Suggest correction - #1887 - 1992-11-17

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    $100 21
In 1871 U.S. telegraphers honored him with a bronze statue in NYC's Central Park

Show #1887 - Tuesday, November 17, 1992

1992 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


Leonard Schmidt, an optometrist and 1992 Seniors Tournament champion from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Robert Slaven, an office automation specialist from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

Jerome Vered, a writer from Studio City, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
On Sept. 9, 1087, this English king died at Rouen in Normandy after falling from his horse
    $100 26
Mary Higgins Clark called her 1980 bestseller "The Cradle Will" do this
    $100 6
Their 1991 NBA championship was the first in the club's 25-year history
    $100 11
On January 8, 1918, he outlined his "Fourteen Points" to the U.S. Congress
    $100 21
In 1871 U.S. telegraphers honored him with a bronze statue in NYC's Central Park
    $100 16
From the name of its U.S. developer, it's a screwdriver with a cross-shaped tip
    $200 2
The first 18 years of this French king's reign were managed by Cardinal Mazarin
    $200 27
It's the last name of Tom, the psychopath Patricia Highsmith created in 1955: believe it or not!
    $200 7
In 1992 he became the first American to win the men's title at Wimbledon since McEnroe in 1984
    $200 12
Jacobites supported the cause of this royal house after the abdication of James II
    $200 22
This playwright starred with girlfriend Jessica Lange in the movies "Country" & "Frances"
    $200 17
An inflatable lifejacket introduced during World War II was named for this shapely actress
    $300 3
As a child, Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus was nicknamed this, meaning "little boot"
    $300 28
Her book, "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd", was inspired partly by a suggestion from Lord Mountbatten
    $300 8
This Triple Crown-winning steed holds the record times for the Kentucky Derby & the Belmont Stakes
    $300 13
France calls its capability to use this type of weapon its "Force de Frappe"
    $300 23
He wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" for a book of poetry co-written with William Wordsworth
    $300 18
Named & fit for a Babylonian king, it's a wine bottle that holds about 20 quarts
    $400 4
In 1524 this Florentine navigator became the first European to visit the New York area
    DD: $1,000 29
This Dickens title character disappears after breaking off his engagement with Rosa Budd
    $400 9
This current world chess champion is scheduled to defend his crown again in 1993
    $400 14
This term for a member of the British Conservative party comes from Irish for "pursuer"
    $400 24
The main goal of Paul Revere's ride was to warn John Hancock & this patriot that the British were out to capture them
    $400 19
George Joseph Camel, a Moravian Jesuit missionary, gave his name to this flowery shrub
    $500 5
This territory, known for its coal mines, voted to become part of Germany in 1935
    $500 30
"Your Royal Hostage" is a mystery novel by this noted biographer who's married to Harold Pinter
    $500 10
Yokozuna, or Grand Champion, is the highest rank in this sport
    $500 15
This numerical term for secret enemy sympathizers comes from the Spanish Civil War
    $500 25
He's Georgia's senior senator
    $500 20
The term "bobby", for a British policeman, is from the name of this Bobby who reorganized London's force

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jerome Robert Leonard
$1,700 $1,800 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jerome Robert Leonard
$2,700 $3,100 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
Bought by the Dutch in 1626, this island is named for the Indian tribe who lived there
    $200 1
Crawford W. Long is credited with being the first to use this for surgical anesthesia
    $200 6
Although in a predominantly Flemish region, most of this city's inhabitants speak French
    $200 14
America's first public high school was opened in 1821 in this New England capital
    $200 11
This 1973 Peter Schaeffer play became a ballet in 1980; a horse opera would have made more sense
    $200 18
Alexander II was called "Czar Liberator" for freeing these Russian peasants in 1861
    $400 27
New Haven Colony merged with this colony in 1664
    $400 2
The EPA has called for a 94% reduction of this mineral fiber, a cause of lung disease, by 1997
    $400 7
This South American capital lies only 7 miles inland from the Caribbean Sea
    $400 15
The oldest of these 2-year colleges opened in 1901 in Joliet, Illinois
    $400 12
The Antrobuses of Excelsior, New Jersey are an "ice age" family in his "The Skin of Our Teeth"
    $400 19
The empress Elizabeth founded Russia's first university in this city in the 18th century
    $600 28
The 1649 Toleration Act gave religious freedom to Catholics as well as to Protestants in this colony
    DD: $1,500 3
Due to successful vaccines, this viral disease was finally declared extinct in 1980
    $600 8
In ancient times this Libyan capital was known as Oea
    $600 23
In 5th century B.C. India, only the people of this caste were able to get a complete education
    $600 13
The Crown Guide to Plays says this Lawrence & Lee play was known in Norway as "Min Fantastika Tante"
    $600 20
Czar from 1613-1645, Michael founded this dynasty that ruled until 1917
    $800 29
As Pennsylvania had no coast, William Penn was given land in 1682 that later became this small state
    $800 4
In 1851 Hermann von Helmholtz invented this instrument for examining the eye's interior
    $800 9
It controls the main approaches thru the Khyber Pass to Pakistan & India
    $800 25
In 1922 she became a government inspector of schools in Italy
    $800 16
The name of this 1933 Eugene O'Neill comedy ends in an exclamation point, & it isn't a musical
    $800 21
In Russian she is called "Ekaterina Velikaya"
    $1000 30
Between 1631 & 1648, he was chosen governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony twelve times
    $1000 5
Used especially in diagnosing brain disorders, CAT, as in CAT scan, stands for "computerized" this
    $1000 10
The name of this capital is probably from Sinhalese for "port" or "ferry"
    $1000 26
Kids are taught to play musical instruments at an early age in this method named for a Japanese violinist
    DD: $2,000 17
To end a war, this Aristophanes title character gets the women to stop sleeping with the men
    $1000 22
Alexander I entered this foreign capital city in triumph in March, 1814

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jerome Robert Leonard
$13,200 $8,500 $3,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was first published between 1861 and 1865; it was revived in 1918; stopped in 1919, and revived again in 1942

Final scores:

Jerome Robert Leonard
$17,001 $17,000 $0
Finalist 2nd place: $5,000 + Jeopardy!/Wheel of Fortune video games for Super NES/Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! Challenge book 3rd place: $5,000 + Jeopardy!/Wheel of Fortune video games for Super NES/Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! Challenge book

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jerome Robert Leonard
$11,300 $8,500 $4,500
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
18 R,
1 W
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $24,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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