Suggest correction - #5664 - 2009-04-02

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    $800 3
"There's no such thing as free cable"

Show #5664 - Thursday, April 2, 2009


Brian Boone, a writer/editor from Ashland, Oregon

Diane Wilshere, an actor and playwright from Manassas, Virginia

Daniel Stauss, a federal claims examiner from Seattle, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $25,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
Dolphins & porpoises belong to a suborder called Odontoceti, which means they have these
    $200 1
This smartphone brand is gunning for the iPhone with the "Storm" touchscreen phone
    $200 26
Often served as an appetizer, edamame are these legumes, served in the pod
    $200 11
This play:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
    $200 6
"Wind Beneath My Wings"
    $200 21
Term meaning to give oneself up, as to the cops
    $400 16
During courtship & fast maneuvers, this bird can beat its wings more than 200 times per second
    $400 2
If you want a bracelet Bravia, this company has developed the world's first flexible OLED screen
    $400 27
The powder form of this green condiment must be mixed with water before becoming a paste
    $400 12
Don't fear! This 1962 Edward Albee play won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award
    $400 7
"Beautiful Day",
"Walk On"
    $400 22
To support, or to sign the back of a check
    $600 17
Not only does it have armor to protect itself, the 3-banded variety of this can also roll into a ball
    $600 3
Plastics are being experimented on to make solar cells, as this 2nd-most abundant element in Earth's crust is costly
    $600 28
Before you have your sushi, try some miso soup, which usually has green onions & cubes of this in it
    $600 13
In his Broadway debut in 2008, Terrence Howard was solid as Brick in this Tennessee Williams play
    $600 8
"Don't Know Why"
    $600 23
My audition for this Las Vegas ensemble didn't go well; maybe male exotic dancing isn't my thing after all
    $800 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew illustrates two fur patterns on the monitor.) It's easy to mistake a jaguar for a leopard, but on closer examination, jaguars often have spots inside these flowery-named markings; the leopard doesn't
    $800 4
The Felica card, a standard in Japan for ID cards, train passes & shopping, uses RFID, this type of frequency ID
    $800 29
Crab, cucumber, rice & this fatty fruit are all wrapped up in a California roll
    $800 14
In this 1949 Pulitzer-winning play, Willy & his 2 sons butt heads
    $800 9
"It's Too Late"
    $800 24
Alliterative term for accidentally causing casualties to one's own combat troops
    $1000 19
The male of this baboon relative is quite colorful--blue cheeks, a long red nose & a red, blue & violet rump
    $1000 5
New super-thin laptops like the Toshiba Portege R500 use this type of hard drive
    $1000 30
Anago is the salt water type of this fish; unagi is the fresh water
    $1000 20
A seedy NYC hotel-saloon & the pipe dreams of its inhabitants are elements of this "cool" 1946 Eugene O'Neill play
    $1000 10
"Days of Wine And Roses"
    DD: $2,400 25
This 7-letter word means to presage or forebode

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Daniel Diane Brian
$3,200 -$400 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Diane Brian
$5,400 $600 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Season 3 premieres on Showtime this weekend. It's a great series. I highly recommend it.)
    $400 26
This capital city lies on the Han River, about 22 miles east of Inchon
    $400 2
"They ain't afraid of no ghost"
    $400 1
A sinister presence at court is Sir Francis Bryan who lost that eye in one of these sporting events
    $400 17
Named for a Bing Crosby movie, this hotel chain is now owned by Britain's Intercontinental Hotels Group
    $400 12
He won a Pulitzer Prize
    $400 11
This South African monetary unit is named for a major gold mining area
    $800 27
This peninsula extends from the Isthmus of Kra in southern Thailand to the Johor Strait
    $800 3
"There's no such thing as free cable"
    $800 8
Sir Reginald Pole, seen here, doesn't get to be king but was the last Catholic archbishop of this

"There is another Catholic with a legitimate claim, a scion of the Plantagenets who ruled before the Tudors and would gladly rule after them."
    $800 18
Founded by a guy named Harvey, this tire company formerly based in Akron is now owned by Japan's Bridgestone
    $800 13
He was a member of the Missouri National Guard
    $800 22
(Sarah of the Clue Crew stands with a robot at SRI International at Menlo Park, CA.) Developed in the 1960s, Shakey the robot could carry out complex operations; according to the Robot Hall of Fame, he was the first mobile robot to do this, meaning to think logically
    DD: $400 28
This region in the northeast, also called Tungpei, or "the northeast", is a "candidate" for having China's best forests
    $1200 4
"Life's greatest adventure is finding your place in the circle of life"
    $1200 7
The scene here is part of the king's campaign against these establishments
    $1200 19
The "King of Beers" was usurped when this country's InBev bought Budweiser in 2008
    DD: $4,000 14
He was Ben Franklin's successor as minister to France
    $1200 23
This cat breed is named for its propensity to lie limply in its owner's arms
    $1600 29
This "gem" of a river becomes a 20-mile-wide estuary between Hong Kong & Macao
    $1600 9
"17-year-old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early"
    $1600 5
This adviser who helped take down Thomas More does lots of the king's dirty work

"There is this... the submission of the Lady Mary."
    $1600 20
Ruth Graves Wakefield, creator of Toll House cookies, sold her treats to this Swiss company
    $1600 15
He defeated the Creek in the 1814 Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    $1600 24
Male names for pistols include "rod" & this other name that also starts with "RO"
    $2000 30
This country forms the entire shoreline of the Sea of Marmara
    $2000 10
"Heroes aren't born. They're built"
    $2000 6
Henry VIII is starting to suspect everyone, even in the honeymoon period with this third wife
    $2000 21
In 2008 the Abu Dhabi Investment Council paid $800 million for a 75% share of this NYC art deco skyscraper
    $2000 16
He served several years as mayor of Greenville, Tennessee
    $2000 25
This -ology is the medical specialty that treats joint, muscle & connective-tissue disorders

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Daniel Diane Brian
$9,400 $15,800 $1,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

She was born on February 22, 10,000 B.C. weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces

Final scores:

Daniel Diane Brian
$18,800 $18,801 $2,400
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $18,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Daniel Diane Brian
$9,400 $15,800 $8,400
16 R,
1 W
12 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $33,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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