Suggest correction - #5667 - 2009-04-07

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    DD: $1,400 20
Number of U.S. states that begin with the letter I

Show #5667 - Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Peter Murray, a non-profit fundraiser from Seattle, Washington

Becky Anderson, a retired software specialist originally from Morganton, North Carolina

Eric LaForest, a high school history teacher originally from Jacksonville, Florida (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,762)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Notice the spelling there.)
    $200 11
Alcohol may have contributed to his leaving the army in the 1850s; he came back fighting in the 1860s
    $200 26
This author returns with "Harry Potter and the Nagging Back Injury", because why not make another billion?
    $200 6
Until 1809 this legendary character was portrayed as tall & thin; Washington Irving made him jolly & stout
    $200 21
By him in 1899, the Oedipus Complex
    $200 16
Number of representatives from Alaska in the U.S. house
    $200 1
A move from coach to first class
    $400 12
He drove around his Texas ranch in a convertible & stopped to have the Secret Service refill his scotch & soda
    $400 27
Luke Perry returns as Dylan, now a jaded AARP rep, on the newest incarnation of this ZIP code show
    $400 7
On Jan. 13, 1948 at the age of 78, he began his last fast, which lasted 5 days
    $400 22
By Newton--no, Leibniz--no, Newt--anyway, this branch of math
    $400 17
Number of toes on each front paw of most cats
    $400 2
Jill, from Jack (for a moment)
    $600 13
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew uncorks a bottle in a replica distillery in Mount Vernon, VA.) One of Washington's most successful endeavors was Mount Vernon's distillery, the largest in America at the time, which produced this potent potable
    $600 28
What a career makeover! This "Simple Life" hotel heiress wins a Best Actress Oscar for "The English Patient 2"
    $600 8
Told that his obesity would be the death of him, this former governor of Arkansas lost 110 pounds
    $600 23
By Rutherford in 1919, this particle, 22 years after the electron
    $600 18
According to the International Astronomical Union, the number of planets in our solar system
    $600 3
Breaking news from Seth Meyers
    $800 14
The wine tab for this Virginian president for one year in office was $7,597
    $800 29
She won an Oscar as the Queen in "Shakespeare in Love"; now she wins a Grammy for her CD of 50 Cent rap covers
    $800 9
This one of the "Three Tenors" who died in 2007 had mobility problems due to his 350-pound frame
    $800 24
By McCollum in 1913, this, which you need for healthy eyes
    $800 19
Decennoval refers to this number that's also the atomic number of potassium
    $800 4
Manhattan north of 59th street
    $1000 15
This future president disgraced himself as Lincoln's VP with a drunken speech on inauguration day
    $1000 30
Pam Anderson's ex (at press time), this Motley Crue drummer is back on reality TV when he "Goes to Medical School!"
    $1000 10
Actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers said, "I had to create this...strong, powerful (king) without being 6 feet 4 & 300 lbs,"
    $1000 25
By an African trawler in 1938, this antediluvian fish
    DD: $1,400 20
Number of U.S. states that begin with the letter I
    $1000 5
St. Paul, from St. Louis

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Becky Peter
$4,400 $1,400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Becky Peter
$5,400 $5,600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

____ & ____
    $400 6
Lorraine Hansberry's African-American family now visits Jake Barnes in Spain for some bullfighting
    $400 16
Film actor: male turkey boat trip
    $400 11
Philadelphia's Torre is one of the nation's largest retailers specializing in this type of clothing for large fellas
    $400 21
The Pacific Ocean current named for this South American country is also called the Humboldt Current
    $400 1
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also" do this
    $400 27
She entered the House of Commons in 1959; a higher post awaited
    $800 7
H.G. Wells sci-fi novel about Sir Thomas More & his ability to not be seen
    $800 17
Country singer: belief knoll
    $800 12
This Virginia college founded in 1693 is home to the Flat Hat Club, the nation's oldest academic secret society
    $800 22
This capital is built on a promontory with the Lebanon Mountains behind it
    $800 2
"And God looked upon the Earth, and behold, it was corrupt" is part of the story of this man
    $800 28
Works by this anthropologist include "Growing up in New Guinea"
    $1200 8
Norman Mailer's true story of Gary Gilmore, a key player in Toni Morrison's "biblical" novel
    $1200 18
Sports star: big cat forest
    $1200 13
Ricky Nelson's parents on TV & in real life
    $1200 23
Popular for winter sports, this Austrian city is the capital of the Tirol state
    $1200 3
This chair "of God" comes up a lot in Revelation; "a pure river of water of life" flows from it
    DD: $2,800 9
Sun Tzu meets Tolstoy on the battlefield in this classic strategy meets storytelling merger
    $1600 19
Magnate: invoice fence openings
    $1600 14
In French this 1843 Edgar Allan Poe tale is "Le Puits et le Pendule"
    $1600 24
St, John & Newcastle are towns in this Canadian province
    $1600 4
After Jesus walked on water, the disciples said, "of a truth thou art" this
    $1600 26
She is credited with coining the term "birth control"
    $2000 10
A clue to Umberto Eco's murdered monks--they have the same indelible skin pattern, a flower from Tennessee Williams
    $2000 20
Promoter: organized-crime-family-head monarch
    $2000 15
The founders of Arthur Treacher's bought the London restaurant that originated this convenience food
    DD: $3,000 25
In 2005 this New Mexico city was sued to remove the religious symbols from its official logo
    $2000 5
In 1 Samuel 10, Saul is presented "and all the people shouted" this anthemic phrase

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Becky Peter
$8,200 $10,800 $1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last names found on these 2 sports venues, both in Queens, are anagrams of each other

Final scores:

Eric Becky Peter
$16,400 $16,401 $2,798
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,401 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Becky Peter
$8,200 $13,200 $4,400
17 R,
6 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $25,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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