Suggest correction - #3941 - 2001-10-22

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    $300 8
This word given to a policy of segregation means "separateness" in Afrikaans

Show #3941 - Monday, October 22, 2001

2001 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.


Rick Knutsen, a musician from Brooklyn, New York

Mark Eckard, a software designer from Bedford, Massachusetts

Babu Srinivasan, a history professor from Houston, Texas

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the sport in which each phrase originated.)
    $100 1
In 1871 Chicago, Al promises to retrieve this woman's lantern from a barn but he'll get to it in a minute; oops
    $100 11
Full-court press
    $100 20
When 2 people are shooting guns & their aim intersects at you, you're caught in one of these
    $100 25
Cathy Rigby & Rosie O'Donnell have both played this feline role in "Seussical the Musical"
    $100 17
Nobuyuki Matsuhisa learned his trade at these "bars" in Tokyo, moved on to Peru & then conquered America
    $100 2
Perhaps because of the nursery rhyme, this word for what Little Miss Muffet sat on has come to mean "footstool"
    $200 3
In '69 Al holds up Apollo 11's launch when he's late picking up this 2nd man on the Moon to drive him to Cape Kennedy
    $200 12
No holds barred
    $200 21
This practice that causes searing pain, once used on Army deserters, is now limited to livestock
    $200 27
Ginger the cat sells groceries to mice who are "rather afraid of" her in a 1909 tale by this woman
    $200 26
In the '50s the owner of Danny's Donuts expanded, added hamburgers & altered the name to this
    $200 7
German word appropriate after the following situation
[Alex sneezing]
    $300 4
Uh oh! Security man Frank Wills finds the tape Al forgot to remove for his pals at this complex on June 17, 1972
    $300 13
To be stumped, sticky wicket
    $300 22
The British navy suspended this punishment in 1881; the state of Delaware banned it in 1972
    $300 28
Matilda, seen here, is the resident cat at this Manhattan hotel; you might find her near the round table
    $300 19
This world-famous Austrian opened Santa Monica's Schatzi on Main (schatzi means "sweetheart")
    $300 8
This word given to a policy of segregation means "separateness" in Afrikaans
    $400 5
Al blames irresponsible lending practices, not his own panic-selling, as a cause of this Oct. 24, 1929 event
    $400 14
Down & out
    DD: $1,100 23
It can mean to swindle or overcharge someone, or to thumb his eye
    $400 29
In "The Jungle Book", Bagheera the panther is Mowgli's friend & this fearsome tiger is his enemy
    $400 16
Breed seen here & in the name of Stuart Anderson's steakhouses
    $400 9
This synonym for an imaginary thing came from a mythical monster with a lion's head, goat's body & dragon's tail
    $500 6
Wanting to get this Austrian archduke out of his hair, Al told him to go to Sarajevo on June 28, 1914
    $500 15
Ground rules
    $500 24
If you don't duck during tacking, you might get conked by this horizontal spar at the foot of a sail
    $500 30
Charles Perrault popularized the tale of this well-shod feline known in French as "Le Chat Botte"
    $500 18
This dashing restaurateur is married to Cindy Crawford
    $500 10
In grammar, this is the term for the noun to which a following pronoun refers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Babu Mark Rick
$1,200 $2,300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Babu Mark Rick
$3,000 $3,700 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In a famous duel July 11, 1804 he deliberately misfired; his opponent didn't
    $200 11
This Picasso masterpiece expressing the horrors of war was done entirely in gray, black & white
    $200 6
This officer is charged with maintaining order in a courtroom during a trial
    $200 1
At the end of "Uncle Tom's Cabin", this sadistic slave owner dies insane
    $200 21
Iceland's first settler, Ingolfur Arnarson, named this city "Smoky Bay" because of the hot springs there
    $200 26
Jason Miller earned an Oscar nomination for his electrifying film debut as Father Karras in this 1973 classic
    $400 20
In 1851 he sold the first performance rights to his "Old Folks at Home" to Edwin Christy
    $400 12
Among his many sculptures are "The Cowboy" & "Coming Through the Rye"
    $400 7
The relationship of "Frasier" to "Cheers", or "Melrose Place" to "Beverly Hills 90210"
    $400 2
In "Pudd'nhead Wilson", Twain wrote, "Put all your eggs in the one basket and" then do this to "that basket"
    $400 22
These 2 world leaders met in Iceland in 1986 to ease the heat generated by the Cold War
    $400 27
Shortly before his death, Jason wrote a teleplay about this TV "Honeymooner", once his father-in-law
    $600 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at Marshall Gold Discovery Park.) James Marshall found gold in California on January 24 of this year; I guess it took a few months for news to spread
    $600 13
Life was a "beach" for this Frenchman who captured the two women seen here
    $600 8
It means to tip your hat when greeting someone
    $600 3
F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1922 collection of stories was titled "Tales of" this "Age"
    DD: $2,000 23
An Icelandic volcano is the starting point for the explorations in this Jules Verne classic
    $600 28
Jason played this fellow playwright, also a Pulitzer Prize winner, in the 1980 TV movie "Marilyn: The Untold Story"
    $800 18
She spent "Ten Days in a Mad House" before going "Around the World in 72 Days"
    $800 14
This monumental unfinished Rodin work is also known as "La Ponte de L'Enfer"
    $800 9
This word meaning to heartily drink a beer, or any beverage, dates back almost 500 years
    $800 4
A review said this 1979 William Styron novel "belongs on that small shelf reserved for American masterpieces"
    $800 24
Famous for his laboratory "burner", he also studied the volcanic rocks of Iceland's Mount Hekla
    $800 29
When Jason played Edmund in "Long Day's Journey into Night", this "First Lady of the American Theatre" played his mother
    $1000 19
Those who left the Republican Party in 1884 were dubbed these, from a Native American term for "big chief"
    $1000 15
Court painter to Philip IV, he depicted the Spanish royal family in his painting "Las Meninas"
    DD: $2,500 10
This resort town in the Canadian Rockies is famous for its hot sulfur-water swimming pools
    $1000 5
(Sarah of the Clue Crew is in New Orleans.) This author of the classic American novel "Winesburg, Ohio" once lived here in the Pontalba Apartments on Jackson Square
    $1000 25
A famous hot spring of southern Iceland gave us this term for a steaming hot spring
    $1000 30
Jason won the 1973 Pulitzer Prize & the Tony Award for writing this play about the reunion of a basketball team

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Babu Mark Rick
$5,800 $11,400 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Basically, it's a geography question.)
It's the only country bordering the Caspian Sea that was not a member of the Soviet Union

Final scores:

Babu Mark Rick
$11,500 $12,900 $7,599
2nd place: $2,500 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $2,500 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Babu Mark Rick
$5,100 $9,900 $8,200
11 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $23,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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