Suggest correction - #5660 - 2009-03-27

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    $800 14
"Fiery" adjective used for statements that arouse angry action or rebellion

Show #5660 - Friday, March 27, 2009


Meg Slachetka, a Congressional staffer originally from Hackettstown, New Jersey

Peter Bonilla, a nonprofit administrator from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fred Beukema, a structural engineer from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $49,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
The name of this Alp, the highest in Western Europe, means "white mountain"
    $200 1
"The ___ Mermaid"
    $200 26
Pneumonia may be treated with oral antibiotics, but if you're hospitalized, you'll get the drugs this way
    $200 16
Touching off the "War of the Oranges", Spain declared war on this neighbor on March 2, 1801
    $200 21
Lion dances are entertainment during this country's New Year's Day celebrations--in 2009, January 26
    $200 11
A formal public statement, like the one Abraham Lincoln made in early 1863
    $400 7
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.) As you can see on the relief globe, this volcano that takes up over half of the Big Island rises over 6 miles from the sea floor
    $400 2
"The ___ Molly Brown"
    $400 27
Several Excedrin products are for headache relief; another has the name of this body part that may ache
    $400 17
In a runup to the revolution, deadly food riots broke out in this Russian city on March 8, 1917
    $400 22
After a kill, members of a pride crowd around the meat, trying to get this proverbial portion
    $400 12
Adjective meaning alluring or beautiful, like a movie star
    $600 8
The name of this mountain range of Northeast New York comes from an Iroquois term meaning "eater of tree bark"
    $600 3
"Joseph and the ___ Technicolor Dreamcoat"
    $600 28
Enteric pills don't dissolve in the stomach, which they might injure, but in this organ for which enteric is the adjective
    $600 18
One of the first radio broadcasts of music took place March 5, 1907 when this opera overture was broadcast
    $600 23
For the stage there are kids' versions & a 1913 adult version of the story of this guy & a grateful lion
    $600 13
Mythologically, these terrestrial amphibians were supposed to live in fire
    $800 9
This "colorful" eastern range of the Appalachians stretches from Pennsylvania to Georgia
    $800 4
"___ Face"
"___ Girl"
    $800 29
It's the term for a disinfectant often applied topically, like Bactine
    $800 19
On March 14, 1558 Ferdinand I assumed this "holy" title, the first to do so without being crowned by a pope
    $800 24
Lionsgate is a producer of these
    $800 14
"Fiery" adjective used for statements that arouse angry action or rebellion
    DD: $1,000 10
At 13,665 feet, Mount Toubkal is the highest peak in this range in Africa
    $1000 5
"The ___ Chaperone"
    $1000 30
Amiodarone stabilizes a heartbeat undergoing this, specifically tachycardia
    $1000 20
Not a good sign: on March 11, 1824 this govt. bureau abbreviated B.I.A. began as a part of the War Department
    $1000 25
A tradition of this African country is that rulers were often called "Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah"
    $1000 15
This jawless eel-like fish feeds on other fish by sucking their blood

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Fred Peter Meg
$2,600 $1,000 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Peter Meg
$4,800 $3,800 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 14
A host of sacred writings are in the Scrolls, including a commentary about this psalm writer
    $400 1
In Spain, this Woody Harrelson film was "White Men Don't Know How To Stick It In"
    $400 11
6 of the first 9 winners wore these; Giosuè Carducci's was the bristliest & pointiest
    $400 26
After I start my car, it makes this noise--the name of the movie jalopy seen here
    $400 19
He abducted Helen
    $400 6
This Latin term refers to a daily allowance for living expenses while traveling
    $800 15
The Scrolls were found by a shepherd boy in this year, 2 years after the end of a major war
    $800 2
In Mexico, Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez were in "A Dangerous Relationship", not this U.S. title
    DD: $1,000 12
Like William Inge, Gao Xingjian wrote a play with this transport venue as its title, but his helped win him a Nobel Prize
    $800 27
When I turn the key, I hear cock-a-leekie... cock-a-leekie... which is a soup from this country
    $800 20
This commoner fell in love with Isolde
    $800 7
Term for land owned by the government, or a work of art not under copyright
    $1200 16
The Scrolls are written in Hebrew, Aramaic & this classical language
    $1200 3
In Hong Kong this Will Smith movie is "Superhero Always Stand By You Whenever or Wherever You Need Help"
    $1200 13
Writers from Norway, Sweden & Denmark had already won; in 1939 it was the turn of someone from this country
    $1200 28
The rhyming term for the boots seen here; driving on a flat tire sounded like it
    $1200 21
She deserted Troilus for Diomedes
    $1200 8
This 4th quarter defensive strategy that tries to stop big offensive gains can get groans from fans
    $1600 17
The Scrolls reveal a rich & diversified literary tradition amongst the Jews of this ordinal temple period
    $1600 4
In Latvia, this recent Patrick Dempsey film was titled "I Am In Love With The Bride Too"
    $1600 24
Only Dag Hammarskjold & Erik Karlfeldt have been awarded a Nobel Prize this way; it's not allowed anyore
    $1600 29
Every few seconds I hear Pahrump, Pahrump, Pahrump... which is a town in Nye County in this state
    $1600 22
Psyche was loved by him, the love god
    DD: $1,000 9
Type Cleveland P.D. into Google & you'll get hits for the police department & this newspaper
    $2000 18
Most scholars believe the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by this religious community of apocalyptic Jews
    $2000 5
In Latin America this 2008 horror remake was titled "Bloody Graduation Night"
    $2000 25
The Asian travels of 1944 winner Johannes Jensen got him dubbed Denmark's this British writer who won in 1907
    $2000 23
Leander swam the Hellespont to visit her
    $2000 10
This 2-step dance music is often played at bullfights

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Peter Meg
$10,800 $11,400 $9,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was first designed as "Egypt carrying the light to Asia", & its original intended site was Port Said in 1869

Final scores:

Fred Peter Meg
$19,601 $1,199 $18,200
3-day champion: $69,401 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fred Peter Meg
$10,800 $12,800 $9,800
13 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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