Suggest correction - #5714 - 2009-06-11

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    $1200 27
John Travolta voiced the title canine in this 2008 family film

Show #5714 - Thursday, June 11, 2009


Beth Ford, a professor of African-American literature from Wellesley, Massachusetts

Kyle Abello, a recreational coordinator from Solvang, California

Jason Pratt, a middle school history teacher from Woodbridge, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $15,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Motown records got its name by shortening this 2-word term for Detroit
    $200 1
Ouch! I'd better scrape the thorns off the nopal type of this desert plant before I cook it
    $200 21
Inuit boat of sealskin
    $200 5
In 1959 this Cuban led the overthrow of the military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista
    $200 11
... Bismarck, this state's capital. That's it, nothing else, I just want to go there
    $200 16
In 2010 the stadium for this university's Wolverines will hold more than 108,000; Go Blue!
    $400 27
Convenience store chain named for its hours of operation in 1946; today you can get a Double Gulp there 24-7
    $400 2
I'll wash my snack down with one of the Jones Soda Co.'s fun flavors, like Fufu Berry or this color Bubble Gum (as I'm a boy)
    $400 22
A firecracker that fails to fire
    $400 6
Grolier says this man "contributed directly to the collapse of the Romanov dynasty shortly after his own death"
    $400 12
...this city on the French Riviera; I'll hit its casinos & its Promenade de la Croisette, then maybe catch a film or 6
    $400 17
Sammy Sosa hit his 60th homers of 1998, 1999 & 2001 in this Chicago venue
    $600 28
Brand whose name is a shortened form of National Biscuit Company
    $600 3
I melt at the sight of this soft French cheese, be it de meaux or de melun
    $600 23
A highway patrolman's "gun" or a Golden Earring "Love" song
    $600 7
Under this nickname, W. Mark Felt leaked info to Woodward & Bernstein that toppled a president
    $600 13
...this Thai city, where the royal family lives in the Chitlada Palace
    $600 18
This NFL squad plays its home games at Invesco Field at Mile High
    $800 29
The big K in the name of this retail chain is in honor of founder Sebastian S. Kresge
    $800 4
Instead of wrapping sushi in nori, which is dried this, I'll eat the nori as a snack
    $800 24
From the Latin for "wheel", it's the part of a helicopter that provides upward lift
    $800 9
In 1996 this Russian chess champ bested an IBM computer in a 6-game tourney; in '97, Deep Blue returned the favor
    $800 14
...this 86,000-square mile region disputed by India & Pakistan that also extends into China
    $800 19
In 2009 this baseball stadium's ghosts had to move across 161st Street to its new address
    DD: $4,200 30
Al Copeland named this fast food franchise after a character in "The French Connection", not a cartoon
    $1000 8
I'll keep my yap shut or I won't get any of these "canine" cakes of deep-fried cornmeal
    $1000 25
Asian new year celebration
    $1000 10
On June 20, 1947 this gangster found out exactly how displeased Meyer Lansky was about the cost of the Flamingo Hotel
    $1000 15
...Jidda, on the Red Sea & home to nearly 3 million in this country
    $1000 20
The Minnesota Twins have won 2 World Series championships at this enclosed home stadium

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jason Kyle Beth
$1,000 $2,000 $5,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Kyle Beth
$5,200 $0 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Sarah: RISO, Denmark's national laboratory for sustainable energy.)
    $400 6
T.S. Eliot's poem title this "land" comes from Jessie L. Weston's "From Ritual to Romance"
    $400 22
Nicole Kidman & Hugh Jackman starred in this epic about the land Down Under
    $400 1
In 1871 British Columbia joined Canada on the condition it be linked to the eastern provinces by this
    $400 16
Czech, please: the Mozart symphony named for this capital underscores a 1990 ballet
    $400 11
It's a wind of at least 4 mph
    $400 21
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew wears a hat and holds a small spinning propeller at the RISO Nat'l Lab for Sustainable Energy in Denmark.) Using polymers, RISO created an electricity-generating hat powered by this type of readily available energy
    $800 7
A Lillian Hellman title refers to the Song of Solomon line about how they "spoil the vine"
    $800 26
Robert Pattinson played dreamy vampire Edward Cullen in this 2008 blockbuster
    $800 2
Oddly, this province is 1/2 hour ahead of Atlantic Standard Time
    $800 17
"Duo Concertant" is performed to a Stravinsky piece composed for piano & this stringed instrument
    $800 12
You'll ask for this if you want a Budweiser in Barcelona
    $800 23
To boost fuel cell technology, RISO is working to safely produce & store this, atomic No. 1
    $1200 8
This title of Maya Angelou's autobiography comes from the poem "Sympathy" by Paul Lawrence Dunbar
    $1200 27
John Travolta voiced the title canine in this 2008 family film
    $1200 3
In 2006 Stephen Harper led this political party to power
    $1200 18
This Khachaturian "Dance" with a weapon in its name enlivens the wedding scene in the ballet "Gayane"
    $1200 13
He was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1960 to 1964 & from 1977 to 1982
    DD: $2,000 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the RISO Nat'l Lab for Sustainable Energy in Denmark.) Here straw is being converted into this type of fuel, whose name indicates it comes from living matter
    $1600 9
The Hugo-winning Kate Wilhelm novel "Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang" gets its title from this man's Sonnet No. 73
    $1600 28
As Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, Tom Cruise plots to kill Hitler in this fact-based drama
    $1600 4
(Alex reports from the CBC in Canada.) The CBC's "Hockey Night in Canada" has aired since October 11, 1952, when the Red Wings lost to the Canadiens in a game played at this Montreal sports temple
    DD: $2,000 19
No nuts to crack, but "Andantino" has music by this composer
    $1600 14
In 1877 the U.S. fought a war with this Indian tribe
    $1600 25
This Toyota hybrid model introduced in 1997 was already green, but the Danes made one that runs on wind power
    $2000 10
This Cormac McCarthy title comes from a Yeats poem about a senior citizen's hope to transmute himself into art
    $2000 29
Jewish brothers Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber & Jamie Bell survive in the forest in this WWII-set drama
    $2000 5
We old Canadians sometimes slip up & refer to Canada Day, July 1, by this former name
    $2000 20
"Thou Swell", a ballet tribute to this Broadway composer, is danced to songs he wrote with Lorenz Hart
    $2000 15
It's the type of Jewish folk music heard here
    $2000 30
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the RISO Nat'l Lab for Sustainable Energy in Denmark.) Danes produce 40% of the world's wind turbines & are making them more efficient as part of an energy-independence policy, spurred by this 1973 event

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Kyle Beth
$8,800 $5,200 $10,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 2007 book about these 2 men is subtitled "Victorious American and Vanquished Virginian"

Final scores:

Jason Kyle Beth
$17,500 $0 $2,799
2-day champion: $32,701 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jason Kyle Beth
$8,800 $11,000 $10,200
14 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
15 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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