Suggest correction - #5642 - 2009-03-03

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    $2000 24
Don't mess with Liberty, which you'll find in this state capital

Show #5642 - Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ask Alex #16: Game shows.


Kara Mohler, a history teacher from Silver Spring, Maryland

Ted Skotnicki, a college professor from Niagara Falls, New York

Sanders Kleinfeld, a publishing technology specialist from Cambridge, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,597)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In 1886 Pershing graduated 30th out of 77 from this school
    $200 17
May 10, 1945: Divorce wife No. 3.
May 21, 1945: Marry wife No. 4, Lauren Bacall, & call more people "sweetheart"
    $200 26
1,728 cubic inches equals this many cubic feet
    $200 1
Fred Haise was one of the fortunate 3 astronauts to make it home from this April 1970 mission
    $200 7
This spice precedes "ale" in the name of a beverage & "snap" in the name of a cookie
    $200 2
The proxime accessit isn't an accomplice, he's just the guy who finished in this place, like McCain in 2008
    $400 12
On April 14, 1918 Pershing became the first American general to make use of these in combat
    $400 18
1941: make final film, "Two-Faced Woman".
Feb. 9, 1951: Become U.S. citizen.
After that: Prefer alone time
    $400 27
4 pecks equals 1 of these
    $400 22
In 1921 a team including Frederick Banting discovered this hormone produced by the pancreas
    $400 8
The name of this spice used in Indian cooking comes from the Tamil for "sauce"
    $400 3
If your friend tells you he's a paleophile, don't worry; he's just into stuff that's really this, like dinosaurs
    $600 13
Pershing gained this rhyming nickname for commanding a unit of African-American soldiers
    $600 19
Dec. 21, 1937: daughter Jane is born. Feb. 23, 1940: Son Peter is born.
Jan. 27, 1964: Granddaughter Bridget is born
    $600 28
32 degrees Fahrenheit equals this many degrees Celsius
    $600 23
The middle name of this public television legend was McFeely
    $600 9
Allium sativum, its pungent odor was said to give strength; Egyptians fed it to the slaves who built the pyramids
    $600 4
If you've committed saponification, you haven't been bad; you've made this stuff, like Ivory (& gotten off clean)
    $800 14
When Pershing arrived in France during WWI, he laid a wreath at the grave of this Frenchman
    $800 20
March 29, 1939: Marry Carole Lombard. On set: Remind self not to give damn
    DD: $1,000 29
One eighth of a circle equals this many degrees
    $800 24
In 1942 this composer met Alan Lerner; the next year, the 2 opened their first Broadway show
    $800 10
In Italy the stalk of the Neapolitan type of this garnishing herb is eaten like celery
    $800 5
If you've got oenomania, you're not a crook; you're just crazy for this, like muscat or syrah
    $1000 16
During World War I, Pershing led this U.S. command, the AEF
    $1000 21
March 7, 1946: Win best actress for "Mildred Pierce".
March 8: Rethink position on wire hangers
    $1000 30
18 square feet equals this many square yards
    $1000 25
Frederick Weyerhaeuser founded a company that now has 21 million acres of land harvested for this
    $1000 15
There are summer & winter varieties of this herb whose name means "piquant" or "aromatic"
    $1000 6
If your neighbor's a lapicide, he's not a killer; he's just a guy who cuts this stuff for a living, maybe from a quarry

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sanders Ted Kara
$1,000 $1,200 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sanders Ted Kara
$3,000 $2,000 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 10
A 1968 drought was so bad that this geographic feature advanced 60 miles into the semiarid area called the Sahel
    $400 26
A Room with
____ ____
to a Kill
    $400 6
Nevada named its capital for this frontiersman who, at 16, ran away with traders who were bound for Santa Fe
    $400 1
2-word term for the demographic surge in the U.S. from 1946 to 1964
    $400 20
Early settlers of this northeast state capital lived in Charlestown before moving to the Shawmut Peninsula
    $400 15
The 1934 Indian Reorganization Act was passed after the Blackfoot sent a letter about injustices to this president
    $800 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers a clue from the Newseum in Washington, D.C.) The Newseum in Washington has a ballot box from this country's first free election in 1994; the ANC triumphed over the National Party
    $800 27
in the Grass
    $800 7
He ran away to England to do more printing before going back to Philadelphia to start his own business in 1726
    $800 2
Systematic stress technique used on American prisoners during the Korean War
    $800 21
Rama I built Wat Phra Keo, the first temple in this capital, in 1785
    $800 16
21 Bible books are this type of letter intended for many people
    $1200 12
In 1884 14 nations (none of them African) met in Berlin to decide the status of this second-longest African river
    $1200 28
Who'll Stop The
____ Man
    $1200 8
This No. 1 airport car rental brand is named for a man who ran away & started the Yellow Cab company
    $1200 3
Used as fodder, mangold is a type of this purplish root vegetable
    DD: $2,000 22
In 2003, the 2 men seen here vied to wield power from this state capital
    $1200 17
He was upset to get a letter from Alfred Wallace about evolution theory, as he'd neglected to publish his own
    $1600 13
Musa, emperor of Mali in the 14th c., made a magnificent pilgrimage to Mecca & built the Great this at Timbuktu
    $1600 29
The Breakfast
    $1600 9
This runaway was coached by Pop Warner & excelled in baseball & football as well as the decathlon
    $1600 4
Drugs called these blockers diminish reaction to adrenaline, keeping things mellow & reducing cardiac problems
    $1600 23
At the 50th anniv. of the Baltic Pact, 1 million people formed a human chain from Tallinn to this Lithuanian capital
    $1600 18
Letters of marque give private citizens the right to be corsairs, seizing the merchant these of another nation
    $2000 14
A major East Coast civilization from the eighth or ninth century used these shells, seen here, as currency
    $2000 30
First Monday in
    DD: $4,000 25
It was more romance than horror when, in 1814, she ran away with a married poet & became a novelist
    $2000 5
Field where Richard III fell
    $2000 24
Don't mess with Liberty, which you'll find in this state capital
    $2000 19
Anne Bancroft has a letter-writing friendship with London bookstore employee Anthony Hopkins in this book-turned-film

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sanders Ted Kara
$10,600 $11,600 $19,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1610 Galileo called the moons of this planet the "Medician stars", for the Medici brothers

Final scores:

Sanders Ted Kara
$20,600 $1,600 $23,199
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $23,199

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sanders Ted Kara
$11,600 $9,600 $18,400
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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