800 11
After journeying 4,000 miles, this pair's expedition finally reached the Pacific Ocean in November 1805
    $800 14
At age 11 Harry Potter began attending this boarding school of witchcraft & wizardry
    $800 25
This "Territory" of nearly 300,000 square miles was ceded by Great Britain to the U.S. in 1783
    DD: $500 8
This first name in the news in 2000 is a combination of the names of parents Elizabet & Juan
    DD: $400 12
During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676 this 1st permanent English settlement in America was burned to the ground
    $1000 15
Harry Potter spends summers at 4 Privet Drive with this family
    $1000 26
The Elbe, the Thames & the Rhine Rivers all flow into this body of water
    $1000 9
First name shared by Russian president Putin & Dominican outfielder Guerrero

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tarun Ana Ben
$1,800 $8,000 $6,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Hero whose son is seen here on a Swiss postage stamp

Final scores:

Tarun Ana Ben
$1,800 $8,200 $1
2nd place: gift certificate + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii Winner: $8,200 + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii 3rd place: gift certificate + a trip for 4 to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Oahu, Hawaii

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tarun Ana Ben
$2,200 $7,500 $6,300
11 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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