Suggest correction - #5658 - 2009-03-25

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    $800 22
While only 2 of the 6 children from his marriage lived to maturity, he may have fathered others with Sally Hemings

Show #5658 - Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Fred Beukema, a structural engineer from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Beth Crosland, a caregiver from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Dana Sause, a logistics manager originally from Wallingford, Connecticut (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,610)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
He played a stuntman-mobster in "Get Shorty" before becoming the big boss Tony Soprano
    $200 26
Con Thien ambush, Hamburger Hill
    $200 16
Don't type in all these--the reader might think you're yelling
    $200 21
A 1987 Accord (made by this company) said "four sale"; something tells me you can talk the seller down
    $200 11
This large carnivorous marsupial was declared endangered in 2008
    $200 1
Al Gore's environmental film that's a drug administered to get a subject to spill the beans in interrogation
    $400 7
This "Jersey Boy" made several appearances as mobster Rusty Millio, till he got whacked
    $400 27
Sedan, Crecy
    $400 17
Ask before sending a big attachment; big or small, this office product usually represents it
    $400 22
A minivan bore a "Child in Car" sign, an obvious ripoff of this sign from Safety 1st Corp,; C'mon, spring for the original!
    $400 12
Abel Tasman, the explorer for whom the island is named, first charted it in this century
    $400 2
Star of 2008's "Incredible Hulk" who is a software program that gives spyware protection
    $600 8
For business or pleasure, Tony & the boys frequented this strip club owned by Silvio
    $600 28
The Battle of the Piave River, Anzio
    $600 18
If you email in this "directional" fashion to group recipients, don't disclose everyone's email addresses
    $600 23
A store had this word after "ATM", making it redundant; what a waste of money on that sign!
    DD: $1,200 13
It's the ocean to the east of Tasmania
    $600 3
Houston Rockets center who ruled over China from 1368 to 1644
    $800 9
On a trip to L.A. Tony's nephew Christopher jumped this "To Have and Have Not" star & stole her gift basket
    $800 29
The Battle of the Boyne, the Easter Rising
    $800 19
Let people know their message was received; sometimes email falls prey to an overeager filter for this
    $800 24
A cinema marquee says "The Dark Night", leaving this letter off the Batman title; Seriously? No one notices this?
    $800 14
Illegal almost everywhere, the growing of these poppies for medicinal purposes is legal in Tasmania
    $800 4
Coldplay singer known for portraying Jiminy Glick
    $1000 10
Lorraine Bracco played Tony's therapist & this director-actor played Elliot Kupferberg, her therapist
    $1000 30
The Battle of Arnhem, the Siege of Haarlem
    $1000 20
If not all the recipients know each other, don't give out their addresses--use bcc, short for this
    $1000 25
To the guy with a "Perot/Choate" bumper sticker: scrape it off already! they lost their White House bid in this year
    $1000 15
The rough waters of Bass Strait separate Tasmania from this Australian state
    $1000 5
Jack London story about the dog Buck who joins a Nick cartoon about Eliza, who can talk to animals

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dana Beth Fred
-$800 $1,200 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dana Beth Fred
$400 $4,400 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not the TV series.)
(Alex: Each correct response will end with a-f-t-e-r.)
    $400 17
Kathleen Battle's debut with the Metropolitan Opera was as the shepherd in this composer's "Tannhauser"
    $400 12
CBS sitcom star Carlos Estevez
    $400 26
To calculate the ratio of this, divide the total level by the HDL level; a desirable result is below 4
    $400 1
In May 2008 she tied the knot with Henry Hager at the family ranch in Texas
    $400 7
Subtract 2 symbols from the Olympic logo created in 1914 & you get this
    $400 2
This 3-word fairy tale ending tells us how the main characters lived from that point onward
    $800 18
Sadly, this "bubbly" soprano & longtime general director of the NYC opera passed away in 2007
    $800 13
Illusionist David Kotkin
    DD: $1,000 27
On the BMI, this index, 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight; 30.0 & above is obese
    $800 22
While only 2 of the 6 children from his marriage lived to maturity, he may have fathered others with Sally Hemings
    $800 8
This product from Adobe lets you create & share documents in PDF form
    $800 3
Many religions believe in this time yet to come, post-death
    $1200 19
One of Lily Pons' well-known roles was that of the beautiful Rosina in this Rossini opera
    $1200 14
Cool rapper O'Shea Jackson
    $1200 28
(Kelly of the Clue Crew presents a chart.) Before working out, try this excercise: subtract your age from 220; taking 60% & 80% of that number will give you the lower & upper end of your optimal this for training
    DD: $2,000 23
Her father's only daughter, she was called on to christen a new battleship, the USS Missouri
    $1200 9
Though named Marlin, Marlin in "Finding Nemo" was actually this type of fish
    $1200 4
In 1973 Maureen McGovern sang, "There's got to be" one of these "if we can hold on through the night"
    $1600 20
In 1960 she performed "Aida" at La Scala, becoming the first black woman to sing a leading role there
    $1600 15
The pulse-quickening Raquel Tejada
    $1600 24
He made his last major public appearance in 1922 at the dedication of his father's memorial in Washington, D.C.
    $1600 10
You'll go head over heels for these stemless cocktail glasses with thick bottoms
    $1600 5
From the Old Norse for "beam", it's a wooden beam forming the framework of a roof
    $2000 21
Maria Jeritza sang the title role of this composer's "Turandot" at its U.S. premiere in 1926
    $2000 16
1940s bombshell Margarita Cansino
    $2000 25
A chip off the old block, this president's son Fred graduated from West Point in 1871, while dad was in the White House
    $2000 11
Aussie Medicare features this, what the AHD defines as "a guarantee, as of professional or financial security"
    $2000 6
More than 100 million viewed this 1983 TV movie set in Lawrence, Kansas about a nuclear strike on the U.S.

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dana Beth Fred
$6,800 $6,400 $19,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1865 he wrote the line "You're nothing but a pack of cards!"

Final scores:

Dana Beth Fred
$12,800 $100 $21,800
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $21,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dana Beth Fred
$6,800 $8,400 $19,000
11 R,
6 W
12 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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