Suggest correction - #3969 - 2001-11-29

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    $2000 17
The harsh aftertaste of this soft drink helped make it a synonym for feistiness or spunk

Show #3969 - Thursday, November 29, 2001

(Sarah: I'm Sarah of the Clue Crew. Today on Jeopardy!, everything's fair game. Stay tuned.)


Adam Lipsius, a video professor and filmmaker from New York, New York

Frank Stasio, a data analyst from Los Angeles, California

Susan Rathke, a residential caregiver from Madison, Wisconsin (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Ours, of course.)
A, E, I, O, U
(Alex "Y" will be a vowel sound in each correct response.)
    $200 12
Carbon dioxide is swapped for oxygen in the alveoli of these organs
    $200 1
She only made it to No. 4 with "Fame", but topped the charts with "Flashdance... What A Feeling"
    $200 10
"Profound" adjective for the part of the "South" stretching from South Carolina to Louisiana
    $200 20
A hacker stole this billionaire's credit card number off the Internet & used it to order Viagra for him
    $200 14
1960s NBA superstar guard Robertson was known as "The Big" this
    $200 2
It was back to ghoul for John Kassir on HBO's "Tales from" this place
    $400 18
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of this poisonous metal
    $400 4
In an eerie scene, Dean Stockwell lip-syncs "In Dreams" in this David Lynch film named for another song
    $400 11
A classic 1936 book about the literary peak of Boston & Concord was called "The Flowering of" this area
    $400 21
He authored "Between Hope and History: Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century"
    $400 3
Term for a family where dad took off, mom ignores the kids, etc.; Sally Jessy would be jobless without them
    $600 19
When the heart's atria contract, blood flows from the right atrium into the right this
    $600 5
The "Wind Beneath My Wings" is from this weepy Bette Midler-Barbara Hershey film
    $600 15
Geographic collective name for Delaware, Maryland, Missouri & Kentucky from when they refused to secede
    $600 22
Seen here, this actor headed the drama department at Montana State University before his acting career took off
    $600 29
Also standing for a unit of energy, this is the most frequently used letter in printed material in English
    $600 6
I don't mean to do this, but it means to inquire unnecessarily into something, or open it by leverage
    $800 26
The plasma globulin called transferrin transports this ferric material
    $800 9
(Hi, I'm Jane Krakowski of Ally McBeal.) Appropriately, this woman sang "Viva Rock Vegas" on the soundtrack to my film "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas"
    DD: $1,200 16
It's what PN stands for in PNNL, a national laboratory in Richland, Washington
    $800 23
TV journalist & producer of such PBS series as "Genesis: A Living Conversation"
    $800 28
This letter found in Mr. Thant's name is a Burmese title of respect, meaning "Mister"
    $800 7
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew helps us out.) The term for a worker in the area seen here is also a 1980 Jodie Foster film
    $1000 27
These tiny bits of cytoplasm lacking nuclei are there to gang up in clots
    $1000 13
He recorded standards like "It Had to be You" & "Our Love is Here to Stay" for "When Harry Met Sally..."
    $1000 17
Thought to be barren, the Great Plains were marked on pre-Civil War maps as "The Great American" this
    $1000 24
(Here's Sofia having some fun at the San Diego Zoo.) This playful bird is not to be confused with the spoonbill, playbill or T-bill
    $1000 25
This comes before "Claudius" & "the Jury" in literary works
    $1000 8
In physics it pertains to force or power; in comics, it pertains to the "Duo" of Batman & Robin

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Susan Frank Adam
$1,600 $2,600 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Susan Frank Adam
$2,200 $5,600 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the main character of each cartoon.)
    $400 7
Derided as the "Pearson Pennant" after the prime minister, it was adopted in 1964
    $400 18
Ahhh...this one really doesn't take me back
    $400 3
His "Pygmalion" includes the line "I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe"
    $400 1
"No Parking Hare"
    $400 13
Charles Dickens' Mr. Creakle likes to whack pupils on the hand with this measuring device
    $800 8
Beginning in February 1942, Canada moved 21,000 people of this background to internment camps
    $800 20
It might be Bon Jovi's favorite
    $800 4
Filmed in 2000, it's Doug Wright's play about the Marquis de Sade in an asylum
    $800 2
"Scent-imental Romeo"
    $800 14
(Sarah tattoos the show's logo on her arm.) My temporary tattoo uses this dye that's also used to redden hair
    $1200 19
In 2000 this party led by Preston Manning, not Pat Buchanan, was absorbed by the New Canadian Alliance
    $1200 21
Some "training" required for this one
    $1200 5
In the '30s Wolfe wrote "You Can't Go Home Again" & Kaufman & Hart wrote "You Can't" do this
    $1200 6
"Beep Prepared"
    $1200 15
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's this type of reef-dwelling eel
    DD: $5,000 22
The 1947 discovery of the Leduc fields began an oil boom in this western province
    $1600 25
By definition, this sign is commonplace
    $1600 9
"Nothing On" is the farce performed by the actors in this Michael Frayn comedy
    $1600 10
"The Slick Chick"
    $1600 16
The Temptations said it's a "ball of confusion"; Wittgenstein said it's "everything that is the case"
    $2000 23
William Lyon Mackenzie led a failed 1837 revolt; this grandson of his was Canada's longest-serving prime minister
    $2000 26
Marian the Librarian could have used this warning
    $2000 24
Later a congressman from Iowa, this man played Gopher on "The Love Boat"
    $2000 12
Andrew Wyke & Milo Tindle are the main characters of this tense Anthony Shaffer drama
    $2000 11
"Tabasco Road"
    $2000 17
The harsh aftertaste of this soft drink helped make it a synonym for feistiness or spunk

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Susan Frank Adam
$17,000 $15,000 $1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Christopher Buckley called his book on the life and work of this artist "Blossoms and Bones"

Final scores:

Susan Frank Adam
$13,000 $30,000 $2,300
2nd place: Trip to Royal Antiguan Beach & Tennis Resort New champion: $30,000 3rd place: Shopping Spree

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Susan Frank Adam
$17,000 $12,800 $1,400
15 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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